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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Btw According to the old constitution, overthrowing a government was punishable with the death penalty.
  2. The futsal court project about a decade ago. The pace of prosecution for corruption cases is truly unique here. 10 years. And during that time everyone was free on bail. The Pheu Thai MP and 86 other individuals.... Looting the state coffers and stealing from the people is apparently a national sport here.
  3. Thailand’s narcotics trade is valued at 2.2 trillion baht in 2020. It is a fourfold increase from 2014 since Prayut’s government seized power. One Business which is actually showing strong growth under his government oversight. 400% increase in drugs and 99% decrease in tourism. The government and law enforcement agencies must have slept properly for the past 6 years.
  4. 555. Then he should say it differently. But the generalization is bad. For a minister of state or self-appointed PM successor, there is diplomatic delicacy a quality feature. When a bar chair neighbor in a gloomy Pattaya pub says: All Chinese like poop on the street, I can live with it. But not when a minister says so.
  5. They can do what they want. But all the restriction measures will be of no use. When will the politicians finally admit that they are powerless against the virus? It is impossible to completely isolate a population to 100% and to reduce all contacts with other people to zero. The majority of people have to go out to shop and have to go out to work. The belief that the official measures bring a lot gradually should, after 21 months of experimenting, be buried.
  6. Me too. Since 21 months I have been through everything that various politicians and scientists see or have viewed as good measures. Lockdown, masks, self-isolation, social distance, disinfecting hands, vaccination, alcohol bans, PCR tests, quarantine, travel bans, lots of QR codes, paperwork and whatever else. Now we're back to the beginning and the theater starts all over again. For me personally it is becoming clearer that we have to live with the virus and that the previous measures have not brought us much. And the politicians with all their promises and restrictions are ultimately almost powerless. And the belief that we as humans can somehow control or even control the spread of the virus persists. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for themselves and should decide for themselves how to deal with the risk. And if you disregard your own fate, it is still the case that in 2020 the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 94,859,658.
  7. I will bite. Generalizations are always wrong when there are exceptions. Especially if a self-proclaiming PM candidate is incapable of differentiating and essentially only builds up enemy picture politics. Btw. The real Thai shower champions I know are the girls in the Soapys and Massage Parlors. If they have 5 customers a day, they shower at least 10 times (before and after with each costumer) a day.
  8. The horror reports never ends today. First omicron in Thailand and now that. Scary
  9. He mentioned something called BCG - The Thai media let that slip by without finding out what he meant. I think the TAT is reading along here. Already to see that the thoughts on modern tourism marketing find their way. I suspect the TAT discovered the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth-share matrix as a strategic planning tool. As long as the result is something useful for Thai tourism, it should be fine with me.
  10. As crazy as it sounds we can't get rid of the virus. If you then have the choice of the inevitable infection, it is better to infect humanity with a mild C19 variant than with a more aggressive C19 variant. It is time that politicians and scientists finally admit that we as humanity are largely powerless. Well after 3 months the third injection, new lockdowns and contact bans, then again a new variant and again the 4th injection, quarantine, home office, school closure. How long should it go on like this?
  11. Probably not. I had the pleasure on May 6th. The quarantine was raised from 10 to 14 days again. Unfortunately, I was a day late. I had to book an additional 4 days of quarantine, at that time still with COE. Good luck for you.
  12. I understand the approach. Has been practiced since March 2020. The number of infections is not so decisive. In addition to all the measurement errors (undetected infections, delayed case reports and number of tests), the excess mortality rates for each C 19 variant are much more decisive. If you then believe science, Omikron is more contagious, but with much milder disease processes and lower death rates. But at all, science is still in the dark. It can therefore be doubted whether additional isolation and restriction measures make sense at all, in the case of a highly contagious C 19 variant that anyway eats past barriers built up by people. The recent past has clearly refuted the belief that mankind can have a decisive influence on the path of the spread of infection.
  13. 200 years ago, statistically speaking, the average life expectancy was 35.6 years for men and 38.4 years for women. Nature is now fighting back with a little virus. The human being as skin cancer of the earth. Overpopulation, extinction of species, filthy seas, filthy air, deforestation, melting of the polar ice caps, increase in climatic catastrophes The virus will do its job whether the human is vaccinating or isolating. So enjoy every day of life and finally open the damn go-go bars.
  14. Since March 2020, all the lockdown measures and restrictions have shown that the virus cannot be stopped with the new waves that keep appearing, worldwide. The only thing that has been achieved at best is a time lag. Perhaps a rethink now makes sense and mankind should now - to all appearances - 'sweat out' the milder virus variant. Better to end with horror than horror without end.
  15. True. You found a newer source (krungsri). The bed capacity in 2019 was around 800,000. (The net effect of this is an increase national supply of hotel rooms from 540,088 in 2013 to 784,118 in 2019, or average annual growth of 6.5%) I tried to check/ proof the mentioned hotel occupancy rate of 12% over the whole year of 2021. (They also predicted that Thai hotel occupancy would be 34% compared to this year's dismal 12%) And now I doubt this 12%, at all much more! The discrepancy in bed capacity can already be found in the basic data between the national statistics office and the KrungSri source.
  16. According to Dr. Apisamai, certain requirements will also apply to events with fewer than 1,000 people, such as family or corporate parties. The numbers below 1000 are imprecise and completely unclear. His family party must be pretty big. The servitude of the ruling class is now extremely annoying.
  17. The TAT has absolutely no idea about modern tourism marketing. How about: - CRM? - Differentiation of target groups? - Customer loyalty strategys? - New customer acquisition strategys? - Customer recovery strategys? - Customer ABC analysis? - Customer life cycle accounting? - Competition analysis? - Customer needs analysis? - Product development strategies? - Control and early warning systems? - Category management? - Key account management? - Customer individual Marketing? - Ansoff Strategies? - Market potential analyzes? - Communication and feedback evaluations? - Customer satisfaction measurements? - medium to long-term future visions? - and other modern tourism marketing basics In contrast, the TAT practiced tourism marketing from 1975. A slogan + print ads + TV commercials + exhibition stands and a stone age homepage. The deficits of those responsible with regard to training, specialist knowledge, methodology, analytical precision and mathematic skills are evident. And if you then do benchmarking and compare Thailand with other tourist regions such as e.g. Greece, Spain, Turkey, Mexico or the Dominican Republic in the Covit crisis, one would fire every manager who is responsible for a decline of 99% within 20 months.
  18. As of 2016, the National Statistical Office reported there were more than 10,000 registered hotels. Of the number, 37% were in the South, 25% in the central provinces, 18% in the North, 12% in the Northeast and 7% in Bangkok. The office reported that hotels operated more than 457,000 rooms across the country. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1154987/thailand-length-of-stay-of-foreign-hotel-guests/ In 2019, an average length of stay for international hotel guests was around 9.26 days. In that same year, there were almost 40 million tourists who visited Thailand, with the majority of tourists coming from east Asia region. 457000 * 0.12 = 54840 hotel beds occupied per day. 54840 * 365 = 20016600 per year 20016600 / 9, 26 = 2,16 Million. The difference can then only be Dometic Tourism. Cross check: 400000 international arrivals in 2021 * 9.26 days = 3704000 occupied beds. 457000 *365 = 166,8 Million total bed capacity 3,7 * 100 / 166,8 = 2,2 % Occupancy rate of the hotels by international tourists That correlates well with the decline in international arrivals with minus 99% (base year 2019). Personally, I do not believe that domestic tourism will be 10% of the total occupancy rate of 12% in 2021. The actual occupancy rate is likely to be even lower
  19. To tranform Thailand's tourism Walmart supermarket into a tourism high end Christian Dior shop. LOL Totally utopian TAT fantasy.
  20. The revenues from the shadow economy and prostitution do make an indirect contribution to government revenues. Every new car, motorcycle, refrigerator, tractor, handbag, house, smartphone, water buffalo that is bought with this proceeds provides VAT and profit-related taxes from the selling companies.
  21. LOL completely utopian. Fact: the international arrivals have been down 99% since 2019. In the extended version, the WTTC calculates around 5 million Thais who are dependent on tourism income. The painful economic consequences for the normal Thai population are yet to come. The whole TAT blah blah is only there to distract from there own ineptitude. Meanwhile, at international universities where one can study tourism in higher semesters, Thailand is being examined as a case study for a failed tourism policy.
  22. Only five sub-committees set up. That can only fail. There would be at least 12 sub-committees much better. It's only tax payers money. No problem. What is there to eat? Have the lunch and dinner menu cards already been printed?
  23. If you look at the data and measures of the last time, you can come to the conclusion that the tourism sector is being deliberately dismantled by the current rulers and that foreign visitors (aliens) are actually not wanted in Thailand.
  24. From 40 million in 2019 down to around 400K this year. This corresponds to a decrease of minus 99%. So much for the competence of the tourism strategists in this country.
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