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Posts posted by jambodave

  1. Is it just me? or has any other Members,noticed an abundance of novices,with no idea of Thai Politics,and spouting nonsense,on this and other threads at the moment?

    Hmm, quite strange,the depth of feeling they put into their political posts!

    I d eclare myself a novice and therefore will not spout nonsense about a subject of which I have no knowledge.Senior Members have a lot too say about a subject they cannot influence in anyway ie. VOTE.The only people with the right to complain are Thais.If the thought of Mr T returning to Thailand fills you such fear get to <Snip!> out if now.It gives my arse a sore head having to read constant attacks on thai society by people who have chosen to live here.For the love of god lighten up.
  2. I have only been in Thailand 1 year,please take this in to account when reading this post.I am amazed at the venomous attacks on Mr T has he caused Farangs living here so much pain and misery.I think the best people to decide if and when Mr T returns are the Thai people themselves.If the prospect of living here under a Mr T governments fills farangs with such dread,the only course of action is too cut your loses and run.If the Thai people decide to elect a monkey to govern it"s ok with me,as long as I can have my visa stamped every year and the price of cigarettes stay the samejap.gif

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  3. I have a good friend that smokes 2 packs a day. Yesterday the smoke was seemingly worse than in many days. He started to bitch about how sh*tty the air is. I just had to laugh. My question is how many complainers on this forum smoke cancer sticks and complain about the air. Yes the air is pretty pretty bad. In a matter of a few weeks more or less the rains will come and things will be back to the abnormal normal.

    Hang in there

    Sorry can"t answer your question,but I smoke like a chimney and have suffered no ill effects from the bad air quality.maybe something in my genes.
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