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Posts posted by nietzche

  1. <deleted> He was later released on bail of Bt100,000...

    Google the following "uk hit and run on bail"

    You will see that 100% of the time hit and run drivers in the U.K. are granted bail.

    Would you prefer the driver was immediately executed instead?

    Amazing how some want to quote "Uk " law when it's deemed to show the thai legal process in some sort of "good light". When anybody who knows anything about Law in the country knows it "sucks"

    You compare U.K. law to that of a third world country?

    Let's compare U.K. law to U.S. law for a moment. The average term served for a life sentence in the U.K. is 13.7 years.

    The average term served for a life sentence in the U.S. is 21.7 years (with the exception of the death penalty)

    The U.K. has a notoriously weak judicial system.

  2. Thai food is on my list of many international cuisines that I enjoy. It's definitely in the top 20!

    While I understand the advice to learn the language, I really don't see the logic of how eating Thai food is going to make it work out for people in Thailand, or not. Especially if living in an expat hub with so many international choices in restaurants and groceries.

    Definitely in your top 20????

    That's not saying much laugh.png

  3. so I guess the tales that some posted on the other page about mozzie repellents being put into drinks weren't to far off then. The worldly and wise branded them as loonies running around in tin foil hats with conspiricy theories. I guess there is something to be learnt here, next time before some attack others with insults, stop for a moment and consider the possibility they may actually be more intelligent than yourselves and not escapees from the loony farm. I am refering to minority, those that think they have thier doctorates in everything known to mankind.

    OK, but how much have they had to ingest for it to be lethal and the article talks about an overdose of DEET ?...surely that would be a very large amount

    I can only speculate that the likely scenario was that they ingested SEVERAL of these cocktails, each containing an amount of DEET low enough to be not detected.
  4. They are just going to make themselves look stupid again on the international stage when the obvious question is asked of why they did nothing about it when they were in power to get a red notice/international arrest warrant issued. Lets hope at least their everything they send to congress is in english this timewhistling.gif

    Is this a real news article??

    They should send their letter. Let the U.S. know how stupid and funny they all arewhistling.gif

    U.S. seems to have their hands full with stirring up anti-Chinese sentiment in this part of the world.

    I could see the U.S. being interested if their was oil or an opportunity to antagonize the Chinese involved, but alas.....

    Their letter will probably go unread....

  5. In Pattaya I paid 56,200 (bike) + 1000 (ins and license) + 200 (temp plate)

    I didn't shop around for the best deal.

    Thanks. I will be buying mine in a few weeks. I was originally going to buy the new Click 125i, but the price difference is only 5k or so, and everyone has been singing the praises of the SX.

    It really is an attractive bike. Yamaha has done a great job to produce this bike and keep the price relatively low.

  6. What are the yamaha dealers charging for the Nouvo SX in your area (tax, insurance included)??

    I'm up here in the North. 60k all inclusive. Seen many guys in BKK Pattaya region mentioning prices in the mid-low 50's.

    Any input gratefully appreciated!

  7. Heaven help the majority of workers, who didn't even get the (9 months !) late-delivered only-a-pre-election-promise minimum-wage of 300B/day, because they don't live in the handful of provinces which did receive it !

    One can argue about the theoretical economic rights/wrongs of this headline-policy of PTP, meanwhile the poor continue to suffer under this government, time perhaps for the Big Boss overseas to put his thinking-cap on again ! rolleyes.gif

    you know that all the other provinces received an average 40% increase in the minimum wage in April and will have the 300 B in January, .... don't you?

    Increasing the minimum wage does not solve the problem.

    The problem here is the shocking disparity in incomes. In Thailand, unlike the U.S or other developed countries, if you are born in to poverty you are stuck there and it is almost impossible to break free.

    This is a society where cronyism is everything and ability means nothing. I think Europe and the U.S. also have huge issues, but hard work and being smart as f*$k means more than anything else.

    99% of the Thai population exist in what can only be compared to as serfdom. Increase the minimum wage by 100%. In fact, increase it by 500% and it's still a shit level of living.

    The population is brainwashed as a result of the media propaganda machine and the Great Internet Firewall.

    Sheer lack of financial education is also a huge problem. Give a Thai on minimum wage 1 million baht and they will go out and buy a car with all of it. Forget the fact that they live in a shack and are 2 million baht in debt.

    Any increase in wages will be offset by interest payments on a new motorbike or iPhone (yes, Thai's buy their iPhone's on credit. That's why everyone has one).

    We can talk about their woes all we want. Nothing will ever change here.

  8. Who cares.

    If the guy was rude to you because the logo on your shirt looked like the Star of David, then that's his problem.

    If you're just curious as to whether or not it was some form of prejudice, go back to the gym tomorrow wearing a yam aka.

    That should clear things up for you.

  9. This was the first time i ever seen it too. I was driving behind a group of motorbikes (kinda like a train) going past cars. Quite easy as there was room enough. But twice i saw the guy clip a car that was lined wrong (probably on purpouse as there was no way to go for the car). I mean once i can understand as a mistake or so but twice makes it on purpouse in my mind.

    I prefer to ride my bike when i know i need to go through heavy traffic else i take the car but first option is to go on times that it is not busy at all.

    If some assho*e is blocking motorbike paths with his car, then I say he deserves to get his mirror knocked!

    If I order a pizza, I want it to arrive at my house ASAP. Anything that helps the motorbike delivery guys sounds good to me. Anyone who stands in the way of me getting my delivery food quickly can f*&k themselves.

    On another note, Isn't delivery here in Thailand fast as hell! I don't think I've ever waited more than 25 minutes from the moment I put the phone down.

    Sometimes it's literally been about 15 minutes from Pizza Company (Pizza Hut Sucks)

  10. Many Americans like to refer to Canada as "America's retarded cousin".

    So why would Americans who put canook flags on their bags and tell people they are Canadian prefer to be considered retards than tell people they are American when travelling...whistling.gif

    You have clearly met only Canadians who were pulling your leg.

    An American (when I say America, I mean REAL America, i.e. NY, Boston, Chicago, and California) does not need to put a flag on their backpack.

    The fact that they are American is implied by the high level of education and manners.

    • Like 2
  11. Scottish are the most respected, just watch a Thai's face light up at the mention of Scotch whisky!!! - but that is a given for any country apart from England!! thumbsup.gif

    Got to be a toss up between Burmese and American for the least respected, Burmese being more of a local thing whilst Americans are universally viewed with suspicion wherever they go!wink.png

    Although the Scots are generally seen as being far superior than their English neighbors, you cannot compare a Scot to an American, or even Canadian for that matter.

    In Thailand, it is generally accepted that all Brits, Nigerians, and Indians are considered to be of lower status.

  12. What woman who has anything going for herself would marry a penniless farang?

    "What woman who has anything going for herself would marry a penniless farang?" ... good old fashioned love ... wub.png ... rare, but has happened you know.

    Please change your avatar!

    It's creepy as hell!

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