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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. They can make announcements as much as they want. Crosswalks are and will always be death traps here. I don't know why that is; it is either a question of mentality (the prevailing selfishness here: me first) or a missing gene, which leads to give a "weaker" road user right of way.
  2. If a criminal intentionally evades the court process by fleeing, it should be possible to reach a verdict or at least have the statute of limitations interrupted.
  3. Nationwide, the majority of all schools have been closed since 10 months. What do the children when they don't have school? They meet and play together! In my view, those responsible for school policy have totally failed. To date there is no national concept to organizing regular school operations. Sad
  4. A family member has been trying for weeks to get her 100k Covid money from the insurance. The insurance stopped to answer emails and does not pick up the phone anymore. I think there are already many insurance companies in extreme difficulties.
  5. If drivers make phone calls, write messages or play games while driving, this is immediately noticeable in their driving style. Many slow down, lose lane, brake for no reason, or brake too late. But the culmination of stupidity are the motorcyclists who are on the phone while driving, with one hand on the handlebar and the other hand on the cell phone to the ear. If they suddenly have to react quickly, they are lost. Driving a vehicle correctly also has a lot to do with intelligence. And that's what many lack.
  6. I have also your mind set. Just get on with it. But If u have family here and see what some rules or " not doings from the goverment" do/did to your family then u will also complain. That has nothing to do with " hate thailand". It.is rather the opposite.
  7. I do not think so. Police normaly let people with mental health problems run around freely. Until some yaba addict go crazy and start violence. Then they act. Often too late then.
  8. Less travel restrictions = less stress and costs = more tourists. The WHO makes clear statements on this. https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/air/world-health-organization-calls-for-lifting-of-international-travel-bans
  9. This is precisely the lack of ethics as you wrote earlier. Ai is respected, has power and connections with politicians and decision makers worldwide. Their job is to point out humanitarian abuses, be it on fishing boats, in prisons, in the political arena or in pineapple factories. Seksakol certainly does not understand what the economic consequences of an expel can be for Thailand.
  10. I'm sure that Seksakol the "Isan Rambo" will be called off. Thailand's economy is linked to many economies in the world. That Seksakol is not the brightest candle on the cake is also clear for his senior officers.
  11. I have my doubts as to whether 1 million people really signed it. It would be nice if the exact wording of what exactly was signed was also available. Gathering 1 million legally binding signatures is a Herculean task for a single deputy officer.
  12. Whatever the outcome is, one thing is for sure: a mountain of paper copies and a multitude of officials digging through the mush, each making their own rules.
  13. Those who obtain the certificate can apply for long-term residence visas for up to ten years for themselves and their escorts. This would be good for married pensioner couples if they no longer had to freeze 2*800K in the bank for 5 months.
  14. The visa fee is 10,000 baht per year for each applicant. They will be required to report to authorities once a year to confirm their place of residence. Not so bad. The visa type can be changed in accordance with immigration rules. This means de facto no investment security for 10 years
  15. If the expel become a reality, then there will be negative consequences for Thailand in terms of international investment decisions.
  16. They squeeze the lemon to the last drop. 9pm is bedtime for everyone. Thailand is massively anti fun. The Ministry of Tourism and Sports now anticipates a 1.3-1.8 trillion baht tourism revenue this year, from around 5-15 million foreign visitors. This projection is based on the condition that there will be no lockdowns. I doubt that the predicted 5-15 million foreign visitors will come with these aggressive police methods. Unfortunately, the OP does not say how high the fines will be. If you are caught as a tourist at 11pm with a beer in your hand, you will probably have to make a donation to the police cash register. Not so nice holidays then.
  17. A Thai girl I know got paid from her insurance 200000 Baht because of her Covid infection. Quite a lot of money for many Thais.
  18. 300 baht no problem. The economic damage from government mismanagement is yet to come. In the near future you will get the 300 baht back in, via the exchange rate.
  19. And again, the foreigners are to blame. This stupid oversimplification of a complex problem shows the helplessness of this "doctor". As if their, sometimes idiotic, measures would completely eradicate C19. With such limited-thinking people, the misery only gets worse and lasts longer.
  20. Not at all capable of learning the whole lot. Two years ago the concept of zero C19 infections was still being pursued. Lockdowns, Isolation and Cluster Identification. Now after 2 years and the 3, 4, 5 wave, there are cost-benefit insights. Omicron is everywhere now. How many people actually have Omicron or have already recovered from it, they don't even know. Instead, they are still riding around on the dead 2 year old horse. Since 10 months they have not even been able to organize an orderly school operation for the millions of children and young people. Instead, they politicize the bars, alcohol and tourists. Destructive and unimaginative are the words that best describe this Lot.
  21. .... to protect people. The best way is that this incompetent government disappear as soon as possible. 7 years of damage is enough.
  22. And in 2031 the highest galactic court will confirm - ten years late -the death penaltys for all the bad guys who illegally stole taxpayers money from the state coffers through corruption.
  23. 10 days home quarantine? How about a C 19 Test? Unfortunately, many people do not have a bunker in which to hide out of fear.
  24. Omicron set to delay reopening of bars and pubs. Rubbish. It is the old, fearful medicine men who have been pursuing the policy of scare tactics for many, many months and are responsible for it. How many of the population are actually infected with Omikron and how much of them have already recovered from a C19 virus infection, they don't even know. The ability of those responsible to judge a complex situation in a balanced way with the data from the past is obviously not there.
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