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Posts posted by Brasilouro

  1. I have an elite visa and I bought a car and registered it last week in my own name with no problem .. I went down to immigration and told them I wanted two copes of the paper I needed as I was buying a car and selling my old one . They gave me a form witch I filled out and handed back with three or four foto's and copy of my passport. He told me to wait a few minutes called me back over asked for five hundred baht gave me my two papers job done no stress

  2. I have spent time in both places . udon is much more user friendly. there is more going on in udon day to day than in buriram . But chances are if your not going be spending much time in ether place you won't be bumping into any university girl or straight family girl you will end up banging some bar girl or something half the town has had a go of .. Stay in Pattaya for girls much variety

  3. MediaWatcher, you obviously have not driven in the UK. A traffic light at red for only 30secs?????????. What about a Taxi driver working on night shift in many UK cities. Not having been a taxi driver, I can just imagine what it would be like. I have had to drive lots of times in the early hours due to my work, I often went through red lights, but would always stop dead first, then depending on what view I had, I would go through the red light if everything was clear.

    Taxi drivers love red lights as your on a taxi meter and they get paid for waiting

    What about the ones who don't have a passenger?

    If you asked a taxi driver what he would prefer he would possible like the way it is as he gets paid more money for waiting. Witch is the opposite to what your sergesting.. If you ask me I think it's a great idea been able to go though when there is no body there I have lived in a few countries over the last twenty years with the same system and I have never seen a crash

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  4. I think the count down is a good thing on the traffic lights . I like the fact that the locals just seem to be able to set a small business up and get on with making a living with out going though all the paper work and cost you would get elsewhere great for entrepreneurs. In the you uk you have to go on a three day health and safety course with the cost to your self to be shown how to hold an hammer ...

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  5. MediaWatcher, you obviously have not driven in the UK. A traffic light at red for only 30secs?????????. What about a Taxi driver working on night shift in many UK cities. Not having been a taxi driver, I can just imagine what it would be like. I have had to drive lots of times in the early hours due to my work, I often went through red lights, but would always stop dead first, then depending on what view I had, I would go through the red light if everything was clear.

    Taxi drivers love red lights as your on a taxi meter and they get paid for waiting

  6. You can do it but Why do it !! It will take you a few hours to take the old ones up .. Wet the floor to keep the dust down get your self a few buckets to move the mess the first tile will be the hardest and the rest will come up easy enough.. Much better job in the long run .. If you leave them down they can lift . If you take them up they carnt work it out ?

  7. Around Mabprachan lake is a nice area people there are more settled than they are in the center of Pattaya and there are a lot more family's and from what you say about your self like minded people .. And ten minutes from regents school

  8. Me personally I cannot stand them taxi drivers . I love Thailand and it's people but these knobs get right on my nervs I have them right out side my condo out side the family mart pissing agianst the wall no matter what time of the day . Saturday morning 15 of them screaming at the Thai boxing on the tv . No matter witch lady walks by from 15 to 50 worker or street walker they get abused with comment no matter if there with partners or with out they have all ways got something to say and the slightest sign of trouble there there not to defuse it but to wind it up so they can call the boys over to join in . There all just lay about lazy pimps that sell what ever they can mostly there girl friends

  9. I was here 12 years with no tears .. I never wanted to get involed with a Thai girl and to be honest never found them that attractive so it was easy just to have some fun and move on .. And then bang I met a girl who I think one day will be my wife . We have been together 4 years now with no major issue's or stress .. There is 12 years between us in age and we get on like a house on fire

  10. OP I think you will find there are a lot of people on this forum asking the same question . What should I put my money into and what small busness can I open so on . But the answer is if we knew we would be doing it are selfs and not broad casting it to other people . Thailand like anyware is not easy to get a busness going from the ground up . But from what I can see here any good business with a decent turn over is not for Sale why sell the goose that lays the golden egg . And the ones that are for sale are more than lightly ready to fail . Sorry for my Skepticism and I wish you luck in what ever you decide to do

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  11. And what comes with discarded rubbish is vermin . I have had four runnings with packs of rats in less than a week two off them in open air restaurants I look around to see what the reaction is with the staff. Yep!! you guest it that stupid smile . Pattaya is over run with them . People don't take pride in Pattaya I think it's got a lot to do with not many people been from here thai's included

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