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  1. I'm sure honest and incorruptible Thai justice will prevail.
  2. Ever wondered what happens when the interweb goes down or somebody who has control over it decides they don't like how you spend your money and deicide to put s stop to it?
  3. I'm in your camp. If you hand over folding you know exactly how much you are spending on each transaction
  4. Yes, but has it happened yet, and on that day exactly what will happen?
  5. As a reformed smoker, probably the worst kind, I am fully in favour of "smoking" rooms. I think it is quite sensible that these social pariahs have somewhere they can go to kill themselves.
  6. Finally, I thought I would write a "thank you" note to all who have posted valuable information on here. You have saved me much money as I now don't have to tour the bars of Pattaya seeking out this information and my wife is much relieved that I am not to be let loose in Pattaya unaccompanied. I really can't understand what all the premature panic is about. As far as I am aware the government has as yet made no definitive statement regarding this issue so until they do I am not going to risk elevating my blood pressure with the possible associated heart attack. There are many, many more things in Thailand which can cause that already so why add unnecessarily add to them?
  7. I wonder if they will publish the true figures at the end of the year.
  8. "The envisaged carbon tax will be integrated into the existing oil tax structure, a strategy designed to shield consumers from direct impacts." Surely oil consumers, i.e. most motorists, will be paying more for their fuel as a result of this tax, so I haven't quite worked out exactly how they are "shielded"! Is this Thai logic at work again?
  9. So the rest of the year is open season for criminals?
  10. "Safe New Year Travel". That'll be a first!
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