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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Your assumptions combined with some personal insults are uncomfortable. Welcome to my block list.
  2. That's already clear. As long as it catches you on random sampling. It is different when it becomes a permanent standard procedure upon entry.
  3. When you come to another country as a visitor, I find it generally unpleasant when border officials rummage through your private suitcase, look into your rectum or force you to take a urine test. It's degrading as a procedure. If something like this is standard procedure in a country, I refrain from visiting. Simple as it is.
  4. When pee testing becoming more frequent at the Malaysia borders, cannabis users should no longer travel to Malaysia, whether as a visa runner or as a tourist. Luckily there are many other countries with a more humane attitude.
  5. What a regulatory mess. Why aren't weed sales licenses issued in the same way as alcohol and cigarette licenses? Namely at the local business office. Why is the health authority pushing its way in and now wanting to collect funds from business operators. There is a lack of coordination between the various ministries on a horizontal level.
  6. ....They claim that youth are at risk.... Nonsense. There is probably not a single youth in Thailand who was not able to get weed before it was legalized. With the widespread Yaba drug, which is 1000 times more dangerous for society, you can see that punishments and prohibitions are useless.
  7. 133 + 19 from 300000. What a gigantic achievement. A Real police reform looks different.
  8. The big supermarket chains, 7-11, etc. should be obliged to take back their packaging waste and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way. At present, most of the packaging waste is only unfiltered incinerated.
  9. Somehow there is also an inability for many people to assess the consequences of their own actions intellectually (cognitively), a general irresponsibility and unfortunately also an unhealthy egotism. - If I ride a motorbike and talk on the phone with one hand on my ear, then (consequence) I can no longer brake in time in an emergency and injure myself. - If I drive at night without a working rear light (irresponsibility), then (consequence) other road users cannot recognize me in time and ..... - If I park in the second row in front of the bank to have the shortest way to the ATM (egoism), then (consequence) I block the road and impede other road users. If there is a missing gene, or is this subsequent thinking (what can happen if) not taught at school? Is puzzling to me.
  10. In the last 3 weeks I've heard from tons of people who have/had C19. In a school class, for example, out of 42 students, exactly 30 had C19, but all were well after 1 week with mild symptoms. If the virus stays so mild, there is no reason to spread panic here and no reason for the government to issue any short-circuit rules to restrict the freedom of the population again.
  11. .... to lure more tourists into the country was being hampered by the shortage of aircrafts, rising fuel prices that have pushed up ticket prices and the continued restrictions from Thailand’s largest tourist market – China. In short, it's not our fault, it's the others' fault. The government has nothing to do with the timely vaccine order, no emergency decree is still issued, there were no illogical mask requirement rules, no curfews, all entertainment establishments were not closed for 2 years, no quarantine and entry rules were constantly changed, there were no alcohol and party bans, tourist nightlife has not been closed, the bureaucratic paperwork required for entry has not increased, foreigners were not made the scapegoats for the epidemic, all IT entry systems ran smoothly, the dual price system was abolished and not renewed, there were no statements that everything will only be more expensive for tourists (hotels, tourist tax), the entire immigration procedures have all been simplified and the entire infrastructure such as road safety, garbage, sewage, stray dogs, roads, flood prevention, etc. have been improved, Conclusion: If the tourism figures all depend only on exogenous factors, I propose my Thai mother-in-law as the next prime minister. And she would certainly have done it better for all normal , not privileged, Thai people.
  12. A news report at the lowest level of information. It doesn't get any more vague than that. What is the TAT budget for 2023?
  13. Almost every week there is a TAT prediction about the future numbers of tourists. Is there a statistic that shows the forecast accuracy of the last 5 years? Or which prediction was correct in the last 5 years? If the number is zero, it would make sense to stop this prediction and crystal ball reading and spend the money on more important things.
  14. This is only an accident insurance for a maximum of 30 days and does not replace a travel health insurance, which covers much more than just accidents. In the case of double insurance, the question also arises as to whether the foreign travel health insurance companies will then step out of liability in the event of an accident. And then argue that first of all the 500K from the state Thai pot have to be paid.
  15. I have the money. But somehow I'm not interested in the generous offer at all. Just when I think of the associated paperwork, the endless running around for some kind of official stamps, the many regional officials who look at me with wide eyes and have not heard anything about the scheme, the hundreds of paper copies, the waiting time at the authorities, etc. make me to get vomit. Involved are likely the immigration office, the regional land office, the local tax office, the land registry office, the foreign ministry, BOI, director General, translators, banks, lawyers, the local mayor, surveyors, architects, construction companies, insurance companies, the local electricity office, local supply water company, neighbors and whoever else is stirring the cake. Conclusion: Remind me that time is the most valuable asset I have. I am not interested in this 40 million + X baht scheme for max 1 Rai.
  16. It's just about the money and a group of people who are going to pocket the money. I have my doubts that there are any free hospital services in the event of an accident. Even now, the hospitals check whether you have insurance or money before any medical services are even carried out.
  17. It is not necessary to buy 1 Rai for 40 million Thai baht. You can also rent a nice beach villa for 1 million per year. If there are problems you can simply move. With the rental solution you simply remain more flexible. The rest of the capital can then be invested elsewhere with interest, where the capital commitment is not permanent. In general, the following applies in Thailand: Buying land is easy, but selling is much much more difficult.
  18. Instead of hastily trumpeting such half-thought-out proposals in the media, TAT should first seek dialogue with practitioners and experts in a small circle. It's obvious that the TAT doesn't know much about business and modern tourism marketing. The PR damage is done.
  19. A PR disaster. Apparently has Traisuree Taisaranakul not thought about the media consequences of his statements. The spread via newspapers, internet, social media is taking place worldwide in a flash. What is the message that then arrives at those interested in traveling to Thailand? 1. Hotels are getting more expensive! 2. And only discriminatory for foreign tourists! From the point of view of foreigners, who they want back as tourists, this are double bad news. = moral rejection and a negative in-head implementation of the term "Thailand". From a communication science point of view, you don't need to be Einstein to see how stupid it is to trumpet adhock out unthrought "Proposals" medially, without thinking about the consequences in the target groups.
  20. I am almost certain that there are no foreigners working in the TAT authority, nor any specialists with country-specific knowledge. The knowledge necessary to sell tourists from certain countries a trip to Thailand is non-existent. Country-specific target group know-how, such as moral concepts, social structure, income situation, competitive situation, use of information channels, booking habits, holiday time windows, wishes and needs, etc. TAT = no idea. Just as every unskilled person in Thailand can call themselves "electricians", so everyone here can call themselves "tourism experts".
  21. The anti-tourism ministry at work. They do not understand their job and what they are paid for with taxpayers money. They do more harm than doing their job of stimulating Thai tourism. In a private company, such guys would be fired immediately as a complete failure.
  22. One has to wonder. The TAT gets a lot of state money to promote and stimulate tourism. For long-nosed foreigners there are already a lot of extra inflated prices: - national parks - Hospitals - Museums - some Temple - zoos - Muay Thai Stadiums - some restaurants - Massage salons - hairdressers - Etc. And now a dual pricing system for hotels? The TAT actors no longer even notice what abysmal bad PR they are pouring out. A fodder for negative journalism about Thailand. The economic damage caused by tourists staying away will be greater than the potential gain from discrimination.
  23. Thailand is no longer a cheap travel destination. And certainly not a premium destination in terms of product quality. As long as the rats and the soi dogs roam the streets, and the Roti vendor doesn't wash his hands after pissing. No chance.
  24. True. Car from / to Koh Phangan, oneway with Raja Ferry is now 900 Baht from 620 Baht. That's a price increase of 45%
  25. A provocative question would also be: Are high fossil energy prices bad? Everything that is cheap is more wasted. Billions of people drive to and from work in the mornings and evenings, but there is usually only one person in each car. More carpools and car sharing. Any motorist could easily save 20% of petrol by changing their driving style. Go shopping by bicycle or get a motor scooter or e-scooter that consumes much less. Switch off the aircon and light more often. Buy 12 volt solar systems for lighting. I think the best are the SUV drivers who drive to the fitness center only to sit then on the bicycle ergometer for 1 hour.
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