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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. 7 days ago: The controversial figure admitted that there would be some Omicron cases that would "sneak in" among the 200,000 foreign tourists on the Test and Go program. But he reiterated that procedures were in place to handle that eventuality and that Thailand could cope. Those responsible are not even able to correctly assess a situation for 7 days, especially if you already have 22 months of experience. With these short-term, constantly contradicting announcements, there is only more harm than good. Incapable - the whole lot.
  2. It doesn't matter whether there is an election or not. Thanks to the self-knitted constitution, the winner has already been determined.
  3. I think he means: - Tourism has no "slowdown", instead has collapsed by 99%. - Ordered vaccine 5 months late. - Almost all schools have been closed for 9 months without any concept of reopening. - Record levels of private and government debt. - Price increases for many goods. - Continuous spread of wealth distribution from bottom to top. - Regulatory chaos with daily changing announcements. - Definitely no future concepts for the country.
  4. The center screened 455,121,428 messages. That is a gigantic number within 2 years. That corresponds to 623454 messages per day. It is inconceivable that everything should be individual public messages. There would have to be a gigantic staffing level behind that, when every single message is actually read. Hard to believe that this number is true. Old Orwell would turn around in his grave. What exactly was screened and in which sources remains unclear.
  5. This is a lottery with no government or legal supervision. That scammers make money with stupid people is clear. I am surprised that the authorities do not act against such illegal lottery games.
  6. Thailand has its 1000 politicians, 2000 generals and 10000 high so VIPs, all of whom have at least 10-1000 million in assets. This group makes the laws for over 60 million Thais and criminalizes the struggle for survival of many people and families who are at the bottom of the food chain. Disgusting.
  7. There is no uniform policy. Many schools have been closed since April until today. In some districts the schools were partially reopened. To date, there is no uniform concept of how and under what conditions schools can reopen. Every school principal makes his own rules. Here those responsible of the Thai government have failed completely.
  8. There is a very, very small number of nature talents that can keep you in Climax for 2-3 hours, but I don't want to go into too much detail, the subject is too serious for that.
  9. It's political. If you think of all the little civil servants, teachers, office and bank clerks who represent the main constituency of the Prayut Gang. All the renunciation and diligence to work your way up in the limited framework and poorly paid positions of the thai hierarchy. Then comes a Thai farm buffalo girl, stupid as bread, but with outstanding skills to suck up the reproductive juice of foreigners and gain access to money. Classical thai hierarchy levels are skipped and envy is fueled. That is the political background.
  10. Who doesn't want to have a better life and also future security? And the absolute majority of abandoned mothers and adventurous young women try to find the foreign prince in the red light milieu. Those who found one show it around too. Bling Bling gold chain, new motorcycle, car, buy farm land and a new chic house. That the government / police now wants to block these avenues for the poor population has political reasons for maintaining power for the Thai elite.
  11. This, in turn, is related to the distribution of income in the country. Here very few have almost everything and many have almost nothing. I personally experienced the settlement talks from distance, where marriages should be allowed afterwards, but the poor farmworker boys have nothing. Even the poor urban population, four of whom live in cheap apartment block rooms, have nothing. This is the environment from which the absolute majority of girls are in the horizontal trade. The only exceptions are the Super Stunners, who have thousands of followers on Instagram and can choose their clients.
  12. I do not think so. To enjoy the joys of the flesh is human nature. If you think the 15 - 20 year old Thai males thinks about the consequences of their actions in advance, no way, such brain cells do not exist. Thais always live for the moment of joy. If you want to change something in the long term, you can only do that through education and not through maintenance laws.
  13. So bad. Now they want to ban the most direct way to support poor Thai families. What hypocritical opportunists. A sensible, socially critical discussion will probably never take place in this country.
  14. They have not. They closed all Parlors, Discos and Gogos, but still the virus had his waves. The Virus will find always his ways, doesn't matter if in a massage Shop or on a street food market.
  15. Wasn't that 4-5 years ago, in Nataree Massage Parlor, where the lists of names were found with all the bribes and freebies, which police station received how many and much each time?
  16. The business of the BIB must be really bad if they have to chase after the individual prostitutes, many of whom no longer have a chance to do a normal job in society. And how stupid is that? that they have to set up a tip hotline for this.
  17. After tourism, they now want to kill their second best product. Who then take care of all the single mothers who have been abandoned by their Thai husbands without any financial support?
  18. is illogical for me. two Astra shots do not help against Omicron after 3 months, but now the third shot with the same active ingredient should help. Again for 3 months? On the whole, the protective effect of the vaccinations is extremely short. 2 times Pfizer then 3 shots after 6 months. In terms of temporal protection, Pfizer seems to be better.
  19. First it was called for Moderna or Pfizer as the third shot. Now third Astra shot on top of 2 AZ after all? Apparently there aren't enough Moderna and Pfizer shots available? Then Astra or what? So the vaccination recommendations are more than unclear, which one is really the most sensible.
  20. The government has been trying to prevent the virus from spreading since March 2020. If you look at the previous virus waves, the previous measures / restrictions and bans have been of no use. The world is no different. It sucks when the governments make life difficult for people, but in the end nothing better comes out of it.
  21. Airports Nok Air check in waiting lines sometimes terrible. Public transport services In Phuket not exists, only private taxi operaters. Visitor Centers ??? I do not know what it is Sea/Beach Attractions Was good. Umbrella service was friendly. Drinks some place extrem expensive. Eco-tourism Some places not enough public trash bins. Historical Sites Never go to places with double pricing Accommodation services Hotel staff all friendly Restaurant/Food and beverage outlets Restaurants some good, some not good. In girly bars too much annoying Lady drink pestering. Merchandise/souvenir shops Never need to buy souvenirs Health care services Was good. Tour guide services Never need Tour Guides Never used Thai People services Massage lady's many good. Thailand Tourism Directory website visitors. Terrible
  22. the prime minister’s term will end on August 24th 2022, citing Sections 158 and 264 of the Constitution which, in essence, state that an individual cannot hold the premiership for more than eight years. Let's see if Prayut sticks to his self-written constitution. Bitwin already accepts bets?
  23. Such a story is often stigmatized across the board without knowing the exact circumstances. The story spread also in the Thai media. There is also no great journalistic detailed research carried out and differentiated. The evil foreigner is portrayed in a very striking way. The distrust and denial of foreigners will continue to grow among the Thai population. Such events contribute to it. Unfortunately.
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