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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Unfortunately, long noses often have to pay a higher price. Flat motorcycle tire 250 baht for long noses, Thai price 150 baht. Changing a watch battery: 150 baht for long noses. Thai price 80 baht. I could cite countless more examples. The solution: send a Thai to go shopping in all shops that do not have a price list. It is clear that so many Mam and Pop shops in the tourist regions are losing customers to 7-11, because there, all products have clear prices. Everybody pay the same price for the same product.
  2. Is annoying. You press skip ad and is coming again and again.
  3. Is too much. Reading with a Smartphone is nearly impossible. 2 ads bottom. One is permanent blinking. 100% Annoying. 5 seconds flick. You press skip add. And is coming again and again.
  4. The park government with the dual price system is leading the way and then unfortunately many other industries are copying it. - Hospital bills - Massage shops - Muai Thai Stadiums - Hairdressers - Restaurants - Pharmacies - Shops without price labels - Tuk Tuk rides Caucasians and long noses are the target. Tricking a few extra baht out of this group is Thailand's national sport.
  5. These may just be the last attempts by the whole medical and health clique to remain in the media and to be "important". With the absence or the decline of the epidemic, these "health actors" will become increasingly irrelevant and unimportant. That hurts many egos, especially when Prime Minister aspirations resonate. Furthermore the possibility of "freely" disposing a large state budget is also disappearing.
  6. They will never learn or obey the rules at the crosswalk. It would be safer to eliminate almost all of the crosswalks.
  7. If you want to survive in Thailand, it is one of the first things you should learn. Never hope that other road users will obey the traffic rules or have even learned them.
  8. Zebra crossings are death traps. In Thailand, zebra crossings are only safe if a sufficiently large crowd crosses the street together. Crossing a crosswalk alone as a pedestrian is suicidal.
  9. Na. In the first 5 months of 2022 there were 1 million visitors. I am sure that Thailand and everyone who depends directly or indirectly on tourism would like to see significantly more visitors.
  10. Surely the admission price structures of the sights and national parks were explained in detail to the audience as well as the latest mask rules, the midnight entertainment closing times, the Thai passport system, the insurance obligations and the reporting system if you want to stay with friends in a private Thai house or appartement. So that it all works well with an uncomplicated Thailand vacation.
  11. Very old politicians set the policy for nightlife. What else but puritanical rules are there to be expected. Kindergarten rules. All to bed at midnight and lights out. Such rules have absolutely nothing to do with C19 avoidance. Thailand desperately needs fresh politicians who live more in daily reality and not in this exaggerated senile fear like this old age lawmakers.
  12. LOL Now it hits Pepsi alone? In all 7-11 shops and supermarkets, the prices for countless products are constantly being increased. This selective intervention in economic activity is totally nonsensical. Pepsi doesn't even have a monopoly. Or could it be that it is a revenge measure from the old dispute between Pepsi and est?
  13. 118 from 230000. Nobody denies that there is corruption and that the police is underpaid. However, the 118 out of 230,000 is just an indication that nothing will change in the police system. Real police reform would look different.
  14. The cover photo shows how it looks like when old men with gastritis and rheumatism plan a dance festival. They probably got the thousands of plastic chairs from the airport arrival halls. Those in power who determine people's lives are now so old that they have lost contact with the younger part of the population.
  15. Typical government announcement: Thailand legalizes cannabis That is what you get: No THC, max 6 plants, must register, smoking forbidden, fines and/or prison.
  16. If you have a question about growing marijuana at home in Thailand, call 025907767 or 025907793 or contact your provincial public health office. A new cannabis help line, great. I also use the other one: Hello, is there the anonymos Alcoholics helpline? Yes, how can I help you? How I make a Mai tai?
  17. ... with all the fuss surrounding the quasi-legalisation of cannabis in Thailand, people might wrongly assume that they can use cannabis .... There's a problem. In many media worldwide there was the headline: Thailand legalizes cannabis. In the future there will be tourists who enjoy smoking their joint on the beach and then catched by BIBs who will collect money from them as usual. There are certainly not many tourists who are familiar with all this overly complicated, legal fine print. The trend of those in government to make simple matters more and more super complicated, continues. Be it the legalization of cannabis, Thai passport, residence registrations, workpermits or visa regulations.
  18. So true. If they would drive at least 100 Km/h then. On the highways, it's mostly the totally overloaded pickup trucks that permanently block the right lane. Or the regional farmers with their ancient cars that are incapable of driving which, at 70 km/h, sometimes put themselves in the fast lane kilometers before the planned U-turn. The whole thing then at night without rear light illumination.
  19. I'm always for maximum possible individual freedom, but driving a car is where the fun stops. No car and/or motorcycle license without at least 20 hours driving lessons with a driving instructor. Many drivers here do not even know the simplest traffic rules.
  20. Right. This only works with bribes to the BIB. Ultimately, longer opening hours are not legal and bar owners risk their license. Such unworldly closing times only open the doors to blackmail, although the population wants to be able to celebrate unhindered.
  21. "However, these business operators must .... close at midnight." But that's not "night life". These are regulations for kindergartens and not for adults. As if a busy bar at 2am posed a higher risk than the same bar at 10pm. What puritanical nonsense.
  22. The European holiday season (mid-June to late September) has been largely missed by the hesitant Thai government amateurs. A friend, family with 1 child booked 3 weeks Greece in April for the beginning of September. Another friend, family with 2 children booked Turkey all inclusive for 3 weeks in early May for July. Both friends are usually Thailand fans. Due to the loss of Russian tourists, there are currently very cheap holiday packages for Turkey. If Thailand had managed in time to attract an additional 500,000 European holidaymakers for the summer season and each spend 50,000 baht: that would have been 25,000,000,000 baht. Money that may could have been generated by faster, bolder and clearer entry policies.
  23. The naivety of the government is unbelievable. The belief that tourism and the economy can just be turned on again with a few new regulations more or less, like a light switch, is illusory. C19 measures, Putin's war in Europe, inflation, recession, China's border closure, etc. all result in the fact that the general data for vacation trips to Thailand are extremely bad. The government acts as if they are able to trigger an economic boom with their pompous announcements. The reality is rather that there is still a long dry way ahead for the countrys economy.
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