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Posts posted by nietzche

  1. I am new to the thread and don't want to read all the posts... can someone just tell me who is winning?

    No clear winner yet, however Giddyup has taken a serious beating and is on his last legs.

    He lost all credibility when after 10 pages of denying money was an issue he admitted when he needed his bankbook to get woman to like him. Then he claimed victory and called me stupid while he shot himself in the foot. Must be some french blood in him.

    But i must admit he has a lot of staying power or he is just not bright enough to give up hoping it will all go away.

    Yes, the old fella is a fighter. Many would have thrown in the towel by now.
  2. Not all Brits are bad people and some of us travel with pride and dignity with respect for cultures in the country we travel too. I do agree with some of the previous points people have made but I hope the numbers are more than one in 10 that us Brits are good travellers. I'm over in two months and can't wait to be over to your great country.

    There are many respectable Brits. But the sad fact is that drinking is such a big part of the culture over there that the average man/woman generally has strong vagabond tendencies.

    A poor diet of fried foods, beer, and ITV Granada mean that by the age of 21 the typical Brit is usually already sporting a beer belly, and a couple of missing teeth.

    However, in their defense, many just appear to be vagabonds due to their poor English speaking abilities and general unkempt appearance.

    The U.K. is similar to Thailand in a sense. There is a minority of well spoken, educated people, while the rest are typically commoners.

  3. If all the old codgers come to Thailand to get a young wife/gf that they would have no hope of getting in their own country, please tell me why the young guys come here? The fact of the matter is that most of you are here for exactly the same reason. The difference is us old guys are restricted because of our age in our own countries, what's the young guys excuse? Let me guess, lack of social skills, ugly as a hatful, dumb as a post? Judging by the young guys responses to some of these posts, it's pretty obvious that at least two out of those three apply.

    I'm sure you would like to delude yourself that this is the truth. Most young people who come here do so for a couple of years to experience something different in life before going back home to resume normal life.

    Many I know come here as volunteers.

    I know more farang girls here than men. Are they also here for the bargirl action?

    You are seriously delusional my friend blink.png

    • Like 1
  4. im 52 and the wife is 27, together 7 years baby due in sept, very very happy,

    so what you think about age diff is shhhite

    I only hope you have a good pension scheme set up, when the kid is eighteen you will be looking at retirement. Making no comment on the age difference by the way, that is entirely up to the individuals involved and for me is not a subject for discussion, only the late fatherhood would be a bit of a worry for me. Hope all goes well in September.

    That's not right!

    You shouldn't be having children at your age. You shouldn't be married to them either.

    What are you going to do when your kid grows up and they want to go play football or something?

    Probably sit on the park bench feeding the birds while watching the other children's fathers have a game of football with their kids.

    By the time your kids old enough to vote, your going to be 70!!

    Another half farang kid in Thailand who isn't gong to know his father growing up. Just what the place needs!

    Your decision to father a child at this stage in life is very selfish.

  5. If the U.K required a clean criminal record in order to be issued a passport, the number of Brits in Thailand was decrease by about 90%

    For every 1 decent Brit I've met here, I've met another 9 low life degenerates.

    And if you are offended by that statement, then you are most probably part of the latter. ermm.gif

  6. I you buy from Apple / Mac it will automatically have a tracking number and it will arrive... Thai Post is extremely efficient.... thumbsup.gif

    I have received documents in the mail and it was always extremely efficient.

    It amazes me how they can operate efficiently given how bad the city planning can be in Thailand. Many houses I see are in mazes of soi's, some of which don't even have street names. Many of the houses don't even have visible numbers?

  7. I get books printed every couple of weeks or so from a local print store. They do the bindings, glossy cover, etc. It basically looks the real book sold in the stores (mine are not for a noble cause, just illegally downloaded pdf's of the originals).

    I order only one or two at a time because I'm an avid reader. For a 500 page, glossy cover, ring binding copy, I pay around 200 baht.

    If you order a lot more, then I'm sure they can give you a break on the price. However, please bear in mind the profit margins of printing shops here in Thailand are already tiny, so how much they can discount you? I don't know, but probably not very much (5-10% or so).

    I would advise you to check out one of the large universities in your area (assuming they are near). Printing tends to be cheapest on campus as the universities print 10's of thousands of copies every semester.

    Good Luck.

  8. I'm planning on buying the new iPad. Most stores that I have visited have prices higher than the online Apple Store. If I order online, will it arrive?

    Is it possible that an expensive item like that could get "lost" in the mail?

    I ordered my current Macbook last year back in the states from the Apple Store. No issues arriving on time of course.

    Has anyone had any problems/good experiences with the Postal Service here, (i.e. expensive items not showing up?).

    Would you chance it? or just buy it from the store at a higher price?

  9. international wire transfers cost 15-25 $US. funds are converted automatically. can be done with almost any bank with online access. troll post.

    Troll post my as s. Read carefully f-cktard. I said very clearly that i change it from Thai baht to the USD. The banks took my commission on the exchange rate. That is why the cost is 600 USD approx.

    I need a solution to cut this cost.

    You asked a question, then started abusing the person who answered it?ermm.gif

    Open an HSBC foreign currency account in the Bangkok branch. If you already have an HSBC account back in the U.S. you can do it over the phone for a cost of $200.

    If you have an HSBC premier account the fee is waived. I think you need to maintain a minimum balance of 5 or 10k. I forget.

    From my experience trying to wire money out of the country was a huge pain in the ass.

    That said, this does sound like a troll post.

  10. MOTH BALLS !!I is the answer to gecko's....they dont like the smell.

    I had quite a few in my kitchen ,one pair always inside a cupboard.

    Bought a pack of mothballs placed them arround...Gecko's went away.

    Be careful if you have a cat...they can die from mothball ingredients,,

    Your thinking about bats my friend.
  11. Actually, they can be quite beneficial to your surroundings.

    They're no harm, unlike other 4-legged vermin.

    You will not keep them out, believe me.

    Gecko's are good to have a round. They eat all of the nasty little things that like to bite/poison you.

    If you were successful in eradicating your geckos, I guarantee with in a couple of weeks you would be overrun with nasty little creepy crawlies.

  12. so backpackers only like temples and stuff, hahaha ha hahahahahahaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Are all buddhists like you?

    yes all buddhist were creaated from the same mould, same personality, same everything, think about that.

    Payak, stop masquerading as a buddhist.
  13. If I could wave a magic wand and shut down prostitution in Thailand I could guarantee an immediate minimum reduction of 50% in the transmission of sexually transmitted illness.

    I'll go as far as 75%, because that would be the reduction of tourists entering Thailand if prostitution would be shut down.

    So you are saying that 75% of tourists that enter Thailand are sex tourists?? whistling.gif

    First time I came here was as a backpacker right after graduate school. I'd say the young people who pass through Thailand outnumber or at least equal the sex tourists.

    SEA is probably the number one backpacking/gap year destination in the world. And Thailand is the most popular country in the region.

  14. so i can see most but not all support it.

    and people against prostitution are seen as being on there high horse.

    I expected that, Then I get the usual your a Buddhist you should look within speech, I know about my religion don't worry, we can engage in debates and talks to.

    I have noticed people are cutting in and not reading all the posts, and are forming opinions with half the threads facts.

    I have to say in my opinion,and it means nothing at the end of the day, better to gut chickens in a factory all day and keep your pride and respect.

    I see no reason to pay for sex when there's plenty of it out there for free. And by the looks of most bar girls I've seen, it sure as hell isn't worth paying for anyway.

    Instead of dropping $$$ to bang some beast of a girl, spend that money on hitting the gym, getting rid of the beer belly, and waxing the back hair. It will improve your chances with normal civilian women.

    Sex is just the end result of the whole experience. The chase is much more fun. It's like skipping to the last page of the book and then saying that you've read the book, so to speak ermm.gif

    That said. I still have nothing against those who pay for sex, hookers, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc.

    Different strokes for different folks wai.gif

    • Like 1
  15. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    starting a thread does not mean anything other then what i am asking, I do not sleep with bar girls,never have or had to.

    but if people do thats fine, if girls sell it, thats fine, but why can't they be honest about it.

    I haveawife and children, I find it disgusting to stray, I certainly picked up plenty in my pre marriage days, but girls, not bargirls,refuse to pay and its not fun for me, i like the hunt.

    Irespect all opinions but lets not make assumptions like this poster, you dont know me, lets respect each other if possible, I don't sleep with bargirls, to another i am not a christian, been buddhist since 12.

    "Why can't they be 'honest' about it"????

    Cause it's business! Do you really need others to answer that question for you?

    When you go into a McDonalds, they don't say: "Welcome to McDonalds. Our french fries will probably put your blood pressure through the roof, and our burgers are made from diseased cows. Enjoy your diarrhea!"

    Business isn't' about being "honest", it's about making money!

    And YES, prostitution IS a business for those selling it.

    so true, so why say anything, just do the job and move to the next man, but they are saying it as they are feeling a sense of guilt.

    and i wasreally refering to people here saying they have no choice.

    I give up. There's no point beating a dead horse. No offense Payak, but if you are truly a buddhist, you will turn this question on yourself and contemplate it a while.

    You will find the answer to your question within wai.gif

  16. when i was in pattaya i didnt see many thai men there picking up girls,

    or i was sat in the wrong place,

    yes ive seen thai men parked in the fairly light bars outside of most towns,

    but pattaya has grown to be one of the sex capitals of the world, built on mostly western men,, thats got to be fact

    or again i might be wrong

    Have you ever been to an area of Thailand that wasn't a western tourist destination?

    Therein lies the answer to your question.

  17. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    starting a thread does not mean anything other then what i am asking, I do not sleep with bar girls,never have or had to.

    but if people do thats fine, if girls sell it, thats fine, but why can't they be honest about it.

    I haveawife and children, I find it disgusting to stray, I certainly picked up plenty in my pre marriage days, but girls, not bargirls,refuse to pay and its not fun for me, i like the hunt.

    Irespect all opinions but lets not make assumptions like this poster, you dont know me, lets respect each other if possible, I don't sleep with bargirls, to another i am not a christian, been buddhist since 12.

    "Why can't they be 'honest' about it"????

    Cause it's business! Do you really need others to answer that question for you?

    When you go into a McDonalds, they don't say: "Welcome to McDonalds. Our french fries will probably put your blood pressure through the roof, and our burgers are made from diseased cows. Enjoy your diarrhea!"

    Business isn't' about being "honest", it's about making money!

    And YES, prostitution IS a business for those selling it.

  18. They sell sex for the same reasons people like the OP pay for sex:

    "Because they're desperate"

    And OP, don't tell us you don't pay for sex. You started a thread about bargirls, so it's implied that you have experience in this regard.

    I find it extremely hypocritical that people on this forum who regularly pay to have sex with hookers like to put hookers down.

    A person who pay's to have sex with a hooker is no better than a hooker. If you disagree with this consider the following:

    "Would you like your family, friends, or colleagues back home to know that you pay to have sex with a hooker?"

    If the answer is "no" then my previous statement holds true. And I'm sure you would probably be very embarrassed if they found out.

    Many on this forum who have opinions similar to the OP should take a look at themselves first before judging the actions, motivations, or decisions of others.

    Some may be "desperate" but I would think a lot are attracted to the easy money.

    I wouldn't say that having an overweight, smelly, hairy man (typical bargirl client) leering and sweating over you "easy money".

    The important idea here is that wherever you go in this world, you always come across those who refuse to see their own flaws, but are quick to point them out in others.

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