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Posts posted by Plucky

  1. My friends sister works as an NGO. in Africa for $1600 a month. Surely it should just cover expenses such as food and accommodation and a minimum wage to buy basics?

    I have travelled extensively in Africa and the biggest <deleted> I met were some American doctors sat next to me on the flight over. Clearly going over to use their expertise but I got the feeling not to help but so they could go back to America and live off the story of 'helping in Africa' at dinner parties for the next 30 years.

    Most people don't help because they care. It's so they can return home and profane the 'holier than thou' attitude to all around them. You can see them wriggling in their seats with glee at the forthcoming question of what they do and the following praise heaped upon them.

    I put NGO's in with the religious. They all want to be seen as good people doing good deeds but what they are after is praise and preferential treatment not to genuinely help others. Some admittedly are there to help but they are in the minority I feel.

    Also how many of these little helpers have you seen going on about how poor the people they help are and how we should all strive to consume less and contribute more followed by pulling out the ubiquitous expensive iphone, mac book or ipad?

    • Like 2
  2. So many assumptions, so little fact. But you guys are an interesting bunch and I do appreciate how knowledgeable you are on other topics/threads.

    My username is one I used on car forums from years ago and it stuck as I know I will remember it easier than having different usernames for different sites. Plus remembering fuzzywuzzyduck555/-/# is beyond my mortal means.

    I am early 30's, medium build, short hair through genetics rather than choice (no greasy ponytail) usually dressed in short sleeved shirt, trousers and walking shoes (think Karrimor type etc).

    I know the image you are all alluding to and yes I think they look creepy too.

    Neither am I with a young Thai woman. Just on my own going about my day.

    The western women I have chatted to here have been engaging and polite but conversation always skirts around eventually ends up at am I here to enjoy the beautiful women in an idyllic situation. The truth is yes.

  3. First few nights. Overpaid for room by 50%, taxi a took me half a mile and charged 300 baht and a certain someone got paid twice as I forgot I had paid already.

    Three days in I had been done over a few times but lost a paltry amount and met some good friends who set me right.

    I want to do something constructive with my time here but setting up a business here looks fraught with woes.

  4. Why oh why do they seem to have a deep hatred for any western male who looks like he lives here?

    At Songkran I playfully squirted two Canadian/American girls to which one of them instinctively screamed "how seedy"! She seemed confused as I was at this but I think the ice cold water just had her react rather than think.

    When going about my daily business many falang female tourists just openly look at you as if you are evil incarnate and invented and implemented prostitution all on my own.

    Yesterday I walked past three young female falang tourists and I overheard "yeah he looks like one". I took this to mean something negative and if looks could kill I would be 6ft under right now.

    I have stopped looking inward about this issue and now think 'well what the hell are you doing here' rather than feeling I have to explain myself.

    By the way I am just an average looking well presented male going about my business bothering no one but the mosquitos bothering me. Admittedly being clothed might help but the humidity is a killer!

  5. A very relevant and insightful topic this one. On a positive note I have actually learnt something here.

    The all too often 'hand bill to falang with half smile half laughter' will now be handled by handing over a 500/1000 and returning the sentiment.

    And yes hindsight is 20/20. I have been caught out numerous times here already but just paid up and fumed about it later.

    I am a little disappointed though. I heard so much about 'balloon chasers' before I came here and was hoping for some spectator sport of it in cm but alas no joy.

    • Like 1
  6. You got seen off. He wanted to look the big lad in front of everybody but took the cheap option and stung you for half the bill as an after thought.

    Twice I have had similar experiences with Thai's. First the one who invited me to a restaurant at 11pm after dining all evening with her friends from out of town. Second one invited me to join her and her friends after sending me pictures of her and her friends devouring beer stacks and LOTS of food. I said no thanks to both.

    The two Swiss people I have met here have been tighter than a ducks arse. One paid for everything in 1 baht coins and the other routinely accepts drinks but never returns the favour.

    Thailand is full of people trying to get by on nothing and try to scam others.

  7. I javelin been looking about but had no joy as of yet. I work away so when I am away would like to be able to securely lock away the bikes and other bits. Plus I like the idea of putting together a small collection of interesting vehicles so possibly a double garage would be more suitable.

    Security is paramount for peace of mind whilst away. I have no significant other otherwise I would rent a house with a garage but to be honest I don't need the hassle of a woman or a house.

    Stupid to some but sane to me. And the interesting collection is planned to be bicycle, scooter, off road 4x4 but more likely a quad or enduro and something old but pimp. For pimp think old but lovingly restored to better than original.

  8. I popped into my local dealer in cm and was suitably impressed by their prices for all there bikes compared to say Yamaha.

    I wanted a test ride but they only offered me a spin around the car park which was very small. My worries are that it won't be fast enough. I know they are not speed machines but for a sm I think around the 600cc region is right ala ktm. I don't want to spend a lot more or bore out the d Tracker. Will it be enough?

  9. I bought a 2010 Yamaha Mio 125 recently and I checked the accessible things like oil and transmission oil but upon checking the coolant level I could find no min/max marks. Does anybody have an idea? I am guessing around the half way mark to allow for the expansion and dissipation etc.

    Also does anyone know where I can get a small all in one type tool box with pliers/socket set and other odds and ends to work on the scooter. Nothing too fancy just so I can fiddle about with it.

    Yes I know som chai on the street corner can do all this for 20 baht but I like the satisfaction and peace of mind of my own handiwork.

  10. The bike is a Yamaha Mio 125cc with a carb. I like the look of the big bore kits but what cc can I extend to and what costs am I looking at?

    Sorry to ask so many bone questions but all Google searches throw up is info from the Philippines and in Tagalog.

    Is a turbo or nos out the question? Ah yes and who could I trust to do engine work in Chiang Mai?

  11. I know this may seem a bit sad but I want to make my scooter faster. I've had fast bikes ala R1, GSXR1000, Mille, Blackbird, Ninja in the UK but to be honest I don't think they are quite right for what I use a bike over here for, namely meandering around town every now and again.

    Anyway coming back to topic how much would it cost for things such as big bore kits, turbo chargers, nitrous and what has the most bang per buck? Also what other things should I consider?

    Stupid I know but googling the subject just keeps bringing up the same old crap which doesn't help and I thought the collective knowledge on here would be greater and a fun topic to discuss and maybe learn more.

    Many thanks. Over to you!

  12. Would anybody know where I could receive said treatment. Not after anything smutty just intrigued in having it done. And yes I am talking a load of....ahem.

    If anybody has been to one opinions or reviews most appreciated etc (pictures and videos not required thanks all the same).

  13. I recently received a full body oil massage on Loi Kroh Road in Chiang Mai. I don't know what it is but I fear something was amiss. The massage itself was sublime if not a little too powerful for my liking. This girl could strip the threads off bolts with hands that strong.

    No what bothers me was she had a voice deeper than Darth Vader and kept talking about football. I fear the worst. What should I have done? Should I have asked for a full and unequivocal refund or perhaps asked if she could do anything about my noisy tappets?

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