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Posts posted by Taco

  1. Keep the brewing ball rolling who ever it might be! I have a handful of baht ready to buy good beer.

    Without the increased distribution of beer lao (which I can happily say is even available at the local 7-11's in Koh Phangan :) I would be forced to drink more of the watered down with fruit juice, overpriced, crap boxed wines as the local beers are poor at best. Not to mention how overpriced beer is Thailand. Even at Changs price level 685 a box=$19.25. If it cost them a dollar to make that swine I would be shocked.

    Reminds me of a friend who was an English teacher in bkk about 10 years ago. One of his private clients was a water filtration salesmen. He told my friend that Singha and Chang don't use and wouldn't buy a proper water filtration system for their beer water. So you got rice, dirty water and bad headache the next day.

  2. "Most Thais have experienced intense constitutional debate throughout their adult lives, especially those born after the 1990s.They are now the most democratically alert people in the region, if not the world."

    are you kidding me? Occasionally Thais are up for a good time sit in style protest with lots of whistles and food. But, saying that a majority of Thais have experienced intense debate over the Constitution of Thailand is ludicrous. My GF was born after 1990 and she often refers to the PM as the guy who's show ruins her soap operas. "why always have to talk talk talk when I want to watch my shows" LMAO!!!

    Then on to the most democratically alert people in the world comment. I have seen plenty of protesting here in the last years to get someone out of office but when has there been a protest to speed up democracy or move up an election or democratic process?

  3. 82 people shot and 14 killed over the 4th of July weekend last year, so this year was way safer! Must have been all the smoke giving the city a peaceful contact buzz from the 70,000 hippies in town for the final 3 Grateful Dead shows.

    The kids dad was a gang leader, had been arrested 45 times and had his 7 year old out in the park at midnight knowing he was a target. The poor kid didn't get to pick his parents but dad was the problem.

    Sweet home Chicago!

  4. Took the Raja Ferry from Don Sak to Phangan today no beer on the boat or at the mini mart and restaurant at the pier. 15 years of living on the island and some of my fondest memories are the cold one you crack just before arrival in Phangan. I have never seen fights or rowdy behaviour on the ferry just travelers having a few beers celebrating the last leg of a long trip out to the islands.

    You have a 15 year old thai kid being murdered on samui yesterday by local gangs, Burmese being suffocated and left on the roadside, local businessmen shot in front of tourists buying trinkets yet the police and this overreaching pseudo government think banning beer on a long boat ride where most passengers are picked up by taxis is an issue that needs to be urgently addressed? People come to Thailand to have fun not to visit museums. Get the ballot boxes out ASAP.

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  5. Ridiculous kratom is illegal. Chewed a massive stack of that stuff trying to get a buzz during a golf round. Tastes like chalk, gets you about as high as a half a cup of coffee and doesnt help your golf game. Still shot a 99.

    I think If I chewed a whole pack of cigarettes I would surely get higher.

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