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Posts posted by MeHere

  1. Hi guys... I have just moved to Melbourne and want to bring my partner (we've been together for 5 years) back soon:

    I am an American citizen, but also hold New Zealand citizenship since 1999, so am also an Australian permanent resident.

    I see they have a visa called NZ citizen family relationship (temporary) visa subclass 461 that lasts for 'up to' 5 years

    Has anyone gone this or a similar partner visa route before to Australia? Was it pretty straight forward or are there any snags that I should be aware of? Any info you might have would be great!

    Next, I want to ship all our stuff down here to Melbourne... Can anyone recommend a good company that can pack and send everything here?

    Thanks in advance for any info!

  2. And not to mention all the data leaked on this website too:

    It has all names, passports, full current address, nationality and every single travel history.

    All made puiblicly available within a simple google search.


    Look at all the errors and inconsistencies there are in this data... what a mess and no wonder nothing gets done effectively! Check out the Name/Surname: Trousers on the CRISTINA MERCEDES

    Add to the list the hub of information standards... SMH

  3. Sure, everyone at some point, for some reason tells small lies, whether it's to protect someone exaggerate an otherwise uneventful night, or whatever... These are harmless little exaggerations that, for me, are annoying if they are so unbelievable that it's obvious, but harmless. I usually just call these guys out in subtle ways and/or sarcasm.

    I think this thread is more about the giant fabrications and completely ridiculous stories we hear from some of these ex/current CIA operatives, super secret special forces guys, super richest guys in the world... and even worse, the conmen looking for a mark that we run into here and there.

  4. I met an American guy here back around the end of '14 who professed that he was an "international lobbyist" who has close ties with some "Royal Family" in the middle east... Kept going on and on about it, even calling himself a "ghost" and pointing out the odd CIA guys here and there and over there. I gave him the benefit of the doubt initially, but eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and had to just distance myself from him despite his attempts to contact me.

    He came here initially as a BD Manager for a high end boutique alcohol brand, although I believe his personal life, alcohol, lies, delusions, and wanting to be some kind of wheeler-dealer type got in the way of his job and he was let go for lack of productivity.

    He was often trying to recruit strangers (in bars) to perform tasks for him, such as finding 5 star hotels that are for sale that his 'clients' with billions and billions of dollar budgets were looking to purchase. He often tried to initiate some business deals at bars and other public establishments right out of the blue, these sometimes ended up in verbal and even sometimes physical altercations.

    He was often seen performing the odd jiu-jitsu trick to impress impressionable bar girls. This guy was often involved in some physical altercations and ending up in the hospital; internationally even, while he was on business trips.

    I could never understand this guy's motives, or sickness, or whatever it was.. but it was kind of interesting in a twisted way to watch this character assassinate himself so many times in so many different ways.

    Last I'd seen of him, he was trying to connect to me on Linkedin several times (with different profiles)... Had some photos of him and some middle eastern shiek looking oil types and others with Chinese businessmen, with some fake job descriptions and even a reference letter from some high-up government official.

    Not sure why he did what he did, as he was quite intelligent. He was one of the worst cases I'd ever seen; but there have been many others I've seen here over the years, but not at this level.

  5. A stupid strategy, you cant beat the master at his own game.

    If they can't back on topic and start discussing the real issues they have no chance. And if 'the people' don't care about that they'll get what they deserve.

    Trump or Clinton......what choice you have for the world.

    The leader of the free world....the most powerful man in the world....if that's the case, the WORLD should have a vote in it.....not leave it to Walmart shoppers.

    Think I would prefer to see a Kardashian in there and they are a feral mob

    Problem is, a large percentage of voters ARE Walmart shoppers, racists, bigots, and the uneducated... and they're angry as hell.

    It's a very sad state of affairs watching this take place, I'm embarrassed of my country.

  6. I use epic browser for private browsing... For normal browsing, I use chrome.

    Epic is a secure type browser that uses free VPN placing you in either DC or New York City, is private and it blocks all trackers and cookies, pop-ups and the like. It uses the chrome engine, but it's even betterer!

    You can read about Epic and download it here: https://www.epicbrowser.com/

  7. ... there must be a compelling reason for over 50 police to have turned up.

    Sorry. Not trying to have a go at you - just utterly fed up with the cops here to the point where nonsense incidents like this and the political situation are pushing me to the edge and making me want to sell up and go home after 26 years.

    I've just sold my car and packing after only six years here... on our bikes this month!

  8. I give in to the same base behaviors whenever the guy on the MRT wants to check my luggage on the return trip from Swampi airport.

    He's just let 1000 locals through unchecked with their shopping bags, but my carry-on luggage suddenly needs to be opened and checked.

    I just walk though now and don't stop.

    Pointless checks are irritating - and sometimes I just need to revert to type and act like a dick too.

    ... and they wouldn't know a bomb if you stuck it up their... nose

  9. the higher level gals are least likely to be on dating sites. i have discussed these things with such gals because my condo complex is 99% thai upper level and i have made friends and read thai.

    nightlife venues where you have a chance to make friends with higher level gals are RCA where you can meet asian non thais that live in bkk as well as thai's. rca has a minimum of hookers as opposed to nana, silom, etc even big name hotels.

    Sorry, but I disagree:

    There are many, many high quality girls on the dating sites... but of course there are many of the opposite as well... You need to use your sense while filtering through them. If it walks like a duck, it just might be a duck... if you sleep with dogs, you might get fleas, caveat emptor, etc etc etc

    I also found RCA to be full of freelancers and party girls, sponsored attention hoes with their glittery baseball caps and shortest of the shorts in that awesome thai style gyrating around (I can't stand these types)...

    For 'high quality' (subjective) girls, I think the OP would be better off in Thong Lor district. There are many upper end night clubs jam packed full of quality Thai (and western) girls. There are great restaurants and it's a lot of fun as well!

  10. Not sure why you think that "resorting to" an online matching service is a bad thing... I'd be using it to it's full potential, which is filtering out the crap and honing in what you really want (with some fun in between)... which can be logistically a PITA, especially if you're looking in bars or suspect places... Hanging out in public places trying to find/pick up chicks is just plain creepy... some guys apparently like it though :-S

    I recommend Thaicupid or Thaifriendly... it's full of lovely girls from all walks (and a bunch of nasty ones too! LOL), worked for me years ago and I was 40-50 when I was using it.

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