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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. True. Immigration got the same marriage certificate from me 20 times, over 100 passport copies and countless family photos in their archives. In other countries, you register your home address once, and you only report your new address if you move house. In Thailand, every 90 days you reports immigration the same address and that nothing has changed. This is only an artificial job creation measure for the civil servants. Inefficient bureaucracy costs everyone unnecessarily valuable time and money. In addition, they are crazy for collecting personal data with inadequate data security, poorly programmed applications, authorities that are not networked, a lack of digitalization, and form requirements that are not uniform nationwide. These shortcomings apply unfortunately to many authorities and institutions here.
  2. Yesterday fullmoon party was rainy. Around 6000- 7000 people. Estimate 50% foreigner's and 50% Thais. Closing time was early, not until sunrise. Today most Thais travel home. Ferry's quit full.
  3. Being neutral only helps the aggressor, never the victims. Tolerating war raids by superpowers on smaller countries through "neutrality" is the wrong approach. And which country sent its invasion army here is clear. Russia is bombing all of Ukraine with its rockets with the aim of destroying the country. There must be no tolerance or neutrality for warmongers and war criminals.
  4. It is at least a relief and also a cost saving. The risk of an expensive forced quarantine is also abolished. But I would like more informative details. What about a married couple (both vaccinated 3 times) with a 11-year-old unvaccinated child?
  5. Well, that was 8 years of government without any future visions for the country. Better education, better prospects for young people, land reform, aging society and better care for the elderly, strengthening of democratic control institutions, fighting corruption, more efficient administrative processes, "fairer" judiciary, environmental protection, overfishing, better sewage and waste management, police reform, more critical discussions, more unity and compromises, better data protection and consumer rights, higher income for the masses, fairer distribution of income, more transparency in government contracts, less xenophobia, government and private debt problems, ....... Just to name a few areas. Unfortunately i don't see any significant improvements in these areas, quite the opposite.
  6. Good news. Every hurdle that is removed is a step in the right direction.
  7. China will not change its tough entry quarantine rules that have been in force for a long time, anytime soon. Will there be Chinese tourists who will then accept 2 weeks of forced quarantine at the point of entry + 1 week of controlled home quarantine for a 7-10 day trip to Thailand? Also, the state forced quarantine accommodations in China are not cozy 5 star hotels that you can choose from. The 3 covit tests before entry plus 2-3 after entry are not cheap either. That someone does this voluntarily - 1 week vacation and 3 weeks in prison - is highly unlikely.
  8. People want to travel – and they like to do so by plane. In Europe, the bike tour to the neighboring town was the highlight of 2021 - for 2022 it could be a little more lavish. The travel industry in Europe is surprised by the high demand. Holiday flyers can hardly keep up with the booking requests. Eurowings starts on Sunday with an A380 daily from Frankfurt to Mallorca. And even 4 flights a day would be possible, but they don't have the crews at the moment. If Thailand wants this summer any slice of the european pie, they would have to lift all travel restrictions by May 1 at the latest. Mid June to late September is the big holiday season in Europe and people are booking now (April, May) for it. With a Hesitant - Maybe - Flip Flop - Unclear- Complicated - Travelpolitics you don't get any planes full.
  9. ...expects at least 8 million. They have 444000 in 3 month already. If they want get 7,55 millions more in 2022 they have to do some big changes. Abolish all travel restrictions, open all nightlife entertainment, allow happiness again and give everybody who arrives with a passport a 3 month stamp without paperwork would give them higher visitor numbers. The hope that some super rich VIP tourists bring in the big money and employment for millions of thais in the tourism sector, is only a pipe dream.
  10. The formula is simple: The fewer restrictions and hurdles, the more tourists. But what bothers me the most is the general carelessness in how personal data is handled here. Data (passport copies, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, bank details, health data, etc.) are collected double and triple in Thailand like crazy. Whether: Visa authorities, immigration, Ministry of Health, hotels, airlines, telephone companies, banks, BTS, driver's license office, health insurance companies, supermarkets, online mail order companies, landlords, etc. all store personal data. But how it is about data security is another matter. Unfortunately, that their servers can be hacked and the data then goes into dark channels, or the data is sold, happens too often here. And the Thaipass is a wonderful example of a data hack, how you can get an eMail - Trojanvirus onto your computer if you're not careful. For me that is the main reason to abolish the Thaipass System.
  11. Tourist Arrivales in Thailand 230,497 in Dec 2021 133,903 in Jan 2022 152,954 in Feb 2022 The March figures for 2022 have not yet been published. I suspect that these have fallen significantly again due to the Russian war. If Thailand continues in 2022 with these fearful mini-steps towards normalization in the tourism sector, they will only have 2-3 million tourist arrivals in 2022. The complicated bureaucratic procedure and the financial risk completely stifles the desire to travel. And this applies not only to holiday tourism but also to business trips and medical tourism. Many countries only require proof of vaccination for entry, which is checked by the airline at the check-in counter or a pre-flight C19 test for unvaccinated people. And that was it. Thailand loses billions in tourism revenue to its complicated system, which provides almost no benefit in terms of mitigating the C19 spread.
  12. So after 44 Years some authorities come and dispute the land ownership. And then laws are passed afterwards that subsequently lead to the loss of land ownership? Politically motivated state expropriation. Investors beware.
  13. If they don't make it easier very quickly, it can happen that the few airlines that still fly to Thailand will stop their flights or reduce them even more. If Thailand continues to hold up the entry hurdles, there will be no volume and the airlines can no longer afford to fly with almost empty planes to Thailand.
  14. Executives from the channel met with Yevgeny Tomikhin, the Russian ambassador to Thailand, on Tuesday evening and they agreed to provide Russian news about the war in Ukraine that is based on “facts” because there is “fake news” in international media. Isn't the word: war forbidden in Russian propaganda? Could mean 15 years in prison. Facts are rare in Russia State Media.
  15. In my country there are a lot of restrictions on keeping so-called dangerous dogs. In addition to a ban on keeping certain breeds, breed-specific restrictions on keeping are possible. In terms of the owner, this can mean, for example, that they are of legal age, that they have a certificate of good conduct or that they are required to take a specialist test (colloquially known as a dog handler’s license). When it comes to keeping the dog, other special regulations such as a leash requirement, a muzzle requirement, a chip requirement, insurance requirements, a permit requirement, the requirement to sterilize the dog, the requirement to securely fence off the property on which the dog is kept, or passing a character test for dogs may be prescribed.
  16. Putin's mafia clan lied to everyone. Lies his own population with ever new lies. At first it was just a special mission against the Ukrainian Nazis. It's just a pity that the right-wing got less than 2% of the votes in the last election and aren't even represented in the parliament of Ukraine. Then he lied to his own soldiers that the whole thing was just an exercise. In truth, it is a war of conquest of the entire Ukraine. Anyone in Russia who publicly opposes the war against the so-called brother people is going to prison for 15 years. Then the perpetrator Putin becomes the victim. NATO is to blame. Although many of the Eastern European states have been NATO members since 1999 and 2004. Against this background, Putin's pseudo-argument that NATO would then stand on the Russian border in the event of Ukrainian membership is completely absurd. Then the war is now being justified with the existence of biological laboratories, except that no Antrax is being produced there, but medical research is being carried out on vaccines, etc., just like in any other country. Putin is afraid of his own people. When a bit of democracy flares up and the population asks how such a small KGB officer could become the richest man in the world and why all his 300 mafia friends are billionaires. Putin has shut down and blocked all critical media in his own country. But sooner or later, the truth will come out and then his own people will eliminate him. With this war Putin and his mafia clan bring only misery to the people of Ukraine, Russia and to the people across Europe.
  17. His wealth cannot come from his official state salary. He must have got most of it in other ways.
  18. Putin is afraid of democratic states in his vicinity. Where the people have the opportunity to freely elect or vote out their national leaders. Putin is the head of a mafia cancer clan where 500 oligarch Dons own nearly all of the national wealth. Whoever rebels in Russia and asks where all the money from the oil and gas business has gone will be eliminated, imprisoned or poisoned. Anyone who now publicly professes "peace" will be locked away for 15 years. This is today's Russia. All the countries listed are countries where you can publicly criticize the government. No wonder that these are seen as unfriendly from the point of view of the mafia boss. Only the Russians themselves can free themselves from this bondage.
  19. I am not in politics, but the world vote to condamn the Russian invasion is clear. The President of the UN General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid to read out the clear result of this vote: 141 votes in favour, five against, 35 abstentions. And the Russian embassy can threaten and say whatever they want. In the eyes of world society, they are the military invaders into a peaceful country.
  20. This is nonsense. Putin and his oppressing clan are afraid of countries in his neighborhood where the population democratically elects their national leaders, where there is freedom of expression and where these countries are then economically successful and the broad masses of the population are better off economically. Sooner or later the russian population will realize this and fight back against the repressive machine, where only a handful of Putin's oligarchs own the entire national wealth.
  21. What an idiocy. Even if Russia defeats Ukraine, there will be no long-term peace. The whole thing is going to be a kind of Afghanistan with terrorist bombs, snipers and urban warfare. No Russian occupier can then feel safe. And Putin's propaganda nonsense doesn't work. Brothers do not go into another brother's house and kill their wives and children. Putin has maneuvered Russia into a dead end. Russia has nothing to gain from this war in the long term. All those who previously believed in peaceful coexistence with Russia are now voting to upgrade their military. It's time for the Russians to get rid of this crazy megalomaniac themselves.
  22. form a subcommittee to collect information on the issue. The working group is expected to generate concrete results within two months. LoL. That a committee needs 2 months for this? Ridiculous. Anyone can explain the reason for the overpriced tickets in 30 seconds. So that unnecessary tax money is not wasted on senseless committees: A little hint. The reasons are the same as 7 years ago. There must be definitely photocopies of reports from the last committee in the archives.
  23. If Thai borrows $100 and then says I can only give you back $40, Thai has "won" $60. But unfortunately that is not liquidity and the borrowed money has already been spent or burned in the past. Also it is not a commercial profit that is certain if the turnover is greater than the costs.
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