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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Knee-jerk reactions describes many of the actions of the Uncle Tu government perfectly. If clear heads with a reasonable management education would run the country, many Thais would be better off.
  2. Not to forget the annual family photos. One in the bedroom, one in the living room, one in the dining room and one from the house with house number, DIN A4 upright, signed and everything in duplicate. You have to plan carefully when the children study in other cities. They all have to travel for the photo session and come together. Practiced idiocy.
  3. I suspect a senior official has a paper recycling plant somewhere and is earning a golden nose. I cannot imagine that all the paper copies will be kept somewhere.
  4. The biggest problem is the abstinence from an uniform data networking between the individual authorities. Each office also has its own rules and, in some cases, its own forms. Organizationally, a single mess with countless paper copies of one and the same document. It will probably be another 10 years before the authorities in Thailand will have a far-reaching and networked (functioning) digitalization.
  5. The foto in the OP corresponds exactly to the pile of paper that I have to produce in duplicate every year. Insane.
  6. I read your qr code I send you number with pm. U must delete your qr code in foto!!!!
  7. Then it must be a mistake from the hospital where you got your vaccination. They forgot to give you a 13 digit ID number, or they have not entered it in the computer. Do you still have the first slip of paper from your first vaccination? Otherwise you will have to ask again at the hospital. Without 13 digit number you can not be registered in Mor Prom. You didn't cover your QR code!!!
  8. In the pop up menu the month are spelled like Nov, Dec and not numerical like 11, 12. All Gov Thai apps like Thaipass, TM 30, 90 day report, Mor Chana give headache.
  9. Look at your paper certificate. There is your 13 digt number writen on it.
  10. That is exactly the system. This qr code will link you to the database from Thai health authority from every place in the world.
  11. Is not so much different. All data is only in english. I read my international certificate QR with an QR Reader. That's what everybody can see. The data is structured in such a way that it can be transferred to other databases.
  12. This number you will find on your vaccination paper.
  13. The QR is good for international travel. The QR code is read with a QR code reader and displays the data in English. Easier to enter some countries, or to be admitted to restaurants or public events.
  14. No. That is 100% the international Certificate. The local certificate is different tap in mor prom.
  15. In practice it is impossible. Germany has 9 neighboring states and almost all national borders are open due to EU membership. The only thing that can be better controlled are the airports, but such a virus also slips through there.
  16. The message is partially incorrect. As a vaccinated person, the PCR test is also omitted, unless the airline requires one. People who are vaccinated with Sinovac are considered unvaccinated and must have a PCR test. The quarantine requirement is completely eliminated for non-risk areas. Good news for all people coming back from Thailand.
  17. Very good analysis. That's exactly what I'm afraid of. A few of the super vips with the corresponding connections greedily stuff the money into their own throats. The Thai people will go empty-handed.
  18. That would be a great idea. Then the foreigner stands casually in the casino with his mobile phone and takes the stakes and orders over the phone from the Thais, who are not allowed to come in. Also a good idea for the promotion of tourism. But if the profit is not guaranteed to be distributed fairly among the Thai population (money for schools, hospitals, poverty pensioners, etc.) I am against it.
  19. 30 pts: driving on an expired, suspended or confiscated licence. What logic. If you don't have a driving license or have been withdrawn, you can continue to collect points as if you still had a driving license. 555 Apparently you can also overdraw your account like at a bank.
  20. 20 pts: taking intoxicating substances while driving. 30 pts: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Where is the difference?
  21. He is innocent. Just like all the other politicians and officials who have come to inexplicable wealth. It is tragic that 95% of Thais do not even notice that they are being fooled.
  22. 10,000 baht per case? The entire state budget would be used up within 7 days. It's a scam. In reality there is probably only one raffle.
  23. He has called a legal casino "the hottest of hot political potatoes" in a country where hundreds of illegal gambling operations operate in almost plain sight with the connivance of allegedly corrupt police and allegedly even politicians. What a mess. The little people are fined for gambling and the VIPs are allowed to do what they want.
  24. He claimed that on this issue MPs would not give into the temptation to be corrupt "for sure". Ok, I want to believe that in this case. The main thing is that this remains an exception for this one case, "for sure" . Incredible.
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