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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. He and his gang are weak but they want to have access to the money pots as long as possible. The support in the population is no longer there and has clearly shrunk. The whole policy is geared towards not tolerating any gatherings of critical people. And since Alkehol is known to loosen up the tongue and people then often speak in a more restrained (critical) manner, it is restricted by those in power. And Covid is increasingly becoming a pretext to prevent the dissatisfied from demonstrating.
  2. True. Hope now rests on the Covid pill. Merck, Pfizer and others are working on it. If you get seriously ill from 19C, there should be the pill that makes you more likely to survive. Then the whole vaccination circus and dictatorial madness would be over.
  3. Ten percent of all intensive care patients are vaccinated in Germany. https://www.mdr.de/mdr-thueringen/redakteur-corona-impfdurchbrueche-100.html It depends a lot on how many people are vaccinated, and that number has increased significantly. 70% are vaccinated and 10% of this group occupy the intensive care beds. 30% are not vaccinated and occupy 90% of all intensive care beds. The chance of ending up in an intensive care bed as an unvaccinated person is 5 times higher than that of a vaccinated person.
  4. You mean the mor prom app? The number you need is not your passport number. Look at your paper vaccine certificate. There must be a 13 digit number starting with a 6-0000-xxxxxxx Try this number. Or u mean TP App?
  5. 555. There are certainly many others who want to test and get to know the TP program and register twice or three times. And next week the government will proudly announce the latest figures on how many people have registered and want to travel to Thailand.
  6. Certainly. A country leader without any future visions for his people. From a sociopolitical point of view, the backward trend since 7 Years towards medieval conditions is unmistakable.
  7. Sorry I not an expert. I made all my travel to Thailand with the old COE. Better you ask the support hotline.direct.
  8. This is already reality. Koh Samui and Koh Phangan immigration implemented this since 15th November. No vax or no test = no service
  9. Fresh from today. A friend (her first trip to Thailand) had last Friday 12. Nov. sent her Thai passport application. Today, Nov 16, the rejection comes. Pure panic. The reason: She had sent pdf documents. Apparently the programmers have not yet managed to allow this format. After everything converted to jpg and the upload worked. Now my friend is panicking because there are only a few days left until departure. In my opinion, unnecessary stress. The Thai authorities assume that everybody is high end computer and software knowledgeable. What a stress and nerve for a 14 days vacation on the beach.
  10. That's the problem. It's just inconsequential chatter and blah blah which doesn't cost him anything. Besides the fact that there are much more important problems to be solved for Thailand; as a PM he could easily order to have swimming lessons and a second foreign language in the school curriculum. But he doesn't do it because it costs money. Buying military toys is much more lucrative for him and his friends. In my home country, swimming lessons are compulsory from the 3rd grade onwards at school. According to the school curriculum, at least 30 minutes per week are reserved for visiting the swimming pool for one year. It is the same with foreign languages which are firmly established in the curriculum.
  11. In terms of content, everything is correct. And the fact that you should cut your toenails regularly, eat well and sleep well every day would also be right. But what relevance does it have for the current economic, political, social and health situation in Thailand?
  12. Is that for real? Or has it got lost in the translation? It reads like having interviewed an 8 year old.
  13. Thai has mostly sold land and buildings. Parts of the company may have been sold to newly founded LTDs. So Thai can post a claim (unpaid customer invoice) in its own balance sheet. But cash is far from flowing. Thai airways' operational business has not been profitable since many, many years.
  14. I would argue that this is just a minor problem of the many Thailand currently has.
  15. This is just a loss of profit and are not uncovered costs. So no big drama here. The parks have always been licenses to print money. The vulture knows what happens to the money and where it goes.
  16. Researchers at the University of Texas found that people who drink regularly are less likely to die than those who have never drank in their life. ... Out of 1824 participants, only 41 per cent of moderate drinkers died early in comparison to 69 per cent of non-drinkers, according to Time.
  17. Grim. According to Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report 2018, the richest 1 percent in Thailand controlled almost 67 percent of the country's wealth. The bottom 50 percent of Thais had a meager 1.7 percent share of the country's wealth. And covid has widened the wealth gap even further.
  18. Prayut has been at the helm for 7 years. Can someone tell me what sustainable results he has archived that have benefited the entire Thai population so far?
  19. Pretty good article. Three thoughts. 1. The economic effects come with a time lag and will hurt. The fact that the millions - formerly employed in the tourism sector - now operate micro-businesses in their villages does not bring much economic benefit. That the rural population cut hair, sell iced coffee and noodle soups to each other. Oh well. This will certainly not lead to demand in the manufacturer sector (cars, motorcycles, smartphones, computers, refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, furniture). On the contrary, loans can no longer be paid for and debt is growing rapidly. And the thin middle class in the cities also has problems paying their loans. Many don't even have the money to fill up their leased cars. The rental income for shops, apartment buildings and hotel owners is falling. Even many of the burger chains, 7-11, family markets are closing shops. 2. That domestic tourism ((2022: 25 million) (2021: 2.4 million)) will keep the tourism industry alive in 2022 is more than questionable. Of course there will still be Thais who drive to the sea in a fully occupied car, rent a room for 400 baht and buy the most essential items at 7-11. But the current economy does not provide enough free income for the masses. Free income is concentrated in only a few elites. Poverty will continue to increase and the gap between rich and poor will widen. 3. To revive international tourism, Thailand has done some right and done a lot wrong. It is clear that if you have built a tourist capacity for 40 million in 2019 that this cannot be compensated for in 2021. But the numbers that are now likely to be achieved are far too low and a lot more would have been possible. In 2021 many tourism dependent countries tried to find new ways. Corvid is the bottleneck, but some decisions by the elite have clogged this bottleneck even more. Thailand is about to lose its touristic USP.
  20. The original plan was to have all Thais in the tourist regions vaccinated as quickly as possible (70-80% vaccination rate). If the official numbers are to be believed, this has largely been achieved. Then only vaccinated and multiple PCR tested tourists are allowed to enter. That is practiced. At the same time, loud advertising campaigns were sent around the world: Thailand is open again. The goal of normalizing life, the economy and income for all people again, firmly in sight. And suddenly the fearful rabbits step on the brakes again. Conclusion: With such a back and forth, with this constant short-term decisions and contradictions, it will never works. Not for the Thais and not for the Tourists.
  21. The case will not be closed for many, many years. There will come a lot of postponements of court appointments, medical certificates of illnesses, applications for bail, personnel changes for judges and public prosecutors, procedural objections and finally the appeal. They probably won't let Joe free again this early, but it will be years before the final, incontestable judgment is passed in the name of the people.
  22. Just look who is the very good friend of the majority shareholder from the 7-11 shop chain. No wonder who is helping whom here.
  23. Your own travel preparations. The success or failure reveals and clearly shows the existence or the abstinence from planning qualities. Or maybe he only failed to convert a pdf document into a correct jpg on his computer for his travel registration.
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