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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has graciously given a Royal Command for the appointment of General Prayut Chan-ocha as the 29th Prime Minister of Thailand, as countersigned by the President of the National Legislative Assembly Pornpetch Wichitcholachai. General Prayut received the Royal Command in a ceremony held on 25 August 2014 at the Army Headquarters in Bangkok. Prayut has had his 8 years as a PM. Simple as it is.
  2. If six deputy prime ministers are not ready to act as the prime minister, any other minister can take over the acting role including Gen Prayut.... Wissanu seems to dig very deep into his bag of tricks and really scrape the bottom of the barrel as how he and his cronies can still circumvent the constitution. The attitude towards constitutional law that emerges is frightening. The well-being of the country and its population is completely irrelevant, the only important thing is how he and his clique can maintain access to power and taxpayers' money. No matter what dirty tricks must to be used.
  3. Mr. Watchman, 77 years old, is now the caretaker PM. I don't expect any progress for the country.
  4. Good question. There were times when someone, whom we are not allowed to name here, would have put an end to this government's spasm long time ago.
  5. Months? Ridiculous. It took 2-3 months to write the entire new 2017 constitution with its hundreds of paragraphs. And now the CC also needs months to interpret a single paragraph? This is public deception.
  6. In a poll, over 93% of respondents (sample over 300,000!) want Prayut to go after 8 years as the country's leader. The constitution clearly limits the term of office of the national leader to 8 years. 51 scholars and professors from 15 leading law universities confirm that Prayut's term ends on August 24. The constitutional court finally accepted the petition 2 days before the end of the term of office, although a petition on the same question had already been submitted 2 weeks earlier. Now Prayut will remain seated and officially wait for the decision of the constitutional court, which, as already indicated, can take months, although the case is relatively simple, was predictable for a long time and has already been answered by the 51 legal scholars. It is clear who is trampling on the will of the people, the rule of law and the democratic process. Disgusting.
  7. The democratic processes don't seem to be working properly anymore because some institutions that should be independent are no longer fully independent and are no doing their actual job of ensuring the democratic processes.
  8. This kindergarten-like tendency to dictate adults how they have to live their life is annoying. Younger tourists in particular come to Thailand for the beach and party. If it pays for discotheque-, nightclub- and bar owners to stay open longer and there is a demand for it, why shouldn't they be legally allowed to stay open longer? The justification that when the opening time is extended from 2am to 4am there is suddenly an explosion of more drunken tourists driving around, is far-fetched. I claim the exact opposite will happening. If the police can no longer collect bribes from bar owners for illegally extending opening hours, the police officers have to carry out more traffic checks, in order to get some pocket money again.
  9. It's beyond my imagination that Prayut and his cronies can just take 58 million baht from the state coffers every month to print fancy posters of themselves. It is already clear that democracy has been sabotaged and control over government spending is more than inadequate, but such spending, which is actually only election advertising and only serves personal self-interest to burden the taxpayer, is the lowest level of a banana republic. I'm just amazed that there isn't an uproar among the opposition parties in Parliament over this piracy and misuse of taxpayers' money.
  10. Thailand’s ‘Office of the Prime Minister’ spending as much as US$ 57.71 million or close to US$ 10 million each month... This is probably all paid out from the party coffers or from private political donations. I can't imagine taxpayers' money being used for this. Otherwise it would be a criminal misuse of taxpayers' money. I also think Thailand will have clear laws on party finance and party advertising. I also can't imagine that there is such an expenditure item in the state budget that has been approved by parliament.
  11. Fishing tours are offered on many islands. As a tourist you have to be able to rely on the fact that the tours and fishing spots from the tour organizers are legal.
  12. 51 scholars and professors from leading university law schools confirm that on August 24, Prayut's 8 years as country leader will be over. Only Prayut and his friends "feel" that it is not so. Thailand's already badly sabotaged "democracy" is once again at a crossroad. After the military coup (according to the old constitution, the death penalty was actually intended for the putschists) there is now once again a legal coup (after a new constitution was just written that provides permanent impunity for putschists, equipped the Senate with 250 unelected senators, uses permanent martial law and prohibits freedom of political assembly). Thailand the hijacked country.
  13. The 51 scholars are right. I also see it that Prayut - as of August 24th - has been the country's leader since 8 years. If the latest constitution is to be respected, Prayut's time as leader is up.
  14. I'm a longtime critic of the TAT. But Kudus for the Minister of Tourism, who sees this time the situation on site.
  15. As long as there is the possibility to watch something like this for 2 hours longer, i.e. until 4 am, if you feel like go out late, I support the longer opening times benevolently.
  16. A fairly old problem with the tinted window films. In Thailand not enforced, but when you travel to Malaysia with to dark films in your car, entry may be denied. https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/Aboutface-tinted-windows
  17. .. but fines are "at the discretion of the officer" 555 It's always been like that. When some officers so discreetly stick their arm through the open car window, 10 cm below the line of sight with an open hand.
  18. Thai army purchases make zero sense. Aircraft carriers without aircrafts, submarines without engines and now 2 attack fighterjets without weapon systems but with enormously high maintenance costs. It's unbelievable how taxpayers' money is wasted here.
  19. Prayut is de facto the first (premier) man in the state since 8 years now. When his friends wrote the new constitution back then, nobody thought that Prayut would stay in office for so long. Now Prayut is being bitten by his own constitution. The original idea that the leadership of the country is limited to 8 years by one and the same person should now be circumvented with all tricks. Prayut has led the country since 8 years and this is now being denied by his friends with flimsy arguments. The whole thing is a farce.
  20. Children are children and should never be hit. There are many other ways to discipline children who disrupt the learning collective. Teachers usually learn this in pedagogical seminars. But unfortunately there are some teachers who obviously have not understood the material of the pedagogy.
  21. Sexy and clever girl. For only 5000 baht she gets a media hype that would otherwise cost hundreds of thousands.
  22. What is an entertainment-cum-restaurant? I've lived in Thailand for a long time, but now I feel like I've missed something?????
  23. "He doesn't have much knowledge or understanding of the world and has made mistakes". I could puke if I read something like that. A 27 year old businessman with an intellectual development level of a 3 year old? That's supposed to excuse his negligent actions, which caused a lot of people to die? Ridiculous argument by the lawyer.
  24. The fact that Prayut has been the first and top leader in the state since 8 years cannot be denied. What will follow now, are hairsplitting and formal pony show interpretations since when he holds the title of PM, to keep him in office even longer.
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