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Everything posted by BonnieandClyde

  1. That's certainly true of our experience with them. They last for years of daily use and the reset buttons are always on the outside.
  2. Well, that's Socialism for you. The turkeys never vote for Thanksgiving.
  3. He looks ghastly. Maybe he really is sick. If so, keep him in the hospital - for a long, long time.
  4. Agreed. The aphorism "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" was coined in 1976 to describe Nelson Mandela - among many others - during their fight against Apartheid South Africa. It applies equally well today when used to define those fighting Apartheid Israel in the Middle East and elsewhere. Regime change is the only hope for that benighted country. The alternative will surely be to provoke their goofy ally the USA into igniting a regional conflagration with worldwide repercussions. Establishing an Israeli government that would live within their internationally recognized 1967 borders and stop killing and bombing their neighbours to steal yet more land is a reasonable objective to fight for that shouldn't be equated with terrorism. That fond hope vanished with the Gaza Massacre that is creating an unprecedented amount of global hostility. It brings to mind Meyer Lansky's famous lament... "When you're a Jew the whole world is against you." Two different situations to be sure, but the same knee-jerk reaction to both.
  5. Most people we know - both Thai and farang - don't want a puritan culture in Chiang Mai, but they don't want a Sodom and Gomorrah either. Let the party animals go to Sleaze-by-the-Sea and other hot-spots to blow off steam. Leave Chiang Mai alone.
  6. Hogwash. Any girl who has been part of the bar/prostitution scene in Thailand is seriously damaged goods... avoid them like the plague for long-term relationships. My Bonnie was a waitress in a small town in Texas when we first met and we've had a bang-up time together since then.
  7. Be careful what you teach the locals. "Reverse-Assimilation" could go horribly wrong and they might start encroaching on your land. You could end up living in a tent as a refugee on your own property. AnythIng is possible here... TIT.
  8. That's what you should do, just pay and leave. Forget about anything positive coming from a closer relationship. Or maybe just stay home and jackoff.⁰
  9. You might try Melatonin - If you haven't already. It works well for us with no side effects or hangover the next day. Zero buzz, but a a good nights sleep.
  10. Thaksin is slippery as an eel... anything is possible when he is around. Time and again he has done things that we thought impossible, like coming back to Thailand
  11. That's a credible scenario. Tell us again how many military coups there have been since 1932. A sleazy civilian kleptocracy overthrown by the RTA followed by the slow and agonizing return to "democracy" is the way this farce usually plays out.
  12. This is just the sort of event that is needed to regain some of the gravitas he lost doing that pratfall at the Air Force Academy. Just keep him seated behind his desk in the Oval Office with his busts of César Chávez and Rosa Parks placed close behind him for support in case he does try to stand on his own feet. When will this farce come to an end?
  13. Periodic sweeps in nightlife areas suggest that it already is... de facto, at least.
  14. For sure. Operation Black Eagle cleaned up lower Suky a few years ago PDQ. Bring it back and expand it to wherever it is needed.
  15. As kids growing up in semi-rural New York State we drove whatever we could in fields and back roads - anywhere but near towns where we might encounter cops. It seems to be the same with young people here too.
  16. He has gone already, along with his lady. They now go under the title 'Duke and Duchess of Montecito'.
  17. Anything is possible... But you can always tell when they're lying, it's when they open their mouths.
  18. Where to buy them in or near Chiang Mai? Kham Tieng is what came to mind at first, but no luck there. Cement replicas OK if the design is right. Any information would be appreciated.
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