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Everything posted by Antifreeze

  1. " As long as you file a tax return each year, you should be fine. By doing so, you demonstrate your intention to comply with the law, which is all they really expect." Well I went to my tax office yesterday to get a TIN since I have received money from a foreign source and they would not issue à TIN. They said my income was too small. So I told this to my lawyer and he replied that all should file à tax form irrespect of their income.. Not sure what to do next.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 141 seconds  
  3. And what do define as drunk? Above 0.05?
  4. Would you know where to get an English version of taxable income vs income doc. I get pension but I need to supplement from my savings. I can imagine the paperwork that all this will generate... not that I am not used to it.
  5. Not to mention what chemicals may have been sprayed on the plants. I would not think the buds were washed ????. Unless one knows the source, don't eat it.
  6. Cannabis does not cause this uncontrolled anger. But lock the fridge.
  7. Exactly. Who would design something like that? I Dark uniforms against a dark background at night is not going to increase safety. Missing reflective material on helmets and uniforms.
  8. They are quite common. Although different people are affected differently depending on body chemistry, grounding conductivity and the path the current flows through. The main problem is due to incompetence. And this can be see across all trades. Suing will not fix that.
  9. Not sure if where the problem was as it does not appear to contact anything. But definitely sloppy work. And an exterior connection to top it off. Electrical tape and exposed. Seen too many of those in my years here... many stories. For instance at a major shopping mall that I cannot name, Xmas light strings wrapped around an exterior metal stair ramp with taped connections between strings. Total incompetence.
  10. In fact the black paint does slowly disappear. So not painted white. I received a notice by mail that I was to go to the licence bureau to get a free replacement set of plates. Strange thing is that only the rear plate lost the black paint.
  11. A sign should say "For security reasons, only approved dubious fleecing taxis allowed",
  12. They should waive the re-entry fee for expats.
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