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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. If there was some control of soi dogs then there wouldn't be a trade in them, I deplore the conditions they're transported but sometimes wish it on them when I have to cross a road or go in a different direction to avoid a pack of semi feral dogs. It's a nice sentiment the Thais (and some farang) feeding them but it just encourages more soi dogs. I know a number of people who have been bitten recently, it's becoming a Thai tattoo same as an exhaust burn from a scooter.

  2. In the Ban Phe area you have holidaymakers who leave their dogs on the beach when there's already a big problem with stray dogs and everybody feeds the puppies which causes the alpha dogs to get agressive. I have had a lot of problems with dogs after dark when they wake up after lying in the streets all day but it's not just soi dogs, so many owners have ignored their dogs getting aggressive towards me and there will be payback soon. (rat poison + paracetomol). It is a big problem here and I would pay these people to come and take them to Vietnam as nobody seems bothered about the problem. They could feed the dogs contraceptives, they did a similar thing with rabies by feeding them anti-biotics as I understand it.

    A tip when you're looking to rent a house, go there after dark and see if it's still quiet as I rented one place and it was a nightmare at night with all the barking dogs.

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  3. these crocs need to be careful otherwise it will be a case of Thai people crocodile eaters on the loose, apparently the river populations of these creatures have crashed due to over eating.

    if you look at the population maps for salties their territory extends all the way up from Australia to the Gulf of Thailand but this is the first time I've actually heard of them in the gulf.

  4. is everyone involved in scamming something, selling drugs or doing something else illegal?. it seems like it with all these news reports coming up on the forums lol.

    I had a cup of coffee and a cigarette for breakfast this morning. Nothing said.

    Now if I had been b0ll0ck naked at the train station doing the same, someone might comment...................coffee1.gif

    lucky you, you have a train station nearby. I have to make do with taxis & minibuses...
  5. There has always been a bit of ambivalence in Thailand about the US involvement in U-Tapao as this was used as the staging point for B52s in the Vietnam war (because of its long runway)

    They had long runway because the US built it to accommodate the aircraft as they built most of the base. First hand info as I was stationed there during the end of its construction. wink.png


    nice picture of some BUFF's
  6. I travel with 2 passports but both are British, one is for obtaining visa's for work. Sometimes I have to present 2 passports at check in at Bangkok, one has my Thai visa and the other my visa for the country I'm travelling to so that they can see I have the correct visa to travel and I haven't overstayed on my Thai visa. I've even accidently given Thai immigration the wrong passport when leaving and apologised and given the correct one with no trouble whatsoever. I frequently leave Thailand with one passport then present my other one on arrival as I don't want to fill my passport with the Thai visa full of stamps and ( touch wood) I have never had any trouble or been stopped and questioned over this.

    Malaysia must have some reciprocal agreement with Thailand about checking exit stamps to check for people travelling illegally I would presume, I haven't done a direct flight to Malayasia but have had no problem with flights to China, Hong Kong, Myanmar & Singapore using different passports either end. It must be dependant on the country you are travelling to.

  7. I was travelling from the airport to Ban Phe on Saturday and didn't notice anything untoward except for all the traffic being stopped while some vip went to Pattaya. There are a lot of these chemical companies in Rayong and from the outside I have to say that they do look modern & well maintained, I hope they find the cause quickly and learn from it.

  8. combined cycle is gas, they just tag boilers on the exhaust of the gas turbines. modern combined cycle plants have a pretty good thermal efficiency and makes sense in Chonburi/Rayong where the gas comes ashore and I know there is one project coming off in Rayong with 2 gas turbines and 12 around Bangkok. the problem with coal is the exhaust and even with flue gas desulpherisation doesn't make them green as energy has to be expended extracting and transporting lime plus depending on the coal can leave you with sulphuric acid to get rid of. a byproduct is gypsum which then can be used to make plasterboard for the building industry.

  9. He could (very very risky) contact the DSI or counter corruption beureau and ask if a sting can be implemented or get the media (TV, newspaper) to secretly video/record the transaction etc, or all 3 and not tell the other 2 parties about the fact you've done all 3.

    Yes I know these are all very risky but they are still options.

    Horrible idea. Corruption is endemic here. His best option is to QUICKLY pay the "fine" and move on. Once you get into jail, the "fines" increase as there are more to share the wealth with.

    Chalk it up to a cheap lesson...and avoid doing this again here in the Kingdom.

    I agree, don't dig the hole deeper and the longer he waits the worse it could be.

  10. This is similar to a case that was shown on Sky a couple of years ago where an 18yr old English girl was arrested on Koh Samui at a full moon party after her 21yr old boyfriend passed her a joint. She was interviewed with her mother and all she did was complain that she didn't have enough money to pay the bribe to the police but no apology for using weed. Her boyfriend had bought the joint and he scappered from Thailand leaving her alone and the girl said in the interview that she didn't blame him for doing it. I presume she must have been released from prison when that episode was shown otherwise she would have dug the hole deeper by some of the comments she made.

    I have a some sympathy for the people involved but we naively assume 'Western' morals when we come to countries in SE Asia and make judgements about the locals when we don't understand or like the culture.

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