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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Normally, in a global pandemic, a health minister would have to stand in the front row, have the reins firmly in hand, be the control point for all coordination and activities, is fully up to date in the subject of specialist medicine and research, proactively develop plans, properly inform the population and guide the country with clear measures through the crisis. If you read the original press release and his "i know nothing" answers to important questions, you get the feeling that Anutin did not understand his job as health minister at all.
  2. 20 Years a go? Snail's pace. Does that even make sense? Wouldn't the case already be statute-barred?
  3. I can't understand the whole thing at all. Immigration collects data like crazy. Name, address, telephone numbers, emails, husband's name, business address, etc. The widow wasn't on the run and was hiding. The fact that immigration takes 11 years to discover an overstay does not throw a good light on the organization. Normally, their IT system should be able to deliver a list of overstayers at the push of a button. It would still be good customer-friendly services if the immigration department informed about the overstay in a timely manner. There are definitely reasons why people get into overstay and many are not deliberately criminal, such as illness, accident or simply forgetting an appointment.
  4. It is always bad when control bodies, which should actually be independent, do not work properly. When control bodies are only receiving orders from the people they are supposed to control independently. So there will be definitely no transparency and trust.
  5. Good setting. Freedom. But when you have family, children, house and business here, it's not that easy. But we are also planning to move to Europe in the next 1.5 years when the children start studying. Then probably around 6 months in Thailand in winter and 6 months traveling in Europe in summer.
  6. If the immigration officer is having a bad day, then he can let you chase after papers that you have never needed before, or the 4 photos with your family in front of the house are out of focus. By the way, the request comes to hire an agent for 20,000 baht, who then does everything for you. It's all about the kickback money.
  7. Work permit for married people: If the Thai woman has a business, the foreign husband is not allowed to help out so easily. To do this, a small family LTD must first be formally founded. An accounting office must be hired for the annual accounts. An employment contract must be made. Depending on the country of origin, the Thai wife has to pay the husband 40,000-70000 Baht salary per month for the work, even if the business does not yield that much. That is then the tax base. Once for the salary of the foreign husband and then the taxes for the small family LTD. This is how Thailand treats its foreigners married to Thais. I'm doing very well financially. My income comes from abroad from renting out several apartment buildings. I no longer have to work, but as a husband I am not allowed to help my Thai wife in her business unbureaucratically.
  8. And one other thought as to what your question implies. Have a look which Thai women are married by older pensioners. It doesn't matter whether they are an ex bar girl or not, as long as both partners are satisfied. The life stories of many girls are the same. Got pregnant at a young age. The Thai man then runs away and does not pay any alimony. Many of these young mothers end up in the red light milieu. If they are lucky they will find a good foreign knight who will take them out of the nightlife, which is boring after a few years. The man is happy that he has a young but experienced wife. The woman is satisfied with the safety and comfort. Why should such a marriage be legally worse off?
  9. They do not change the law. Why should they? You have a Problem when an old man marry a younger woman? In my country quite a lot older women are married with younger foreign men too. It should not be the task of the state to regulate the way people live together or who is allowed to marry who. All people should have the same rights regardless of age, gender, origin, race, language, homeland and origin, belief, religious and political beliefs. So it is written in our constitution. And that foreigners in Thailand are often people - aliens - second class is obvious if you have lived here long enough. There are many examples of!
  10. In my country a Thai married with a local, get after 3 Year EU passport, local voting right, can open independent business, can own property in own name, free health insurance, social welfare money in cases of jobless time and free schooling for a new job.
  11. After 20 years in Thailand? The same address was reported 80 times and a copy of the identical marriage certificate was submitted 20 times. The stack of administrative papers after 20 years in Thailand should weigh around 200 kg per case. In 20 years I have exchanged euros for around 40-50 million baht. The entire Thai family and children supported and given many jobs, health insurance, schoolmoney, cars, motorcycles, cell phones, TVs, refrigerators, furniture, washing machines bought and houses built. And every year when you sit with immigration and have to extend your marriage visa, you get the message that you don't actually have a right of residence.
  12. The times when the Chinese flew in with suitcases full of money to bring their money to safety are largely over. The Chinese government is increasingly looking at capital movements, especially now that the Chinese real estate developer Evergrande is on the verge of ruin.
  13. The message was clear: One of the best times to make money is when coming out of a crisis. That is surely correct. The only question is who is making money here? The sale of overpriced shoeboxes with bespoke plywood furniture on the floor of a sinking city, in mediocre construction quality, brings profit. The calculation is easy. With every new condo, the sale of 50% of the apartments at inflated prices is enough. The remaining 50% is either profit or vacancy. When, after a few years, the proud new owner has to or wants to sell his condo again, he realizes that he has paid way too much and the purchase was a loss investment.
  14. "To attract these high potential individuals, a new long-term resident visa or smart visa will be issued, under which they will be granted some privileges, such as not being required to notify Thai authorities every 90 days" Interesting. Those responsible have already realized that their reporting systems are pain in the a$$. But the willingness to abolish unnecessary bureaucratic requirements is only there against extra money. Sad mindset.
  15. The government guys should ask the Thai go go dance girls how to bait rich foreigners. Then maybe it works.
  16. Best you contact TAT direct. The link is on there side and many booked the 3 pcr test there. https://www.tatnews.org/2021/09/phuket-sandbox-faqs/ Good luck for you.
  17. This link is on the official TAT Website. I guess this is real. May you can double check and ask them via Email. www.thailandpsas.com is the side. What you checked? www.namecheap.com ?
  18. Since 1. August you must buy the 3 tests by yourself. https://www.thailandpsas.com/
  19. 1. Is in German language. https://science.orf.at/stories/3208326/ 2. Yes. The whole thing is in research. But from the logic it is already clear. 3. Vaccinated people are less contagious - but there is still a residual risk Anyone who is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus is on an equal footing with people with negative test results in Bavaria. Vaccinated and tested people have a significantly reduced risk. But they too can spread the virus. By Jan-Claudius Hanika The coronavirus is treacherous: infected people spread the pathogens before the first symptoms of the disease appear. They can excrete large amounts of virus in the air they breathe, but even a small amount of virus is enough to infect others. To the FAQ "What you should consider before and after the corona vaccination" People vaccinated against corona are less infectious The vaccines against the coronavirus initially protect the vaccinated against Covid 19 disease, especially against a severe course. But they also work against the spread of the virus. With vaccines currently approved in Europe, those who are fully vaccinated are 60 to 90 percent less likely to transmit the virus. But even if a vaccinated person becomes infected, he sheds significantly fewer viruses and does so in a much shorter period of time. But: Vaccinated people can also transmit the coronavirus Vaccinated people therefore have a significantly reduced risk of infecting their fellow human beings. But it doesn't go down to zero. That means: There are good reasons why people who have been vaccinated get back many of their rights. To prevent them from spreading the virus after all, they too must adhere to protective measures such as hygiene, keeping a safe distance and wearing a mask. In combination with the vaccination, the likelihood of the virus being passed on is then very low. The Robert Koch Institute assumes that fully vaccinated persons no longer play an essential role in the spread of Covid-19. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/wissen/corona-geimpfte-sind-weniger-ansteckend-restrisiko-bleibt-aber,SVsnx6S Nobody said, there is zero risk. But there is a less risk to get this virus from vaccinated people, then from unvaccinated people. If you have sources that prove that vaccinated people are identically contagious compared to unvaccinated people, you can also post these sources here. 4. Relax. I am not your enemy.
  20. That’s true. The paperwork and the costs are enormous. I'm going to fly out of Thailand first. If I can't get my second AZ shot here ahead of time and also the vaccination paper, that means 6 days house quarantine in my hometown. I would then stay in Europe for 1 month. I would get a vaccination with J&J immediately and the stupid vaccination certificate too. Then back to Thailand. I don't think that there will be a lot of regulatory changes until the end of the year. Then Phuket Sandbox 7 + 7. Still better than a 14-day hotel jail in Bangkok. Difficult times for many.
  21. August 25, 2021, 11:26 am share The researchers in the Netherlands collected PCR smears from health workers who tested positive - some vaccinated, some unvaccinated. The laboratory examined whether the virus on the samples is also contagious, something that PCR test results cannot tell. To do this, the virus from the samples was placed in Petri dishes and presented as a kind of bait in the form of a host cell. If the virus is viable, it infects the cell and reproduces, which can be seen in the Petri dish. The researchers presented the results this week in a preprint study, which has not yet been reviewed by the specialist community. Also infectious for a shorter time Vaccinated persons had previously comparatively low CT values in the PCR tests (average 24.6 and 24.2 respectively) and thus a similar amount of virus in the nose and throat as unvaccinated persons. As the investigations in the Petri dishes showed, the particles were less often infectious: in the unvaccinated people around 85 percent carried the contagious virus, in those with a complete immunization it was around 68 percent. “That means that people who have been vaccinated are less contagious than those who have not been vaccinated,” concludes Alma Tostmann, epidemiologist and one of the study authors from Radboud University Medical Center, in an interview with science.ORF.at. In addition, those who were fully vaccinated only had a high viral load for three days. In unvaccinated people, it can take up to seven days for the CT value to exceed 30, making an infection unlikely anyway, explained the virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz from the Medical University of Vienna: “The study is one of the first to prove this What we virologists have always suspected anyway: Vaccinated people have the advantage that they are shorter and less infectious compared to unvaccinated people. This means that they no longer play such a major role in the pandemic as unvaccinated people, who can become super spreaders. "
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