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Posts posted by bra

  1. A related topic. All of my shirts have a top pocket, where I keep my mobile and passport when travelling. My wallet is on my person too containing a CC (with a spare in another place!) and I don't carry much cash - most of us (except the poor Iranians) can use an ATM almost anywhere in the world or pay with a CC. I also carry a USB memory stick in my pocket with presentations and work docs for the next few days. I always take my carry on bag inside the taxi with me.

    I once had my carry on bag stolen at the downtown check in at Central in Hong Kong - but was still able to travel and borrow a notebook at my next destination (Manila) and make presentations etc. - hence my precautions. Incidentally I reported the stolen bag to the police and much to my surprise there was a message when I checked in at the hotel in Manila from the Wan Chai police that they had recovered my bag and my computer was still in it! It appears that a small gang steals your bag, takes out anything of value like cash (I lost about $200 in odd currencies) then dumps the bag in about 2 minutes. They do this all day in various places in the city. Computers are too hard to cash in.

  2. Bra opened a Bangkok Bank account with a tourist visa, plus a certified copy of my Australian Passport ID and visa stamp pages (had to be done at the Australian Embassy - cost 1500 bt). I received a passbook and Visa ATM card (not a credit card). All done in 1 day. I have had no problems in using their ATMs and making TT transfers from my Australian Bank to the Bangkok Bank account. On the few times I have visited their branches the service has been friendly and efficient

    what a Rip Off 1500 baht sad.png

    Well even if the Ambassador had invited me for morning tea whilst I was waiting it was still a rip off. Done by one of the Thai clerical staff in 5 minutes. One curious thing was that the bank did not just photo copy my passport - surely as good as a certified copy. Cost me a taxi and time from Sukhumvit to Sathorn and back.

  3. I opened a Bangkok Bank account with a tourist visa, plus a certified copy of my Australian Passport ID and visa stamp pages (had to be done at the Australian Embassy - cost 1500 bt). I received a passbook and Visa ATM card (not a credit card). All done in 1 day. I have had no problems in using their ATMs and making TT transfers from my Australian Bank to the Bangkok Bank account. On the few times I have visited their branches the service has been friendly and efficient.

  4. Though not for stings from the deadly types like box jellyfish, vinegar used liberally will reduce the pain from stings of jelly fish, blue bottles and the like. Take some to the beach with you if jellyfish have been reported. If you are English you can use it on your fish and chips too!

  5. Sorry but its a bit late for that. TG have had 7 jet hull losses (B737, A300, 2 X A310, DC8 and 2 Caravelle.

    The DC8 and Caravelles were when the airline was Thai Airways, which later became Thai International.

    Qantas had 1 hull loss but it was a piston engine L1049 Super Constellation at Mauritius following a rejected take off.

    As you say they worked hard on the B747 at DMK so they did not have a jet hull loss.

  6. How many of the people posting on this thread have first hand knowledge or are personally involved in the aviation industry? If you could raise your hands we'd know whose posts to ignore and whose to give credence to.

    I am an Aviation Professional and I agree completely - professionals are identified by their reasonable and "technically" possible explanations. The non professionals are identified by their often absurd and insulting comments about TG, the technical and cabin crew, the aircraft, the runway and all things Thai.

    Incidentally Flightglobal (well respected aviation industry journal)said today that a aircraft was expected to be a hull loss (a write off). Remains to be seen.

  7. I agree with the posters who advise waiting for the investigation team report before jumping to conclusions (some quite absurd in the posts here). I have been an aviation professional all my working life (including work in Air Safety Investigation). Runway excursions to the side or past the end are reasonably common and in nearly all cases the results are some injuries (normally caused using the slides) but very few events result in fatalities.

    I fly mostly with SQ but often with TG and have no problem at all with their fares, service and reliability and I would fly with them again. I have been impressed with the professionalism shown in the Thai aviation industry.

  8. An excellent response. I will marry my Thai lady soon and will pay a dowry and conform with Thai tradition and culture. The simple reason being her family is Thai and this is where we live. For those of you who don't like to conform with this culture, just don't marry a Thai and it might be better still if you don't live here if it upsets you so much. Oh just so you can really get your nuts in an uproar my bride is an ex bar girl!

    Maybe you can get all her former clients to chip in as well--making it an even bigger pot of gold for her very needy parents.

    I don’t mean to be impolite Bra, it’s just your assumptions’ about how we should all follow this tradition because we live here, or get out of Thailand, is so very arrogant. There are many other cultural practices around the world re brides, Clitoral mutilation is one that I suppose if the would be husband doesn’t believe in, he should taking your view remove himself from said country.

    The Sin Sot practice is dying out because it is wrong---& If something is wrong or outdated--then change it, not just blindly accept it with reasoning like --I live here therefore I have to.

    Just 2 points for you to ponder Bra 1/ Many good ladies are/were bar girls because of their financial situation, if your bride to be was in that category--one would think that she would be very grateful for you to be giving her a better life----rather than looking at you as the last big pay off.

    2/ As you’re so into the cultural aspect of this then look at the meaning of the word sin-sot, everyone who has dealt with a bribe situation knows where the Sin part comes from....the Sot part is from Borrisot = a Virgin, That’s why it’s so laughable to Thai's who know this, that some ladies with children also try to get onto the band wagon, if they find that laughable, just imagine how hilarious they view your marrying a prostitute & paying a bag of money to the parents for her virginity.

    Good luck with your coming marriage Bra—I have many friends in long term relationships and marriages, who have taken girls from bad bar situations – I have just never seen one where the girl was so grateful that she thought more should be paid for taking her out of it.

    Well you may think my remarks were arrogant - but if you look carefully at what I wrote "For those of you who don't like to conform with this culture, just don't marry a Thai and it might be better still if you don't live here if it upsets you so much" I was not telling you what to do - just offering alternatives. To make matters clear neither my GF or her family asked for sin sot - I offered it (only a modest amount) in keeping with the culture as described by the original OP and to show respect. . I was not "buying" a wife - I consider her priceless in terms of money.

    Like many of you I have lived and worked in many countries in Asia - most with different cultures and traditions. The easiest way to loose business and relationships in this region is to show disrespect and especially make someone loose face. On the other hand giving face can bring you many professional and personal rewards. I have attended Chinese weddings where everyone (including me) drinks to excess and Malay weddings where there is no alcohol at all - and enjoyed them all.

    I have been called absurd, suggestions that I have my GF's former clients chip in (sorry but I find that remark beneath contempt), and many other remarks have been very strong in condemnation, but others have supported my post. But that's OK this is a forum and we are all entitled to have our say.

    • Like 2
  9. I too think it adds a bit to the charm of crazy Bangkok. Although having said that I've almost lost an eye to a metal spike protruding from an awning. If they policed their setup so there was still plenty of walking space would be a better compromise.

    Charm? what charm? The authorities should at least maintain order on the the footpaths for all vendors - goods and food. Its almost impossible to squeeze through vendors on both sides of the footpath on Sukhumvit and other roads and sois. The shops (who pay rent) should be able to have clear access for their customers. But the if footpaths are cleared up the next problem would more of Bangkok's charm - motorbike taxis zooming along the footpath even faster and demanding that you jump out of the way or else!

  10. Looking back on it the underlying reason why my marriage of 25 years failed because my wife (not Thai) and I stopped being best friends. Love may change but if friendship ceases that's about it. My Thai lady and I have known each other for 8 years and have been best friends for the last 5 years and are about to be married.

    I financially supported my first wife completely for the first 15 years of our marriage - that's what men did then as she had no income as she stayed home to raise our children. I have supported my Thai GF as she went to University and will continue to do so after we are married.

    Some of you no doubt think differently about support - but if you are not prepared to then think again before you marry. For a successful marriage mutual support respect friendship and love are absolutely necessary.

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  11. The Aussie pub on Soi 11 is a more open venue and should attract a good crowd. (plus the staff wearing the netball uniforms is a bonus)

    Also the Soi 8 pub


    I saw the GF a couple of years ago in the Australia Pub in Soi 11. From memory they charged 1000 or 2000 to enter, but that covered all the beer and pies you could consume. There may be cheaper venues as listed above.

    One minor problem for the Hawks fan is that they are not quite in the GF yet mate! The finals start next week (slight distraction of the election!) and they have to win a few more games yet.

    Anyway I dont care now as the Loins lost to the Cats today by 1 point and are out of it. Good game though.

  12. I see that you have paid to have the name changed and that is the only course of action that will get him on the flights. Names and ID must match - its the law in most countries and airlines can be fined if they don't comply, and if its an international flight immigration may prevent you from leaving/entering.

    And yes for international flights you would have to use the Passport name for a Thai (no matter how long) for the ticket otherwise no go.

  13. Thanks for sharing this vid. LH is one of the better airlines.

    Just wondering why at 9:25 number 1 engine reverser isn't deployed.


    No reverse on either outboard engine on the A380 aircraft.

    Ah...learn something new. Strange though for the largest civil transport plane that they have opted for no outboard reversers.

    But I am sure the designers would have done their homework and decided so. Thanks.

    The A380 has a wing span of 79.75 m, and ideally should operate from 60 m wide runways. Many recently constructed airports (eg Changi, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Incheon) have 60 m runways, and many older airports widened their existing 45 m runways to 60 m to handle the A380 and other long wing span aircraft.

    Airbus realised that some airports would not have 60 m runways, so designed the A380 with reversers on the 2 inboard engines only. On a 45 m runway the reversers on outboard engines could overhang the sealed area and raise dust and small stones etc and be ingested in the engines causing expensive damage.

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  14. This has just been downloaded from the Royal Thai Embassy Web site in Canberra - note that it requires 6 months passport validity. The airline could refuse to carry you as it could be fined and if you are rejected at DMK it has to take you back to where you came from. You could fly with Thai and land at BKK and stay in transit and not go through any Thai immigration procedures.

    Tourist Visa Exemption

    Australian passport holders (and nationals from 50 designated countries) may travel to Thailand for the purpose of tourism without a visa. They will be permitted to stay for a period not exceed 30 days on each visit provided they arrive by air and have a confirmed ticket out of Thailand (by air, land, or sea) within 30 days. But those entering by land at the immigration checkpoints from neighboring countries, will be allowed to stay for 15 days on each entry.

    Please note as follow:

    1. Passport must have at least 6 months validity upon entry.

    2. Visitors who enter the Kingdom without visa cannot file an application for extension of stay.

    3. Tourist Visa Exemption does not apply to foreigners holding Travel Document for Aliens.

    bullet.png Countries Eligible for Tourist Visa Exemption
    (Visa application Form A is required for stay exceeding 30 days) Australia Austria Belgium Bahrain Brunei Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Iceland Indonesia Ireland Isarael Italy Japan Kuwait Czech Republic Luxembourg Liechtenstein Malaysia Monaco Hungary Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Philippines Portugal Qatar Poland Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UAE UK USA Vietnam Slovak Slovenia Hong Kong Macau Laos Mongolia Russia Vietnam Argentina * Brazil* Chile * Korea (ROK) * Peru * Hungary
  15. I am shocked!! It was only two against one!!

    Unbelievable!! blink.png

    Yes, in most western countries if some doofus gave some guys on a motorbike the finger they would either (1) wave cheerfully and thank the jerk for his instructive communication because everyone in the country would be mindful of the importance of supporting tourism or (2) they would return and one would pummel the moron while his friend held everyone's outer garments but refrained from participating.

    I wonder if some of you are visiting the planet for the first time.

    There is no way you would give the finger to a bike rider/s or even motorists in Australia no matter what the provocation. You may get similar treatment to the German guy in Patong. And there would not be any old fashioned ideas of one to one chivalry - you would be beaten up by the guy and is many friends.

    I am often puzzled by the comments by many contributors that Thais are cowardly in ganging up on their adversary. Where have you people been? In any conflict you attack in force, preferably outnumbering and out gunning your enemy. How do you think all wars have been won throughout history? The Thais are not cowards - just using their common sense. I would advise anyone else to do the same.

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  16. I usually use Thai Smile (part of TG) from BKK to Udon Thani - new A320s, pleasant interiors and flight attendant uniforms. Online reservations with E Tickets are easy. As I can use my Star alliance Gold card we can check and board in quicker and use the TG lounge flying Y class. Not the cheapest.

    If I am out of the country and my GF flies by herself she uses Nok Air (part of TG too). As she does not have a credit card she books by phone, then pays at the nearest 7-11 and gets a equivalent e ticket receipt. Very quick and efficient, cheaper than Thai Smile. DMK is easier to access than BKK from where we life.

    I have been in the aviation industry all of my working life and would not fly with the real cheapies like Orient Thai and1,2 GO (are they still in business?). Read the report of the 1,2 GO MD-82 accident at Phuket a few years ago if you need any convincing.

  17. In Malaysia one of our guys left 2 durians in the boot/trunk of his car parked outside at the airport for a couple of days. The stench can be imagined! His amah cleaned the car then put pandan leaves in the boot - removed the remaining odour very quickly. Don't know if it works for rats, milk etc.

  18. As other posters have advised you can open a Thai bank account married or not. I opened an account at the Bangkok bank all that I needed was my passport (Thai 30 day visa) , a certified copy of it (done at the Australian embassy - 15 minutes and Bt 1500) small money to deposit. I received a Visa ATM card (not credit card) and passbook - all done in half a day.

    On a similar topic to the OP's, I will be married in Thailand soon and will buy a house in my wife's name - I have read copious advice on TV about this so no more please. I can afford to loose it all but don't expect to otherwise I would not get married. What's the best advice please:

    1.TT transfer the funds from Australia to my Thai account and transfer to my wife's account and she buys?

    2. TT transfer the funds from Australia to her account and she buys?

    We propose to live about 50% in Thailand and Australia, and I will get a Thai retirement visa. One of the conditions in obtaining an Australian resident visa for my wife is to show a long term relationship before marriage. But one of the Thai conditions for marriage in Thailand is to show not living together before the marriage. Any advice? Or do I need a lawyer?

    Thanks in advance - this could be useful to the original OP as well

  19. As other contributors have pointed out this magazine survey was conducted with the high end tourist market - but I agree that from their viewpoint Bangkok is one of the best cities - especially for hotels.

    I have stayed in 5/6 star hotels on the river, Sathon/Silom and Sukhumvit and a couple of these would have to be in the best 10 in the world -rooms, service, location, food, ambiance and price. Try this for service. On one occasion I was to meet my Thai GF at one of these hotels one evening but my flight was late and the expressway jammed so I called the executive floor reception (my GF was waiting there) and asked if they could let her into the room and I would check in and present credit card etc later. They did this happily - try doing this in most other cities!!

    Now for the other side of the city life. My GF and I rent a remodelled terrace house only a couple of MRT stations from Sukhumvit so its convenient and only 25 minutes by taxi to/from both airports. But best of all is this is not an affluent area by any means, and most nights we join a group in the Soi, for eating and drinking at a very cheap 'restaurant" on the side of the road. There is only one other English speaker but in spite of my very poor Thai we all get along well, and they are a very friendly group. So that side of the city - far removed from magazine surveys - shows to me what an enjoyable place this is.

    There are so many good affordable restaurants in Sois in the Sukhumvit area which we frequent . I like my music live (Thai bands) and there are many bars where this can be experienced - and not expensive either.

    I have lived in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur - very different cities from Bangkok but enjoyable too. I still think Bangkok is the best. Sure there is bad traffic (Jakarta and Manila worse), broken footpaths, bad characters, floods etc but like everywhere just avoid the bad and live with the good.

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