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Posts posted by MisterTee

  1. Gotta love a load of expats complaining their country is full of foreigners.

    Comedy gold.

    At least the foreigners in Thailand are contributing to the economy, a large percentage of foreigners living in Britain are doing so on benefits at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure us Brits don't mind the foreigners who do work and contribute to the economy living in Britain.

    Migrants from the EU have made a net contribution of 20 billion pounds to the UK economy since 2000, apparently.

    I wonder what the equivalent figure is for farangs here?

    Quite possibly a lot more than that.

    Many of the poor lambs lose the whole nut within a few years of arriving here.

    • Like 1
  2. Thai wives: 0

    Non-Thai wives prior: 0

    ... although marriage is very popular in my family. Each of my siblings have done it at least twice.

    I hear you. My siblings married at least twice, as did my parents, step-parents, grand-parents.

    Strangely, I married once...

    Don't give up! Get yourself a good Thai lady.

    Good advice sipi... it's the only thing that makes sense here.

    After you've had your fling, that is.

  3. Mister tee.

    If you develop your meditation practice you may eventually see and feel the energies at work in and flowing through existence.

    Awareness of Energy is detailed as one of the conditions of enlightenment.

    Ofcourse the words of others can not make you believe or open your awareness; so I suggest you endeavour with your practice until you know for yourself the facts rather than close your mind to such things when no experience. Calling out derogatory names and disrespect does one no favours either. It's a kin to disrespecting the heavens. The existence of such things you can know for yourself as reality; not just philosophise, intellectualise nor requiring "faith".

    The difference between "real deal" Sak Yant as opposite to a normal tattoo shop is then that the energies are infused to the disciple through the tattoo, prayers and ceremony that make up the Sak Yant.

    Not even every claimed master will really have a power to do it. But some do.

    Calling a spade a spade and a charlatan a charlatan is not "...disrespecting the heavens."

    I'm willing to listen to a reasoned argument if you would be so good as to put it forward.

    • Like 1
  4. Important to training your mind with meditation too. Keep the 5 sin.

    You Must be control the power and not let it control you. Many people turn in to rowdy drunks because they can't handle it.

    This is if you get the real deal Sak Yant.

    Train to catch and observe all emotions , feelings, sensations and not be slave to them.

    Focus your awareness through the breath cycle.

    Chock dee

    Meditation techniques to quiet our inner primate and try to find some point of contact with what may exist beyond our ken are certainly worth pursuing.

    Letting some charlatan tattoo your body with meaningless graffiti is a textbook example of reversion to a state of savagery or idiocy.

    If you sincerely believe in the efficacy of sak yant or ritual tattooing in general, I would ask you, with due respect, to explain the difference between a "...real deal Sak Yant" and a bogus one.

  5. Well well well - i guess most of us was wrong, looks like there are going to be some cleanup after all, good!

    It will set a good example down the ranks. About time some of the big boys got named....

    Let's hope the boys in green have the courage to clean up a bit in their own camp, as well rolleyes.gif

    The jig is up for this greedy slime-bag... let's hope the new government will catch others, and that their reach will extend beyond Bangkok... perhaps even to Dubai.

    • Like 2
  6. The time scale before we are likely to see any positive or negative results will be a minimum of a year. Internally matters are pretty calm with a small number of anti government groups as was and is to be expected.

    How this situation is handled will shape the future for all concerned i.e. the people of Thailand not just the current administration.

    Current world economic situation plus the advent of ASEAN is going to be a catalyst regarding the future here as well as other countries in the region.

    Time is needed to let matters develop, in my view the priorities should be getting Thailand back and up and running business wise and in a politically sound manner.

    Then go after all of those irrespective of political hue or family connections etc who have conspired to steal as much as they could from Thailand and its peoples.

    Change is always a difficult process loved and accepted by some, abhorred and unacceptable to others.

    Insightful post.

    Laissez faire is the key word... for the present at least.

  7. I have allready 8 sak yant tattoos

    1 in tattoo shop

    3 by monks

    4 by sak-yants

    the best is arjan KOB in ayutthaya near the old floating market

    And dont go to wat bang phra, the monks are tired to see farangs!!!

    feel free to contact me by PM


    Can you tell me more about Arjan Kob. I would like to go to him for a sak yant tattoo.

    Is he choosing the tattoo and how can i pay him respect? What is the best way to contact


    thank you

    Follow DaddyWarbucks' advice and get a check-up from the neck up before getting any kind of a tattoo.

    That is especially relevant before allowing yourself to be tattooed by some primitive practitioner whose standards of hygiene are as low as his grasp of what superstition means and what ridiculous follies it can lead people into.

  8. Thai bashers? really? or just reality checks?

    Everywhere in the world has its plus's and minus's ....Some more plus's than minus's for some! I, for one, think Thailand is great even given all its minus's.

    as I have made a fantastic live with my family.

    Isn't that what life is about? family?

    Some couldn't make a go of it and now in their bitterness can only speak of the negative....hey that's life....positive people and negative people and those of us who can deal with negatives and make positives out of them...

    Oh well....just sayingwai2.gif

    Family means everything here. Your position in the family defines who you are.

    Without one you are nobody... farang tao-nahn eng.

  9. That's the place. Thought it was an annual fair.

    What's coming up is the Gift Fair and it is annual.

    There are several others throughout the the year that specialize in food, clothing, industrial machinery, etc., but the Gift Fair is is the best for arts and crafts and it has a lot of clothing as well.

    Definitely worth going.

  10. You better be prepared to declare war on all of South East Asia as all the surrounding countries are the real culprits.

    That's true, obviously.

    Seasonal burning is part of the agricultural cycle in organic farming, and it has been going on since prehistoric times.

    The only solution is to let agro-business destroy family farming and impose their chemical intensive methods.

    Smoke haze is a regional problem, not just local. In places like Sumatra and Borneo it is also related to land clearing for plantations, but here in Northern Thailand it is mostly done by farmers working small plots of land.

    • Like 1
  11. The submarine procurement is going to happen. This is a military government and the only thing that is guaranteed is that the military is going to take care of itself and to be perfectly honest who is going to stop them ?

    Everyone from the top on down has said that this project is irrational, even he who cannot be named, has stated that it is a folly. When they allowed them to fund and open a training "simulator" it was pretty obvious that they were eventually going to get what they wanted, the public be damned

    What you say about the military is generally true, but this isn't a done deal... not yet.

    Time will tell. Wait and see..

  12. What a waste of time, money and resources. As if these people don't add to the economy and culture.

    I'm not qualified to comment on the economic aspect of the question, but the cultural part has me wondering...

    Could you list some of the cultural boons that digital nomads have brought to Thailand in general and Chiang Mai in particular?

    I'm ready and willing to be enlightened.

  13. My guess is that you want to start a thread to bash Republicans since both sides have used the SS money for other things and both sides call SS an entitlement. This is the wrong forum though.

    You need to figure out how to slide your way into commenting on something on the World News Forum where it might be vaguely on topic. You will have lots of help trashing the Republican there.

    The reason I mentioned The Republicans is that in my previous thread about SS, one of the off topic ranters had a pretty long post about how it was Reagan who started depleting the funds for other purposes.

    True or not, I do not know.

    I did state that I was not an expert on S.S. history and was looking for input from those who know more than I.

    As for my dislike of republicans...

    I do not dislike them any more than I do the Democrats.

    It's really one party with two faces...isn't it?attachicon.gif10353192_851002651599484_7716881104291857807_n.jpg

    Agree that both parties dipped in... but it was Mr.B.J.Clinton aka Slick Willie that really gutted it.

    Do some research, it's a fact.

  14. Embassies / Consulates provide cushy jobs for all the foreign service personnel that work there, while they laugh at the plight of their countrymen they are supposed to service... As you can probably tell, I do not hold much respect for the embassies of my home country...

    I understand your point of view but i wonder why it is like it is....and more specific to Thailand. An other poster referred to countries worldwide but as this is thaivisa, i would like to understand why embassies here do not seem to come up and help citizens, relatives, of their own country who are in need of assistance.

    Because that's not what an embassy does.

    Providing assistance to their nationals is most certainly what embassies/consulates are supposed to do, it is an important part of their responsibility.

    • Like 2
  15. Her face and facial expression scares the living shit out of me... Think the position of chief officer in command at the Bangkok Hilton would be more appropriate for her.

    On the other hand, her face is the perfect logo for the typical Thai attitude towards foreign visitors and investors alike, which is: "Give us all your money, NOW ! And then f#cI< off a.s.a.p. !"

    A perfect Thai Visa avatar photo to complement yours.

  16. I think he means foreigners causing trouble here. The answer far too often. And i agree i can fully understand why the Thais have come to dislike us. Number one, two and three reasons. Drunk, obnoxious and act like they can care less about the Thais and their customs. Maybe YOU forgot WE are guests here.


    Speak for yourself, bud.

    He speaks for all of us who live among Thais and try to live in harmony with them.

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  17. Six months isn't long enough to turn a Country around, I don't think it's enough time to judge the progress. Certain upcoming rulings from the government will demonstrate whether they are sincere or not. One thing I am sure about is that I don't want to see a return to this.

    Agreed... give the government a chance.

    Nothing could be worse than a return to organized criminality on a massive scale.

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