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Posts posted by FarangTalk

  1. In the small print it means, with the auction over we wait for SIX MORE MONTH until Thailand can OFFICIALLY USE 3G,.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifAnd then there will be ANOTHER PROBLEM OF REGULATION POLICIES, which will delay it ANOTHER 6 MONTHS, because the bidders can't make up their minds, and it has to be delayed for another 6 months because, the telecommunication authority if Thailand is taking a SPECIAL VACATION TRIP WHATSOEVER, and delay it another six months.,,.... And so on.... THOSE F****^**^^***ng A$$$$$$$$$$eeee$$$$$$$ of telecommunication government dogs!!!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif My "unofficial" 3G works great! Have you ever tried the 3G/4G services in some of these countries that are supposedly so far ahead of Thailand? I have.sick.gif Most recently Singapore. The networks cannot handle the traffic and frequently it's like using EDGE. Whatever Thailand is doing its service is great- At least with DTAC and AIS. Oh yeah- In spite of the post-auction dip in stock price my AIS is still up 150% over last year's investment.giggle.gif I just love to listen to folks dump on how this country manages telecomtongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png

    I work frequently in Singapore and I'm with SingTel, while in BKK I use DTAC and my experience is totally the opposite.

  2. Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest.

    Nothing sweet about having millions worth of Royal jewels stolen, Thai Police being complicit in murders and a cover-up and having your diplomats gunned down in the middle of Bangkok.

    Wonder what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot?

    However, I digress. There can be severe punishments for Saudi nationals caught having visited Thailand, so it's not worth the effort.

  3. How many of these 'tourists' are visa runners? Any statistics about, how much the 15/30 day rule finds it way into this 20 Million number?

    And how many day traders? (Malaysians, Cambodians, Laotians, Burmese)

    If you look at a breakdown of the figures tourists from Laos make up almost a million of the total number of visitors.

  4. The head of the Thai paint industry is blustering back "there should be tighter controls on the raw materials that are imported." Well who but him is in charge of that? What a preposterous response from an industry leader. He wants "them" to clamp down on the raw materials his industry members import and use in their production. What an ass backward way to think about an imminent problem for kindergarden age children in Thai schools. He really cares about the children sidestepping the problem.

    Typically Thai response immediately blaming someone else without engaging brain.

    • Like 1
  5. I would believe that at the time of the Lord B, cannabis was not categorize as a drug..... Barely a plant to chew on, relieving pain, headaches.....

    In Buddhism, the Fifth Precept is to "abstain from wines, liquors and intoxicants that cause heedlessness." Cannabis and some other psychoactive plants are specifically prescribed in the Mahākāla Tantra for medicinal purposes. However, Tantra is an esoteric teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism not generally accepted by most other forms of these religions.


  6. The dems tried very hard through the DSI and police. Problem was that the police is (was) reluctant to arrest people related to Thaksin.



    If you google a bit you find many stories concerning the MIB.

    The Police are reluctant to arrest anyone.

    How many arrests were made when the airport was taken over by the yellows and then picture a similar incident happening in another country.

    Just another example of Thai incompetence.

  7. Even places like Koh Samet have become crowded and much more expensive. It wasn't long ago you could just head down there on the weekend without reservations and get a nice room for a great price.

    The fee to enter the island has increased substantially for foreigners among other costs.

    Personally I found the beaches on Samet disappointing and polluted by too many uncontrolled stray dogs to be an enticing destination.

    There's just something off-putting about that when it comes to a relaxing beach holiday for me.

    • Like 1
  8. And far more interestingly, Thaksin(deposed criminal fugitive in exile) has been trying to have his name spelt Taksin(a historic king) at every opportunity recently. His sponsored magazine "Voice of Taksin" is a bit of a giveaway. Trying to concoct a slightly more regal image I'm sure.

    So I gather Taksin was put in a silk bag and beaten to death with sandalwood clubs. Perhaps his renaming and the karma that comes with it will have the same fortunate ending for the Thai populace.

    I wouldn't read into a missing letter 'h' during English translation that much.

  9. Nisa, the rise in motor vehicle does not lead to a rise in vehicle accidents, there's no evidence to support that although it looks good. The rise in vehicles creates congestion which actually lowers incidents.

    Thailand is non-compliant for many reasons and the 30 day rule is just one of them. Basically because of the inept method of recording such incidents.

    I take Wikipedia with a pinch of salt; it's not recognised as a credible source FACT.

    You can check the WHO website to see you are incorrect. You stated road fatalities are not down and this is wrong, You stated Thailand doesn't include deaths within 30 days and this is wrong. You continue to state that WHO doesn't accept Thailand numbers and this is wrong. You want to discount a link I provided even though the website you criticize has been shown to be more accurate than print encyclopedias and the information listed on the site is sourced but more importantly you continue to state things as fact (which are not) without referencing anything to back up your claims while simply discounting any links that show your claims to be false.

    Here is a statement from WHO regarding fatalities in Thailand for you to also discount ... http://www.who.int/r...4/en/index.html

    And by the way, different countries report fatalities differently but the WHO adjusts them scientifically to reflect fatalities 30 Days after an accident when comparing countries.

    Not this old chestnut.

    You have been proven wrong time and time again on this matter yet still insist on banging on about it.

    Thailand records its road fatalities differently and only those that die at the scene of an accident are included.

  10. Indyuk can you please tell me if you are talking about THAKSIN Shinawatra spelt with a TH and presently living in Dubai as a convicted fugitive or Taksin who was actually King Taksin spelt with a TA whose correct name is Somdet Phra Chao Taksin Maharat; Thai: สมเด็จพระเจ้าตากสินมหาราช and who was King of Thailand and ruled Thailand between 1767 and 1782?

    Interestingly both Taksin and Thaksin were removed by military coups.

  11. Why not legalise all drugs and let some people make some mistakes legally and taxed?

    Because in the case of yaabaa and yaa ice those 'mistakes' are often violent and dangerous to others.

    The culture of taking yaabaa to keep oneself awake at the wheel of a motor vehicle is gradually being eradicated.

    The last thing Thailand needs is for some people to think it is somewhat acceptable to consume this dangerous drug again.

    • Like 1
  12. Lets not be so pessimistic. The number of drivers and cars has gone up dramatically over the years as the number of road deaths has gone down. Thailand is a country that jumped very quickly to becoming an automotive society but even other countries that gradually went this way had there problems (and continue to) with road fatalities and injuries but it is not a situation that can change overnight, it is a gradual process. But fear not, it won't be all that long until enforcement, fines and so on will be similar to that in the west.

    As another post pointed out, there is almost nothing to be optimistic about.

    Interestingly, the video I was made to watch on renewal of my five year driving licence at the Land Transport Office in Bangkok a few days ago showed road death tolls increasing year on year.

    • Like 1
  13. they need the budget for more police in vehicles on the roads, and gas money. That's what the western world does to enforce good driving. (or in the case of Europe - cameras everywhere, tickets arriving via the post). Thailand can't afford this type of policing.

    Thailand has one of the largest police forces per capita in the World.

  14. Anyone who breaks the law, gets convicted, jumps bail, and flees the country, has no right to be reissued a passport. It's not about whether a person is a threat or not. Arguing in favour of fugitives rights to travel is just about the most absurd thing i have ever heard from the reds, and that is saying something.

    What about people that break the law and flee until the statue of limitations on their crimes expires, such as Chuan Leekpai's brother?

  15. She will never see the freedom again, if she plead guilty, get life imprisonnement, if not, death penalty.

    Really ? Wow thats a hard lesson to learn.

    There's no excuse for these people but I can't help feeling that some of these drug-mules are also victims of the drug trade. IMHO I would have thought a stiff sentence of say 5-10 years would be more than sufficient (personal opinion only mind)

    You'd think the death penalty would be sufficient enough of a deterrent, but it isn't. They don't mess around with this kind of thing in other parts of the world. Look at Singapore. There are several signs in plain view of airport passengers that drug smuggling of any kind will result in the death penalty. But it still happens. IMHO, bring back extrajudicial shootings and be done with them.

    Same in Bali although there its something along the lines of Welcome to Bali.....Warning DEATH PENALTY for Drug Smuggling ........Enjoy your Holiday

    Quite confrontational at first glance and worrying but if you dont break the law everything is fine ...though there are obviously d**kheads around who dont think it applies to them

    There is a huge billboard at Aranyaprathet saying exactly the same thing.

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