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Posts posted by Muggi1968

  1. 15 minutes ago, dddave said:

    Last September I was in line at Air Asia check in, flying to Siem Reap.  I only had a small bag  and a young, European backpacker type asked if I could help him out and take some of his things because he knew he was over the weight limit.  I asked if he was nuts and he got really offended and carried on about how insulting I was and that this was why there were so many wars and so on.

    It wouldn't surprise me if there are naive people who are embarrassed to say no...I'm sure the drug shippers are pretty good at spotting them.


    Vietnam executed a couple of Filippinas last year who swore on their dying breath that they were unaware they had drugs....sad to think they might have been telling the truth.



    Hi-5 ....... I like security when i fly. Like you I never carry other peoples bags in the plane....Only my wives huge bag with candy and chocolate

  2. I wonder why the PM allow this kind of racism (payment apartheid).

    I am quit sure it harm the reputation of Thailand, which he care so much about........ 


    I actually think it is okay to ban alcohol in NP's

    Less dirt
    - I know I know I know I know ...
    Thailand is 1 big dumpster,  but why not try to make it a little better.


  3. On 30/11/2017 at 1:03 PM, SiSePuede419 said:

    Depends on what you call "friends". ?


    Drinking buddies?


    Uh, why would you buy an apartment in a city that you don't know anyone? ?


    When answering questions, I always like to go back to the false underlying premise. 

    A friend could not pay the rent so I bought it cheap from him instead of letting the bank take it.
    (40 % below market price)

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