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Posts posted by Caibiao

  1. Recently, it is unusal cool in Chiang Mai. (from my two years experiences in Chiang Mai)


    In this coming week, the lowest temperature in the early morning is about 7 C. But it is still 20 C up in the noon.

    The temperature will change sharply this coming week.

    Take care, friends in Chiang Mai.

  2. The fact for most of us speaking here is that we are staying here, so we should abide the rule here.

    But I think loving here and abiding rules here are not contradicted with giving some constructive advices to make things perfect.

    World is always changing, who know whether the visa policy will change after the ASEAN Community form in 2015. What a big change of the visa policy in the Europe countries when EU formed!

    My question here may also comes from my idealism mistake: I like Chiang Mai so much and thougnt everything should be unrealistic perfect.

    I really like this nice city, in my posts here about nearly one year before, I said I love this nice country very much.

    And I always talked to my friends how nice here, and how livable here. I take Chiang Mai as a ideal dream land in the world!

    Maybe I am a bit unrealistic, then question comes.

    I have to get back to the reality again. It is just a livable city. There is no real dreamland in this world.

    Seeing this topic so hot here, I checked the topic above in the forum just now, I found there is a TV forum official thread for collecting the suggestions on 90 days report.



    So, my this thread is just a repeated thread in the forum. Please the administrator close or remove this thread.

    Thanks for everyone who involed in this topic!

    • Like 1
  3. This begs the question--why are you here--I guess you are forced to due to your job??

    Yeah, I really thought of the question last night:

    Why are we here?

    I think the simple reason for many foreigners to stay here is the nice cultural and natural environment here. Its so nice here MAYBE the visa policy has to set a bit barrier to prevent too many foreigners to stay here. thumbsup.gif (Just MAYBE)

    Besides we parents like the nice environment here, firstly the reason for us to stay is for my children. Teachers here are so nice and kind to them at school. They are very happy here. And the friendly and smiling environment can help them to form a happyful character which can help them to make them happy all life.

    I want them to get a happy childhood more than knowledgeful but strictful childhood.

    Maybe I should change them to a strictful environment after they grow a bit bigger. When they grow a bit bigger, they will be a bit stronger, can endure and overcome hard environment, and then, maybe I should change them to some hard environment to practice them harder and stronger to face the real hard life.

    Anyway, my kids need not to go to Immigration Office to report 90 days. Every time we can take their passports there to get the new 90 days' notice. They need not face all these things.

    The children younger than 15 years old will not be fined and stamped in their passport. This is a good and humane part of the strict policy.

    Seeing many replies above, I still do not know whether the stamp sentences with "2000B" fines put on my passport will have some negtive effections. Anybody know about this stamp?

    I wish you all the best in Thailand. My advice is don't lose any sleep over that 2000B fine stamp on your passport. Also, don't confuse the 90-day reporting violation with an overstay. An overstay is a much more serious violation.

    There are also reports on this forum about expats who don't even bother with 90-day reports. They just pay the maximum fine once a year when they renew their visa, and everything seems to go fine. I wouldn't play with fire like that, as you may encounter an officer who's having a bad day and will take it out on you. But a service like Assist Thai would definitely be a cheaper option, presuming of course that there is no "crackdown" on such a service in the future.

    Last but not least, make sure you do your next 90-day report four to five days BEFORE the date indicated on your slip. Statements on this forum that you can report up to week after the given date are technically true but are a bit misleading. That extra week is a "grace period", a courtesy provided by Immigration in case you had an emergency and couldn't report earlier. You are in violation of the terms, but you are granted immunity.

    Thank you for your kindly reply! smile.png

  4. This begs the question--why are you here--I guess you are forced to due to your job??

    Yeah, I really thought of the question last night:

    Why are we here?

    I think the simple reason for many foreigners to stay here is the nice cultural and natural environment here. Its so nice here MAYBE the visa policy has to set a bit barrier to prevent too many foreigners to stay here. thumbsup.gif (Just MAYBE)

    Besides we parents like the nice environment here, firstly the reason for us to stay is for my children. Teachers here are so nice and kind to them at school. They are very happy here. And the friendly and smiling environment can help them to form a happyful character which can help them to make them happy all life.

    I want them to get a happy childhood more than knowledgeful but strictful childhood.

    Maybe I should change them to a strictful environment after they grow a bit bigger. When they grow a bit bigger, they will be a bit stronger, can endure and overcome hard environment, and then, maybe I should change them to some hard environment to practice them harder and stronger to face the real hard life.

    Anyway, my kids need not to go to Immigration Office to report 90 days. Every time we can take their passports there to get the new 90 days' notice. They need not face all these things.

    The children younger than 15 years old will not be fined and stamped in their passport. This is a good and humane part of the strict policy.

    Seeing many replies above, I still do not know whether the stamp sentences with "2000B" fines put on my passport will have some negtive effections. Anybody know about this stamp?

    It really depends on what country your passport is from, and whether you intend to visit particular countries in the life of that passport. Some passports are high risk (of overstaying or working in breach of visa etc) and other countries look at those passports with greater scrutiny.

    What it does indicate, to immigration border officers of another country is that you overstayed or breached your visa conditions. Simply put you did not comply with the visa, something that they can/may consider when granting you a visa in the future, if you are a dud once why not again they ask themselves so should they grant the visa.

    Not alarmist at all, it does depend on your country of origin (for passport), if you intend to go to particular countries what type of visa you are applying for in that country, and general attitude of immigration a the border on that day.

    Thank you for your detailed reply! smile.png

  5. We are guests, if we want to stay here, of course we have to abide the rule here. But of course we can speak out our opinions to make things better. If we have to report, I think 3 months is much simple and easy than 90 days for us foreigners to follow.

    I really dislike this sort of kowtowing to the Thais.

    We are not guests, we pay to be here, if you are a guest you get invited to stay and for free.

    This begs the question--why are you here--I guess you are forced to due to your job??

    Yeah, I really thought of the question last night:

    Why are we here?

    I think the simple reason for many foreigners to stay here is the nice cultural and natural environment here. Its so nice here MAYBE the visa policy has to set a bit barrier to prevent too many foreigners to stay here. thumbsup.gif (Just MAYBE)

    Besides we parents like the nice environment here, firstly the reason for us to stay is for my children. Teachers here are so nice and kind to them at school. They are very happy here. And the friendly and smiling environment can help them to form a happyful character which can help them to make them happy all life.

    I want them to get a happy childhood more than knowledgeful but strictful childhood.

    Maybe I should change them to a strictful environment after they grow a bit bigger. When they grow a bit bigger, they will be a bit stronger, can endure and overcome hard environment, and then, maybe I should change them to some hard environment to practice them harder and stronger to face the real hard life.

    Anyway, my kids need not to go to Immigration Office to report 90 days. Every time we can take their passports there to get the new 90 days' notice. They need not face all these things.

    The children younger than 15 years old will not be fined and stamped in their passport. This is a good and humane part of the strict policy.

    Seeing many replies above, I still do not know whether the stamp sentences with "2000B" fines put on my passport will have some negtive effections. Anybody know about this stamp?

  6. Thanks all above for explaining!

    For my this threads, the points might also be the stamp sentences in my passport which I don't know whether it will have some effection.

    We are guests, if we want to stay here, of course we have to abide the rule here. But of course we can speak out our opinions to make things better. If we have to report, I think 3 months is much simple and easy than 90 days for us foreigners to follow.

    The new ASEAN Community will form in 2015, maybe some visa policy will change. Because many visa policies have to go to similar with other countries in ASEAN community.

    For example, like Malaysia has a Second Home visa policy. Maybe only after two years, there will be also visa policy like that here.

    Only my unrealistic wishes?

  7. Yeah, now I really aware of we guests here. We can't take here as our home. Even though we mis-took here as our home.

    We were so happy here and forgot we were guests. Hehe~~

    Now one technic question, if every time we go Immigration Office ahead of the date. How to deal with the odd days left?

    For example, if you go there 5 days ahead every time, after four times, 85X4=340, 365-340=25 days. How to deal the 25 days left? one more report?

    In fact, I went the Immigration ahead of one week at my first report date. My one year visa is on 23, and went there on 16 first time. And they change my date from 23 to 16. when I saw 16 in the notice. I was confused. why not 23? If this time 16, and next time I went ahead again the date would changed to 9, ... So at last there will be several days left after four times reports. How deal with the left days?

    Thinking of this, I planed to go Immigration after the report day and want to get my fourth date to accurate 365 days one year. But something happened like the holidays closing. Which caused my fines.

    I don't know how others deals with this?

    And if the 90 days report to Immigration Office is really necessary to we guests. Why not accurate 3 months, which report date will be one firm day which will not change often. And in this way it will easy to remember and easy to calculate.

  8. I don't know if there is any other country which also has visa policy like 90 days report in Thailand.

    Because the policy says every 90 days we have go to Immigration office to report. But one year have 365 days(90X4+5=365). So if every time I go to immigration office ahead of the report day, I don't know how to deal with the odd left days. One more reports?

    So I prefer to go there after the report day, and the policy permit to go there within 7 days after the report day.

    I have been fined twice in the past year. One for misread the date and fined for two days, and this time they counted the new year holidays in the 7 days, even I went there in their closed days and the first day after holidy, I was fined again.

    Maybe 2000B one time is not high, but I don't know why they stamped some sentences on my passport and wrote 2000B in it.

    Is missed 90 days report two days a serious fault?

    Why we should go there every 90 days even we got one year or even long time visa? Just to remind us we are foreigners?

    We are really guests here. But should the host always remind us we are guests here? Is this a polite way to guests?

    We like this country, especially like Chiang Mai. And especially for my kids, they like here very much.

    But we are confusious about the visa policies here, and feel a bit disapointed.

  9. China Eastern threw Kunming from CNX.


    I also think this is a good choice.

    China Eastern Air: CNX - KUNMING


    Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday

    Round trip can only cost about 400US$ recently.

    The disadvantage:

    CNX-KUNMING and KUNMING-CNX are all at evening, so KUNMING-HANGZHOU will be at the next day, you have to spend a night at KUNMING. But when you go back, you can flight back one day.

    HANGZHOU is one of the most famous tour cities in China. Many upper posts said right things about traveling in HangZhou.

    1. West lake, and some resorts aroud lake, both day and evening sights.

    2. Tea, like upper posts said.

    3. Silk clothes. You can go to the silk shopping street to buy.

    4. HangZhou foods are also famous, some snack foods, especially HangZhou XiaoLongBao!

    Travel near HangZhou:

    Shanghai, the bigest city in China, can make you know much about China.

    SuZhou, famous for its Chinese Garden.

    Some small villages, famous for its water, ancient Chinese style water village.

    HuangShan Mountain, one of the most famous mountain in China.

    ... ...

    And English can work when you travel in cities like HangZhou in China. Many Chinese young men can speak English.

    By the way, as I know, the China's visa fee to Americans is equal to the American's visa fee to Chinese,...

    Hope you have a good time in China!

  10. As I know, most of schools in Thailand are not in summer holiday, they are at school now. And some of the schools provide some courses to accept summer camp students.

    So, if you want your children to enter CM primary schools for only short period, and play with other school kids, you can call this number: 081-950-6659, and see whether it is suit for your kids.

  11. If you keep at 110 or less you should not have much trouble with the bib. It is mainly over that they start pulling people up. It is not the cop you see...one up the road has phoned your number through.

    Yeah, I used to drive at safe speed. Safety is the most important thing.

    One month ago, I drived to Phuket and back to Chiangmai, met some policemen in the checkpoints between cities, many times, without being asked to stop for one time! thumbsup.gif

  12. May, this year, CNX to BKK, gas oil, about 1800B, started at 10:00 and arrived at 18:00.

    Most of the road is good, except road between Tak and Nakon Sawan.

    Met policemen in checkpoints between cities, but nobody asked me to stop.

    Whether choose by car, not only for fuel, other things should also be considered, using of tire, maintenance, especially safety!

    Take Care, and be safe!


  13. The summer school of the Ambassador Bilingual has already finished with the begining of the new school year. I think it has made good use of the English teachers resources of this school to help pupils to study English and play in an English language environment.

    I think the Ambassador Bilingual School is a good school. Teachers there are very nice and my kids have made big progresses there in the past months. And I am grateful for the help they given to my kids.

    You can also get some useful information from their websites: www.absbilingualschool.com

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