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Posts posted by FarangTalk

  1. If Pad Thai is a ancient Thai dish, why isn't it called Pad Siam? Same question for Muay Thai. unsure.png

    Pad Thai was 'invented' in the 30's or 40's by Thai fascist dictator Phibunsongkram. In truth he only named it t promote Thai nationalism. It is originally Vietnamese in origin.

    Muay Thai has it's origins all over the region; Burma and Cambodia the main influences. Cambodia has boycotted the Asian games over the naming of the sport as it does not solely belong to Thailand.

  2. When you have been through the Thaksin direct-rule years and seen the rape of the country's finances with a few Baht handed out to poor people - before and after elections - in order to get them to vote for you, It's hardly surprising that any alternative looks good.

    The choice facing Thailand now is one-man dictatorship or a coup. Given that lousy choice, I'd take the coup because at least it's not one person running the show.

    Coups will become a rarity here when a proper democratic system is in place. Political parties with some sort of foundation - left or right of centre, centrist, agrarian, green or whatever - are needed to give people a real choice. The current 'choice' is which party will give the most handouts, subsidies or bribes - a woeful choice.

    I have written a fair amount about democracy here on various TV threads and strongly disagree with those shallow-thinking Farangs who think that the democracy of their home country can be applied or imposed on a developing country like Thailand.

    Thaksin's first administration was the most stable the country had been for decades. The problem with the majority of the Thaksin obsessives, is that they weren't here during the really bad Democrat governments of the 90's and the bloody coups of 1976 and 1991 and haven't experienced anything else. They just don't have the experience to comment constructively.

    Coups will only become a rarity when the generals and more importantly the people that control them are brought to justice.

    The mere fact that it's forbidden to have any discussion of that subject, should tell you where the problems really lie.

    The 2006 coup was engineered by those very same people who want to prevent democracy, not establish it!

  3. How, just how, has it been possible for a government to so spectacularly destroy a leading industry in two very short years. The ineptitude and incompetence of this govts rice policies over this time frame beggers belief. How can anyone have been this stupid? Seriously, how?

    the answer is simple - they are not interested in rice - Thailand or the Thai people - they have only one goal - fill their pockets as fast as they can and move over for the next thief


    Do you think by now TS has recovered his confiscated stolen money - I'll bet most of it


    Thai people "eyes wide shut"

    The Thais are well aware of what is going on.

    Each and every one of them would be doing the exact same thing in their position.

    It is expected.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung said it was unnecessary for the government to abide by the BRN demands and that it is the responsibility of the Thai authorities to decide if troops will be pulled out of the southern provinces

    An admission that the government is not in control of the armed forces.

    The first sign of a failed state.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Go home BRN, you're drunk! If you want the cops and army to disappear from the area then you simply have to give up your ridiculous demands, put your weapons and bombs away and end the feud!!! It doesn't work the other way round because you guys aren't in control, you never have and never will be!!! Also, if you hate being part of Thailand so much then simply pack your things and .... off to Malaysia!!!

    Erm... the region is traditionally and predominantly Muslim and ethnic Malay, and was only annexed in 1909.

    I'm sure they would be part of Malaysia had Thailand not claimed sovereignty over them.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    "We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened".


    It's kind of hard to believe that, after more than a week, her superiors have not yet managed to get her side of the story. She's their employee for crying out loud!


    More likely they did debrief her and it caused them to believe that she's indeed a liability. Diplomats are usually only recalled at short notice when they are clearly implicated in a crime or scandal, or when there is widespread public reaction in the host country which might affect bilateral relations.

    ....they betray their bias already...2 or more witnesses...against the apparently heavily intoxicated (or other) perpetrator....so they are deemed 1-sided...




    Cairo calling Bangkok, Cairo calling Bangkok:


    "We have a problem"


    "What happened"


    "We have absolutely no idea what happened, but we need to send a diplomat home."




    "Not telling, but she needs to come home"




    "Someone said she did something terrible on facebook."


    "Did you bother to get her side of the story?"




    "ok, mai bpen arai, ruin her reputation and send her home"



    Huh???????  We haven't heard her side of the story, but we have decided to remove her anyway, without allowing her any right to defend herself privately against the accusation.  God, I am glad I don't work for the Thai government.....  Do these people lie about everything?

    Yes, yes they do.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  7. The Nazis used several religious symbols in their propaganda, often very deliberately, but that is off-topic.

    My point is the stupidity and irony in an ultra-Royalist group wearing the mask of a man who planned to assassinate a monarch.

    Over and above copying from the Bahrain protests this obviously wasn't considered.

    Of course we could continue to point out that this group supports a military coup and is for the most part anti-democratic, and certainly is not campaigning for any sort of freedoms at all, unlike the previous groups that have used this mask.

    One doesn't have to be a 'ultra-Royalist' to be against Dr. Thaksin and his very own PTP raping the country. You are so obviously unaligned with the white-mask movement that maybe you couldn't know if they support a military coup or are for the most part anti-democratic. Do you have any of their speeches, publications, etc. to back up your accusations? Maybe you just want to slur them by calling them 'stupid' and saying they want a military coup and are 'for the most part anti-democratic', without any supporting evidence except your own amazing ability to read their intentions behind those white masks they wear.

    I would link to the other paper, but unfortunately cannot.

    On the 15th, the first line of the article is "calls for a coup by some participants in the white mask movement are unacceptable" say 55% of people surveyed in an Abac poll.

    Now, I can see some pictures on New Mandala with white masks marching around with placards stating "Overthrow the government". If you want to be anti-coup, how would anyone "overthrow" the government any other way?


    I think however reasonable discourse is not possible in this regard.

    They seem to have absolutely no knowledge of who is behind this group and their aims.

  8. Except that the mask represents Guy Fawkes who planned to commit regicide and the plot was religiously motivated to kill a protestant monarch and put a catholic back on the throne. Fair stupidity for an ultra-Royalist group you have to admit.

    If the red shirts are fascist what are the coup supporting, military backed ultra-royalists? Liberals?

    Get a grip.

    The mask doesn't represent what Guy Fawkes did. It represents what the guy in "V for Vendetta" did. "V for Vendetta" wasn't about regicide. It was about corrupt governments.

    Why do you think David Lloyd chose Guy Fawkes as a symbol for the comic?

  9. I think the "Masks" may be walking a thin line.


    The Nazis used several religious symbols in their propaganda, often very deliberately, but that is off-topic.

    My point is the stupidity and irony in an ultra-Royalist group wearing the mask of a man who planned to assassinate a monarch.

    Over and above copying from the Bahrain protests this obviously wasn't considered.

    Of course we could continue to point out that this group supports a military coup and is for the most part anti-democratic, and certainly is not campaigning for any sort of freedoms at all, unlike the previous groups that have used this mask.

    One doesn't have to be a 'ultra-Royalist' to be against Dr. Thaksin and his very own PTP raping the country. You are so obviously unaligned with the white-mask movement that maybe you couldn't know if they support a military coup or are for the most part anti-democratic. Do you have any of their speeches, publications, etc. to back up your accusations? Maybe you just want to slur them by calling them 'stupid' and saying they want a military coup and are 'for the most part anti-democratic', without any supporting evidence except your own amazing ability to read their intentions behind those white masks they wear.

    The two people behind the movement are funnily enough, former Yellow Shirt leaders.

    Keep going, digging yourself a bigger hole and I will post a lot more you don't know about this group.

  10. The Nazis used several religious symbols in their propaganda, often very deliberately, but that is off-topic.

    My point is the stupidity and irony in an ultra-Royalist group wearing the mask of a man who planned to assassinate a monarch.

    Over and above copying from the Bahrain protests this obviously wasn't considered.

    Of course we could continue to point out that this group supports a military coup and is for the most part anti-democratic, and certainly is not campaigning for any sort of freedoms at all, unlike the previous groups that have used this mask.

    That is precisely the topic, or the part you wish to avoid.

    The Germans didn't care about the origins of the swastika, just as Thais don't care about Guy Fawkes. THEY JUST DON'T CARE.

    A symbol represents to people what they want it to represent. In this case it is peaceful protest against oppression, or whatever else they may like to attach to it. Your bleating about anti-monarchy is nothing more than a smear attempt for people who never expressed such a sentiment, as is your attempt to portray them as ignorant and/or stupid.

    Fair enough, you say they don't care.

    I think they are just ignorant.

    However it does not lessen the irony or the inappropriateness of using a symbol of anti-fascism, anti-establishment and anarchy when calling for the removal of elected governments by military coups. Especially given the history of the military here; their fascist connections and their utter, unequivocal support for authoritarianism and contempt for democracy, exhibited throughout the 70+ years of Thai constitutional monarchy.

    In addition, regardless of what people believe are the modern connotations of the mask, the Guy Fawkes mask traditionally represents regicide and the plot to blow up the House of Lords.

    Comic books and Hollywood won't change that.

  11. The Nazis used several religious symbols in their propaganda, often very deliberately, but that is off-topic.

    My point is the stupidity and irony in an ultra-Royalist group wearing the mask of a man who planned to assassinate a monarch.

    Over and above copying from the Bahrain protests this obviously wasn't considered.

    Of course we could continue to point out that this group supports a military coup and is for the most part anti-democratic, and certainly is not campaigning for any sort of freedoms at all, unlike the previous groups that have used this mask.

  12. Your avarage Brit has no idea about Guy Fawkes apart from the fact they can get a bit more merry than usual, burn af fire, let off some firewokks ect.

    So who the <deleted> came up with idea?? probably somebody who new a lot about British history .

    More than your average brit perhaps some with a joly good education!They're not taken from Guy Fawkes but Anonymous, the internet hacking morons, who took the idea from Alan Moore's V for Vendetta graphic novel/movie. Now seen as a symbol of revolt against tyranny, fascism and thuggish govt tactics.Perfect when dealing with the fascist reds really.

    You are 100% correct, sir. That is the definition of the origin and meaning of these masks today.

    The origin of the Guy Fawkes mask is about 400 years old and were commonly worn in Britain to celebrate Guy Fawkes night on 5th November each year.

    Effigies of Guy Fawkes have been burnt since the Gunpowder plot to assassinate King James I of England (IV of Scotland).

    The Thais are copying the Bahrain protesters, who in turn were copying the 'Occupy' protesters - nothing more. And for an ultra-Royalist group a delicious dumb irony wearing marks of a figure that planned to commit regicide.

  13. I truly wish these anti-Thaksin forces would take a lesson from Ghandi and contrast themselves, drastically, from the Red Shirts by allowing themselves to be attacked thus showing up the Police for the PTP a(( suckers that they are and give no ammunition to their critics/rivals to say "they are the same as the Red Shirts". It took a long time for Ghandi to succeed but he accomplished the seemingly impossible and got independence for India. The Reverend Martin Luther King used the same tactics very effectively in the racist Deep South of the U.S. and there are drastic changes in my own lifetime. No one wins with violence; even if you win, you lose.

    The anti-democracy, ultra-Royalist movement in Thailand has always and traditionally used violence against its opponents, not to mention smear campaigns and lies to discredit forward thinkers like Pridi Banamyong.

    Long, long before Thaksin came along using their tactics against them.

    Their time is almost at an end and it's time for them to come to terms that it truly is the end of an era for Thailand, however some of them are so blinkered and nationalistic it will be impossible to accept the inevitable.

  14. Finger pointing, Guy Fawkes mask, educated in the UK? A bit of obfuscation to muddlethe field.

    Maybe more like feeling a relation to other countries springtime? Opposing non-elected elites who also happen to be criminal fugitives? People wondering about a mere 40% loss on a singles year rice pledging without any details, but assurances that some trickled down to poor farmers, are pointedly better educated that those who fell for the scam?

    I'm amazed. Another member who seems to suggest the red-shirts are non-educated?

    Your avarage Brit has no idea about Guy Fawkes apart from the fact they can get a bit more merry than usual, burn af fire, let off some firewokks ect.

    So who the <deleted> came up with idea?? probably somebody who new a lot about British history .

    More than your average brit perhaps some with a joly good education!

    They're not taken from Guy Fawkes but Anonymous, the internet hacking morons, who took the idea from Alan Moore's V for Vendetta graphic novel/movie. Now seen as a symbol of revolt against tyranny, fascism and thuggish govt tactics.Perfect when dealing with the fascist reds really.

    Except that the mask represents Guy Fawkes who planned to commit regicide and the plot was religiously motivated to kill a protestant monarch and put a catholic back on the throne. Fair stupidity for an ultra-Royalist group you have to admit.

    If the red shirts are fascist what are the coup supporting, military backed ultra-royalists? Liberals?

    Get a grip.

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