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Posts posted by NomadJoe

  1. WG in this region is rarely accurate for than 2 days out. Don't expect those numbers to stay the coming days.

    looking pretty accurate to me

    They even got a lot worse for the next days.

    Sometimes they get lucky. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. wink.png

  2. Yes I know people who have lived here for 25 years plus and when asked for ID they show their driving licence.

    You asked why people carry their passport and I answered it. I am not suggesting people do. When I lost mine I was on the way back from the bank after needing to use it there.

    By drivers license I assume you are talking about a Thai drivers license as a foreign license is not a legal form of ID in Thailand. Tourists and many expats do not have this.

    When you go to the station to report the loss of your passport, would you expect a 20,000 baht fine for not having it on you ?

    What a silly and ignorant comment. No, of course not. Just as I wouldn't expect to be arrested if I brought found drugs to the police station. These kinds of things are not only common sense, but actually written into the laws.

  3. Why do people carry their passports with them when they go out ?

    Is it really worth the risk and hassle of losing it.

    It is the most important document you own.

    Keep it locked up where it should be. Carry a copy simple.

    Even though BKK HQ made attempts to clarify the issue, there is still a lot of ambiguity created by different "official" statements, travel guides, and news reports of people cited for not carrying it, though that is not why I often carried mine. It was more out of convenience. I liked to have it when I needed to pop into the bank or do other business requiring it. But I have also had police or immigration ask for it and my WP while working numerous times over the years.

    "By law, you must carry your passport with you at all times in Thailand. Tourists have been arrested because they were unable to produce their passport on request. "


    "He added that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years."


    "In Thailand you are required by law to carry your passport on you at all times..."


    "certain countries require foreign visitors to carry passports at all times; Thailand is one such place."


  4. Well I learned something new today while applying for a replacement for a lost or stolen US passport which will have huge implications for me. I had totally forgotten that about 10 years ago I had also lost my passport while in the states. I was able to replace it there. Today I was told my the US Embassy that the replacement passport will be valid for only 1 year (which actually means only 6 months since you need 6 months validity to do anything) since it is the second time I have had it stolen or lost it in a 10 year span, after which I need to apply again. This is due to "everything going on in the world today" according to the embassy officer. Iguess this is quite a problem for the state department. This is going t be a major pain in the ass for me. It changes my plans big time. Now I can't get another 1 year non-immigrant B visa as I do each year. I will have to get single entries for almost the next year, then pay for another replacement passport at 4500B. I think it's time to re-think my "(nearly) always have my passport with me" policy.


  5. The Quoting on this forum is messed up. If I take a long time writing stuff up it doesn't want to post it properly....Figure it out I guess. I quoted 6 different people...

    If you aren't going to use the quote feature, at least change your font to red or something so we can differentiate it from the quoted post. I am not going to try to read that thing either.

    EDIT: I just looked at the link you gave which you say refutes the claim that no mass shootings have been stopped by private persons carrying concealed weapons. 5 out of 6 examples were off duty police, not private citizens. One was a person who had knives, not guns. So if the rest of your argument is as week as that, I'de say it's probably not even worth reading.

    I did, however, like the comment at the bottom of that link you provided:

    "Lol cool a 6 year old study. How about stop re-hashing the same one study and go do some actual research? More to-date studies here and they are pretty resounding...the gun culture kills people:



    ○ Harvard - http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/newsplus/report-finds-states-with-highest-gun-violence-have-weakest-gun-laws/


    ○ University of Wisconsin - http://libguides.uwgb.edu/guns

    ○ University of Minnesota - http://sph.umn.edu/a-public-health-response-to-gun-violence/


    ○ University of Washington - http://sph.washington.edu/news/closeup/profile.asp?content_ID=2031

    ○ Penn State -http://sites.psu.edu/michellebingertrclblog/2013/03/14/psychology-and-gun-control/

  6. Thanks for that, really useful! smile.png

    You're welcome.

    I ran out of time earlier, but have now also found the Ministerial Regulation referenced by section 5 of the motoring act.

    For information, "motor vehicle" is defined in the act as any motorized vehicle with 2 or more wheels.

    By virtue of Section 5 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Act of 2522, as amended by car (No. 7) 2530.

    Minister of Transport hereby issues the following:

    Article 1 The Ministerial Regulation No. 10 (BE 2525) issued under the Motor Vehicle Act of 2522

    Motor vehicles must have the following apparatus:


    (4) A rearview mirror in which the driver can see traffic on the sides and the back at any moment clearly.


    (c ) Turn lamps type flashing yellow light mounted on the front (2).

    And yellow or red light mounted at the rear to the left and right sides. Each side attached to the same level above the ground at least

    35 cm but not more than 1.20 meters. All the turn lights on the same side are to blink simultaneously while the car's turn signals are activated.

    Source: http://law.longdo.com/law/465/sub32548

  7. <Snip> ......it may not have involved alcohol.......<Snip>

    The article starts with: PHUKET: An Australian tourist was stabbed with a broken bottle yesterday afternoon (September 26) during a drunken argument with three Thai teenagers in Patong.

    So why do you write that it may not have involved alcohol?? Read, understand, then reply smile.png

    Yes. It's a shame TV has dropped the Phuket Gazette from the Phuket news section. This kind of reporting is the result. This happened at 2am, not 2 pm, and a Thai was also stabbed.

  8. There are pertinent sections in both the Motor Vehicle Act and the Land Traffic Act. But the Motor Vehicle Act leaves it up to the Minister of Transport and Communications to define the standards. I spent some time looking for this but searching in Thai using translators is very laborious. I haven't found it yet.

    Motor Vehicle Act
    B.E. 2522 (1979)

    Section 5

    The Minister of Transport and Communications shall be in charge and control of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to prescribe such Ministerial Regulations as requirements of motor vehicles and their engines, standards for mirrors and horns, specifications for license plates, maximum loads and capacities for motor vehicles, etc. of motor vehicles and their engines, standards for mirrors and horns, specifications for license plates, maximum loads and capacities for motor vehicles, etc.

    Land Traffic Act

    BE 2522

    Section 36 (500B)
    When a driver is to turn the vehicle, let another vehicle to overtake, change traffic lane, reduce speed or stop the vehicle, he shall display hand signal or light signal. When the condition doesn't permit the visibility of hand signals (like at night), he must use the light signal.

    The driver must display the hand signal or light signal not less distance than 60m before turning the vehicle, changing traffic lane, or stopping the vehicle.

    The hand signal or light signal must be visible to other drivers at not less distance than 60m.

    Section 38 (500B)

    The driver of an automobile or motorcycle shall display light signals as follows:
    a. to stop the vehicle, ...
    b. to turn the vehicle or change traffic lane, ...
    c. to let another vehicle to overtake, the driver shall display amber light signal for turning or blinking red or amber light signal at the back and to the left of the vehicle.




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  9. This is a great example of the lies, damn lies, and statistics put forth by the gun nuts. Point by point your post is a steaming pile of propaganda.


    Violent crime dropped drastically in NY and LA since the 90's as more gun legislation was introduced. I will not claim that is solely the result of the tougher gun laws. It would certainly contribute. Most criminologists agree that Clinton is to be credited for the drop in crime by putting thousands more police on the streets.

    Damn lies, huh?

    The overall violent crime rate in the US has dropped by about 50% since 1990 but you'll never get the lamestream media to report it on a regular basis. They'd rather point to that fact only in reference to places which have restricted gun control.


    The last time the crime rate for serious crime – murder, rape, robbery, assault – fell to these levels, gasoline cost 29 cents a gallon and the average income for a working American was $5,807.

    That was 1963.

    In the past 20 years, for instance, the murder rate in the United States has dropped by almost half, from 9.8 per 100,000 people in 1991 to 5.0 in 2009. Meanwhile, robberies were down 10 percent in 2010 from the year before and 8 percent in 2009.




    Progress Watch

    FBI reports a drop in crime in 2013: why the rate continues to fall

    New FBI data confirm a sustained drop in the US crime rate, despite a broader definition of what constitutes rape. Creative policing, better use of data, and community involvement play a role.



    None of your stats or links make a connection to the effect of gun laws.

    National Research Council 2004

    The committee found that answers to some of the most pressing questions cannot be addressed with existing data and research methods, however well designed. For example, despite a large body of research, the committee found no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime, and there is almost no empirical evidence that the more than 80 prevention programs focused on gun-related violence have had any effect on children's behavior, knowledge, attitudes, or beliefs about firearms. The committee found that the data available on these questions are too weak to support unambiguous conclusions or strong policy statements.

    2010 National Research Council again as well as six years of additional data, found that:

    We buttress the NRC's cautious conclusion by showing how sensitive the estimated impact of RTC laws is to different data periods, the use of state versus county data, particular specifications, and the decision to control for state trends. Overall, the most consistent, albeit not uniform, finding to emerge from the array of models is that aggravated assault rises when right to carry laws are adopted. For every other crime category, there is little or no indication of any consistent RTC impact on crime.


    • Statistically speaking, guns are rarely used in self-defense, and thus cannot be defended on the grounds that they can reliably defuse crimes while they are happening.
    • The NRA bases its claim that guns are used millions of times a year in self-defense on a discredited study from 1995 that has not been validated in a single academic paper.
    • Concealed Carry Laws are not associated with decreases in crime, and sophisticated analyses show that, in some cases, there is an increase in aggravated assaults associated with concealed carry laws.
    • The best studies to date, using proxies to estimate gun availability, show that more guns lead to more crime.


  10. Why do you need a gun? What? You're really going to shoot someone?

    They're toys. Shiny things to buy, look at, polish . . .

    Emotions. No research, apparently not reading my links above, just drivel that doesn't match the facts.

    And remember, the real reason the Constitution allows us to have guns is to protect us from our own government which might someday run amok.

    If you read my posts and links above you'll see that places where citizens have guns have the lowest crime rates.

    Now please do some research and post some links and stop shooting from the lip with no facts behind it. I worked hard on my posts and your posts are unhelpful and lacking in truth.

    What do you need a gun for?

    Have you ever used your gun?

    You haven't earned the right to ask me those questions. I just told you the real reason that our Constitution guarantees us the right to keep and bear arms.

    But it doesn't. Why aren't pro-gun people able to understand basic English?

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    A well regulated Militia for the security of a free state. That is crystal clear to anyone of even average intelligence. They were talking about the military. This is clear especially when you look at the context of the time.

    "For more than 200 years, the federal courts have unanimously determined that the Second Amendment concerns only the arming of the people in service to an organized state Militia: it does not guarantee immediate access to guns for private purposes. The nation can no longer afford to let the gun lobbies' distortion of the constitution cripple every reasonable attempt to implement an effective national policy towards guns and crime."

    - Joint statement from former U.S. Attourney's General Nicholas Katzenbach, Ramsey Clark, Elliot L. Richardson, Edward Levi, Griffin B. Bell and Benjamin R. Civiletti.[/size]

    The NRA Second Amendment myth is "one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by any special interest group that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies--the militias-- would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires."

    -[/size]former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren [/size]

    The NRA's Fraud: Fabrication of Second Amendment Rights

    "The widely held notion that such a right existed was a myth fabricated by the NRA for its own self interest and for the corporate profits of gun manufacturers. "[/size]


    How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment

    The Founders never intended to create an unregulated individual right to a gun. Today, millions believe they did. Here’s how it happened.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/nra-guns-second-amendment-106856.html#ixzz3EdfzIV6C


    When the second amendment was written, muskets shot perhaps 4 rounds a minute, travelling at ~200m/s and could probably hit the side of a barn from 100m. A modern weapon can fire 700-950 rounds a minute at 1200m/s and, in the case of standard rifles like the popular M-16 or AR-15, are point of aim point of impact at 500+m.

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  11. This is why discourse on this topic is impossible. Gun rights advocates will label anyone exposing the truth as "hysterical, loony liberals" spreading "propaganda." Gun rights advocates simply live in an imaginary world. That would be fine with me if it weren't for the fact that thousands of men, women and children are shot and injured or killed every year in America.

  12. It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

    Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

    Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

    You post an article published by "Mother Jones" and you think I am loony?

    clap2.gif Typical. Shifting the discourse away from the facts and issues and towards generalizations and straw man fallacies is the purest sign of defeat. I humbly accept your acquiescence. Good day sir. wai.gif

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  13. I have years ago. I was never challenged walking though the hotel, and I know others that have too. The problem is parking. I don't buy that if they know you aren't staying there they won't stop you from crossing their property.

  14. Phuket’s billion-baht illegal beach rental scheme exposed

    PHUKET: Police have turned their eye away from Phuket’s taxi mafia to the island’s billion-baht illegal beach rental scheme – starting with the role played by Kata-Karon Mayor Tawee Thongcham.

    Summons were issued today for 15 people, including Mayor Tawee, who stand accused of illegally issuing permits for local beach vendors to use the public beach land, said Region 8 Police Deputy Commander Paween Pongsirin.

    The pricing for the “leases” were displayed at a press conference today: a five-year contract for 99 meters of beach cost 6.25 million baht; a three-year contract for 80m of beach cost 4.5mn baht; and a one-year contract for an undisclosed amount of beach cost 1.68mn baht.

    - See more at: http://phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Phukets-billionbaht-illegal-beach-rental-scheme-exposed

  15. The women alone who shoots burglars and rapists and saves herself never seem to get in the news. Or the neighbor who grabs a shotgun and runs to save a neighbor from bodily harm never makes the news.

    The truth is the average time it takes the Police to arrive in most cities is 15 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on how many police persons have been laid off due to financial restraints.

    Who can wait that long in an emergency? Or you call 911 and you are put on hold!

    Crime always accelerates in the US in no gun cities like NY, and LA.

    This is a great example of the lies, damn lies, and statistics put forth by the gun nuts. Point by point your post is a steaming pile of propaganda.

    The reason why the "women alone who shoots burglars and rapists and saves herself never seem to get in the news" is because that very rarely ever happens. It is much more common for people to accidentally shoot themselves, their kids to get a hold of their gun and shot themselves or a friend, or for the gun owner to shoot their own teenage son or daughter climbing in the bedroom window after sneaking out.

    The actual truth is response times to violent crimes in progress in urban and suburban areas (90% of the population) is about 4 minutes.

    Violent crime dropped drastically in NY and LA since the 90's as more gun legislation was introduced. I will not claim that is solely the result of the tougher gun laws. It would certainly contribute. Most criminologists agree that Clinton is to be credited for the drop in crime by putting thousands more police on the streets.

  16. Back 10 years ago or so you used to have to have two "stickers." (Not really a sticker) One for registration and one for compulsory insurance. The insurance was shaped like a disc.. Now they are one, the pink square.

    Pink registration "sticker.


    Old tax disc no longer used.


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