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Everything posted by Martyjustice

  1. Might ask John at Ubon Homes. It’s a bit out of his area, but he might know someone.
  2. I would worry more about the packs of soi dogs, instead of other people.
  3. The Thai police are so helpful, they will give you the shirt off their back.
  4. The problem is all the focus in schools is written English and very little to none on verbal English. Have a good friend who is a school district administrator. When I get the glassy eyed look on a word, just pull out the notepad and pen and write it down. It always works. Is there a fix to the system, probably not. Would take a top down change in the system. To focus on verbal English would require teachers who can communicate in English. That would cost way too much.
  5. Morons, one and all. My wife is Thai and she use even worse words.
  6. So what is the fine for murder?
  7. The illness is hyperbaht. Happens to people with too much money.
  8. Wouldn’t happen if Pita was PM. He was a little smarter.
  9. It’s really simple. Honor and honesty or a few more Dollars. Which do you think any Thai would choose?
  10. If it was me I would swap to a standard US type flat two blade plug. Be forwarned it will work but not safe in a wet environment. 240 kills, 120 just hurts.
  11. The wildest life I have seen is on the roads. Definitely the most dangerous.
  12. Depends . If you mean Chog Mek , Pakse is a hour inland past border. If you are from one of the countries that get 30 day entry without visa. Then about $50 to get into Laos visa fee. Then you should be able to bounce back into Thailand, if you have made any other boarder run this year. Your original text does leave off some information.
  13. Thailand the hub of corruption. They do like they hubs.
  14. I would second the Kilm. Nice room and good breakfast.
  15. That’s only 6 foot 2 1/2 inches.
  16. Neither can 90% of the other people on the road in Thailand, that doesn’t stop them.
  17. Question, why not rent a car at the airport?
  18. Thailand home of “Safety First (Last)”. CO extinguisher are old and outdated but still work. In countries where safety is a concern there are inspections one extinguishers visually yearly. Dumped and recharged at 6 years. Dumped and pressure tested to 200% at 12 years. My bet is that this hasn’t been looked at in 25 years. Was in the new Ubon government building, passport office. Watched the smoke detector, not blinking. Looked over at the fire pull station, pulled and not reset. Tells me the whole system is turned off. Will these people ever learn. NO.
  19. The METV is so much easier and if planned right can get you close to 8 months if used just before expiring. Close to 9 if you ask for a 30 day after the last use. It helps to be close to a border. Just pop out and in every 60 days.
  20. I know this will start a whole new line of trolls and nasty comments If the US wished, need not build a base, just refurb ones they left; Udorn, Ubon, Korat, NKP, Don Maung, Utapao, etc. I doubt the US has the will to put up with Thai politics though.
  21. Surrey Found some decent multimeters at the Global house in Warin Chamrap off the ring road.
  22. Surreybloke Same here I’m out of Dallas, Texas. Come here yearly to Ubon (covid put a 3 year pause on it). Had a home here for 5 years. Made $$ on it, but got tired of two homes 12 time zones apart. Rewired the first house here. Stay in friends apartment when here now. The “ local sparks “ has no idea and spends a hour to do a ten minute job. He can’t hear breakers sizzling. Amperage and wire sizing is black magic to him. I would get a rough drawing of what you plan on here and get an engineer in UK to put something into a detailed drawing. Most can read English here even if they can’t speak a word.
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