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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Yes they wanted to see a flypaper, but really didn't checked it. The Thai yellow international vaccination book for 50 Baht has helped me a lot on my travels. This also gave me my digital EU vaccination QR certificate. I think whoever wants / has to fly next year will automatically receive the international digital vaccination certificate in the Mor Prom app until then.
  2. The International tab show International qr pass The Digital Health Pass tab show national qr code. I made my yellow vaccination Pass book in Nontaburi 4 month a go. I assume that is the reason why I have the International Digital pass in mor prom app already.
  3. It all depends on the vaccine. But now many countries are also accepting the various vaccines that are injected here in Thailand. You then have to check exactly which vaccines are recognized in the country of arrival
  4. As a foreigner, you can use the Mor Prom App since a long time if you have had your vaccinations in Thailand. The passport number is not entered, but a 13-digit ID number that is on the vaccination paper. e.g. 6 0000-12345-67-8 And it is usefull when u go in restaurants or fly.
  5. I have this already. Is a QR Code. They can read it out with an QR Code Reader. No paperwork.
  6. The normal population ignores that. The Thais have always been world champions at the village level to ignore the nonsense from Bangkok. A new "Suthep" is needed to question the rulers. In the last election there was a young politician who tried to advance Thailand's future. He was sawed off by the establishment according to all the rules of the art ... I don't see much future for a progressive, new Thailand. Unfortunately. All teeth of the former young tiger were pulled. 7 years since the military coup and only moving backwards. New constitution with a guarantee of power. The rulers are quite unabashedly securing access to the state funds and no one asks for transparency where the funds have gone. And if someone asks for it, he is gone in no time. The purchase of submarines, ATKs, vaccines, luxury watches, telephones, road construction, high-speed railway lines, Huahin park figures, buses, street lamps are just a few examples. As a taxpayer, I've stopped being angry and am making my own exit plans.
  7. That is unfortunately the case. Nobody from the elite circle asks: Are we doing the right things (What are we doing?)? And when we decided to do one thing: Are we doing things right (How do we do this?)? For us foreigners with a critical education (the mental struggle and open discussion for the best solution) this is sometimes incomprehensible to look at. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. There are many Thais who see deficits, but their cultural background, education and submission to higher ups forbids them to openly question them. Unfortunately.
  8. Come on. The TAT has clearly announced the new tourist numbers for next year. 8 Million sure will come. TAT know better then you. We really don't need any pessimistic facts right now. Thailand is open now. Let's have at least one last cold beer before the virus slaughters us all.
  9. That would be a really good question. But will there be an answer that correctly reflects the complexity of the current situation? I would have strong doubts if you look at his communicative statements from the past.
  10. You cut my post. But this is some people think they can survive this virus. It's similar to how some people build a nuclear-safe bunker in their garden.
  11. Humans as the main cancer on the earth's surface. 8 billion. Nature and biodiversity destroyed. Combustion and Earth Heating. The seas are polluted and clean drinking water is a luxury. Davinism in full swing. Maybe the earth is now defending itself with such a small virus. Perhaps we are now experiencing a natural regulatory mechanism. Yet the current birth rate still exceeds the death rate. I do not care. I want my cold beer now. Can't change it either way, neither do the politicians, as you can see. Cheers.
  12. It will go on and on. It is best to buy supplies for 6 months and cover all window and door gaps with tape. Then wait 6 months in the sealed house and hope that there will be no new variant. Would be a viable solution for some. Others have to go out to earn the daily food for the family. That is the dilemma. Maybe the airports can be closed. But not the land borders when you think about the small border traffic with all neighboring countries. All the lockdown activities have so far failed. Maybe a little delay in the next wave. But we can't get rid of the virus, just like the runny nose.
  13. Unfortunately, there is something true about it. It is primarily about maintaining power, control and access to tax money. Thailand is a very materialistic society. A lot of money = a lot of status / karma. When a bargirl marries a rich foreigner and shows gold chains, a new car and a house, envy arises. No wonder that xenophobia then arises among all those who have not hit the jackpot. In fact, it skips traditional Thai hierarchies. And it is precisely this fact that is fueled in the state media. How little and seldom the Thai mainstream media reported on good deeds (e.g. donating food, beach cleaning, community work etc.) by foreigners.
  14. LOL There must have been someone who noticed that the planned change could not be implemented in a process-related manner within 4 days. Planning geniuses wherever you look.
  15. Good idea. Make the ATK Test there. And wait relaxed for the result with a cold beer. No need for a Hotel to do the job.
  16. That is a gigantic relief and simplification. If this earth-shattering change takes effect, I fear that Thailand will be flooded with tourists. ????
  17. It's all a farce. No helmet? The yoghurt cups here protect almost nothing in the event of a crash. No drivers license? The driver's license test here is 2 hours of watching videos, ticking a few questions and driving around the block. It would be nice if the police officers would also check in the evening whether the vehicles even have working taillights and front lights. The policemen are welcome to collect 200 baht and should give the drivers a new lightbulb as a small thank you. Then the whole thing would at least make a bit of sense.
  18. ANutin really has no plan. It all seems adhock and unplanned. Then it flashes in his brain and then everything is gone again. As far as the bars, karaoke and discos are concerned, almost everything is closed since April. What really takes place are underground parties, mostly in private villas. Ultimately, every state ban pushes the actors into the underground, be it marijuana, alcohol or prostitution. As a result, the state loses the possibility of any control. Now ANutin is annoyed by the results that he himself caused by his rules. And at all of the 'illegal' parties, nobody stands at the entrance and measures the temperature, keeps lists or checks vaccination records.
  19. Spot on. Many prohibition-, closure- and isolation measures only prolong the misery. There will always be new virus variants. And despite the learning effects, we cannot completely eradicate the virus. The fact that we are now getting more and more aggressive and much more contagious virus variants can also be a result of the lockdown attempts. And if you put people in totally sterile rooms for a long time, their natural immune system sinks, since the challenge for the body is missing.
  20. I think you do the ATK test yourself, just like the ATK test currently on the 6th or 7th day. Why a hotel? Or should the maid then swab the nose or throat?
  21. Very short-term. Nov 26, 4 days to December 1. And it's not official yet. Whether every hotel then knows where the ATK result has to be sent to. With Test and go in Phuket, almost no one knew what to do with the result. In the Mor Chana App there is no upload function either. When and if the Mor Chana QR Code changes from orange to green? So far it didn't work still really well.
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