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Everything posted by DaddyWarbucks

  1. The obvious answer is that they don't have what it takes to put a stop to it.
  2. Spot on. Too many people profit from the War on Drugs for it to end anytime soon. Thailand's recent experience is a prime example.
  3. It might be true. This clown is probably told things only on a need-to-know basis.
  4. Dear Poo is almost home free at last. Thaksin's meeting with Srettha the other day probably began with the invocation "Let us prey", and proceeded to work out the final details.
  5. What, no honour among thieves?
  6. As well he should.
  7. Get out the word to everyone everywhere about the poisonous air we are breathing here in Chiang Mai and all over Northern Thailand. Let tourist numbers tank and only then will you see any meaningful steps taken by the authorities to improve the situation.
  8. This sock-puppet just does and says what he is told.
  9. Just another populist vote buying scheme. It has Thaksin's dirty fingerprints all over it.
  10. Not as comprehensive a ruling as it could have /should have been, but a good first step in isolating Israel and the radical Zionists that run it.
  11. The most incompetent SecDef in recent history. He goes around with a perpetual expression of worried confusion. The man is clearly out of his element and in over his head.
  12. Thanks, I'll try that.
  13. Anyone who drinks 100 Pipers, Benmore, or Bell's has lowered their standards already. You can't get much lower and still seriously call it Scotch whisky. That said, Benmore is not bad as a mixer on the rocks with soda and a slice of manao. I was spoiled recently when my son-in-law gave me a bottle of Auchentoshan single malt. That can be enjoyed neat like a cordial whereas the cheaper blends can't.
  14. Yes, I've heard the same thing about the success Singapore has had recently in taking on the agribusiness polluters in the region. But that's Singapore where things get done efficiently more often than not. This is Thailand {TIT} where business and government are joined at the hip following the US model. A symbiotic relationship that almost guarantees corruption and dysfunction insofar as it relates to the general good. As Napoleon is supposed to have said: "The surprising thing is not that every man has his price, but how low it is."
  15. One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. It's just a matter of semantics since both sides are guilty of deliberately killing non-combatants in this conflict. The massive pro-Palestinian demonstrations worldwide show clearly who the overwhelming majority of people consider to be the real terrorists.
  16. Spot on. Anybody who would consider marrying a bargirl needs a check-up from the neck up
  17. To imply that the Vietnam War was a "win" for the US in any sense of the word is downright ludicrous. "You win some, you lose some" might have been a fair assessment of the US Military in the past, but since 1945 it has been all losses in every major conflict they've been involved in.
  18. Pure evil. You very rarely see it so unadulterated.
  19. Lesson learned... Don't sign any contracts to work in or near warzones.
  20. What happened, did they get spooked by the recent Chinese submarine disaster that claimed fifty-five lives?
  21. Totally agree with all the good words about this efficient and honest man. A while back I brought in my Hp Pavillion Desktop to have the power switch replaced. He did it immediately and was finished in about 15 minutes. When I asked what I owed him he said "80 baht". I insisted he take 150 and told him that he had a new luk-kah pra-jahm.
  22. I'm surprised the resurgent Drug Warriors haven't linked this to ganja yet.
  23. Until very recently October was being mooted as a possible release time. Now these weasle-words from one of the crew. Did they get cold-feet at the thought of a real chance of a violent reaction to his early release?
  24. Hogwash. Thaksin and his criminal clan bent, twisted, and broke so many laws to enrich themselves while they were in power that they deserve to get stiffed good and hard. Mealy-mouthed objections to the circumstances of his conviction are usually agenda-driven.
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