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Posts posted by Jake829

  1. 1. Women

    2. Women

    3. Women

    At least you're honest.

    I always enjoy reading the other excuses for why a single man came to Thailand. It may not be why they stay now, but it is what brought them here in most cases.

    Honestly, who comes here for culture? What culture? Unless you live in a Wat, there is no real culture. There is great food, but no real culture. Not anymore. There is chaos, corruption, face, xenophobia, and superstition. Oh, and women! Lots, and lots of women.

    Of course some do come here for business, but did I mention women?

    Yep gotta be honest on that one too it was girls that attracted me some 12 years ago first, but like everyone who came to the kingdom as green as the grass we all got Thai fever and wanted more! Had my fair share of BGs but as time moves on so does your need for things, it is a great lifestyle in the LOS but in the end I fell in love with the country, not the people
  2. You are right, I used go to this place called the Karon Cafe. Place used to be pretty good "buffet style", but for some reason or another they changed up the entire concept. If you wanted something more you needed to order it from the waitress. Of course this would translate to a 15 -30 minute wait for a couple more items. Sometimes longer depending how full it was. I asked them why the change, and they said "cost control ". Apparently people were taking more than what they were eating. It's a shame, use to be a nice place to sit and meet up with friends as you mentioned. Unfortunately haven’t been there since.

    Know what you mean about Karon Cafe. Their breakfasts used to be terrific value for money. Been recommending it for over 12 years. But as you said they changed the buffet style over a year ago. I've never been back. Plus parking is a real problem. I never noticed anyone taking excessive amounts of food from the buffet, but I guess Erik (the owner) knows all about 'cost control'. I changed to having Breakfast at the Coffee Pot at the traffic lights on Patak Rd near the PTT gas station, but then Tony died and the place closed. I'm still searching around for a good breakfast place in the Kata area. Must try those recommendation on Chao Fa Road.

    In case you didn't know Erik gave karon cafe to his ex Missus a few years back who took away the fry up because she hadn't a clue on how to maintain it, 30million baht buisness and don't do fry ups..priceless!! PS Erik has moved on to pattaya
  3. One way to keep out the Russians, as well as a lot of the Europeans, is to pass a law that says nobody who weighs over 200lbs/80kilos is allowed to wear a skimpy "speedo" during daylight hours. I spent three days at a hotel up in NaKlua last year, with mostly Russians and Germans. The number of pot-bellied old men (and a significant number of women) who strutted around with their belly overhanging whatever they may have been wearing underneath was shocking and offensive, and I am not easily offended. I could not sit out by the pool. Let's get a law passed, and get the someone (who?)to enforce it, and the problem would be solved.
    I remember last year visiting some friends in jomtien, when What looked like a mother (60s) and son (30s) came and sat down near me on the beach, they then proceeded to take their shorts and t-shirts off stark b0ll0ck naked and get changed in to their swim wear, no towels around them and no shame (Russians) Amazing pattayaski..
  4. Isnt that ironic that my country Philippines is sending nurses,caregivers,entertainers,engineers,doctors,teachers to other countries despite the fact that its far worst from Thailand?

    I don't know if ironic is the word I would use unless for example you already have enough doctors for all your poor and can pay them enough to keep it attractive enough to stay in their home country. And I think your country can't, I am sorry to say. I have yet to meet anyone who knows both countries who thinks that Thailand is in worse shape; however, with the endless political crisis in Thailand, this "contest" may change.

    Government and private sectors dont pay much salary as compared to other country (Thailand too). Its becoming worse in some business sectors that there are brain drain. We can't force them to stay there. Goverment is futile on this problem. Filipinos are world class workers and they can work anywhere, anytime.

    In here with political crisis, its far better here because there is monarchy.

    which is why they are nicked named "flipo's" or "flip flops" because their easy to slip in to anything they do be it working in Dubai airport or a chamber maid or a prostitute, no job is too demeaning for them, in 20 years time it will be poorer than Somalia due to being over populated and against abortions and not using condoms responsibly
  5. Was nicked few years back for drink riding my Honda dream, arrested next day in front of the beak and paid my fine and off I trundled, no harm done or trouble since though, The OP sounds a bit of a "paranoid pete" though and <deleted> rolling about at 65? Give it up old time you gotta let them things go FS

  6. Is it reasonable to think of bringing a girl over to the states I know id have to make trips to see her but I'm worried that she wouldn't be happy being far away from her family. I also wonder if i am too young to be appealing.
    You would be off your peanut to take her back stateside, plain and simple, trust me I've been down that road,she still wasn't happy and missed her flea carpeted somtam
  7. You got the wrong end of the stick my friend, my son has lived longer in England than he had in Thailand and has British citizenship which is why I was granted ward of court from the royal courts of justice in London or she faced having the house seized and imprisonment for kidnapp and taking him without my consent back to Thailand as a bargain chip which back fired on her big time, she obviously loved the house and truck I paid for more than our son hence which is why I have sole custody and also she can't step foot in England as fear of kidnapp charges

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  8. I can't see any positive replies at all? She's a very nice lady and she will be a very good wife. She said in her culture, the boyfriend pays for everything. I tried explaining to her that sometimes we can go dutch when we go out for meals. But she said if the boyfriend doesn't pay for the girlfriend, then what's the point of being a boyfriend to a thai lady.

    Tell her, in your culture the wife works hard while the man relax all the day to recover from having sex all the night.....And you expect that she gives you half her salary for beer allowance. And you need more than one wife because she just don't earn enough....

    LOL might try that one out sometime :)
  9. It seems like the overall consensus is that her expectations are over the top. I thought I was the only one who think that way. But, if you were to look it in another way, her expectations are very challenging. I'm sure most guys wouldn't back down to this type of challenges, isn't it?

    Could I do it tomorrow? Yes. Would I ever do it? No

    Yes, I agreed that my girlfriend is being honest. Hopefully I can change her mind.

    So that she becomes dishonest?

    agreed that ain't love fella that's just sheer greed she wants the whole cake and then some!!! If youve been around the block in Thailand surely you would know she's taking you for a fool, I don't think I've heard many bar girls ask for that much that quick!!! Tell her get on her Honda wave and hop it because there is plenty of decent hard working Thai women out there who don't just view you as a piggy bank, but I don't know if the guys on here agree but issan women are more materialistic in "big house" "big Thai gold" etc etc, but yeh send her packing or face a life of giving her whatever she wants
  10. Just a note, Etihad use Phuket on their website, there are currently deals that can be booked until 4th May.

    Not sure if they use a codeshare from HKT, or go direct to Abu Dhabi.

    Just answered my own question they use Air Berlin

    Friends of mine were booked with air berlin direct to duesseldorf for this month.

    have been re-booked BKK/AUH with Etihad and connecting with Air Berlin to Duesseldorf. 3 hrs in AUH.

    Basically AB do not fly BKK anymore.



    only reason I can think is that Bkk is only an hour away from pattaya (sin city) and most tourist flying in head to that dirty place for cheap booze and sex, but I think Thai airways should realise people live or work in the southern provinces and don't always want to stop in Bkk, I think thai airways should ask the paying customer what they think, I'm sure they would fill a 747 every time
  11. Sorry guys if I could clarify, my wife left me and my son on the grounds of her being unable to raise our son as she is not that motherly and couldn't cope with having our son as it got in the way of her Lao khao drinking and then sleeping it off in the hammock and letting my young boy get in to mischief, she has the house and truck which I'm happy to leave her and as I said I've taken the rest of my money out of Thailand so she's had a good ride on the ol farang gravy train, but she just won't come down the amphur to sign a simple piece of paper, I'm going back to the uk with my son next week so maybe I'll see an English lawyer to send and submit the papers on her.

  12. Or maybe the BIB are just smart, issue the police report so people can claim their insurance with the least amount of fuss...

    Investigating crime takes the BIB away from the real reason they are BIB....daily contributions to the policeman tea fund, lets face it the cost of lao khao is going up and they have to pay for their Mia Noi's some how....investigating crimes like this does not generate revenue..

    I am sure if you offered Thailand finest a little financial incentive to find the culprits, they would have them in handcuffs within 24 hours, or let me rephase that..they would have someone in handcuffs who said they did it at least..signed confession and all....receive their financial incentive...you feel justice is done, and BiB can pay for their Mai Noi for another week...everyone happy

    probably true, our place didn't get knocked over so I can't complain. It was just my observations of thier police work that truely amazed me and thier total lack of committment to the job, the sheer lazyness.

    They are committed to something, but its not investigative police work,....You are never going to see a TV show called CSI Thailand thats for certain

  13. Here's the deal.

    I agree with the poster that said that the buyer made the mistake and is getting off easy for 20 k (that is since he has NO power here).

    If he did, then he should call that 'power'.

    But obviously he does not.

    He goofed.

    He is lucky that he can pay.

    Do it.

    Have it done.

    Learn and never let it happen again.

    totally agree, pay the 20k wipe your mouth and put it down to experience, as he's said he's only 20 we've all been there, but just don't ever F with drugs in Thailand again
  14. My friend and I after we had dinner at a restaurant in Ruamrudee Road (near Wireless Road) wanted to take a taxi to go home. The driver refused to turn on the meter (as usual) and we were not willing to pay the fee he demanded and left the taxi. The driver stepped out to and started to yell at me and my friend. I speak enough thai to explain him that we wont take his take and that we will call 1584 (the taxi complaint line) if he doesnt stop threatening us. He tried to punch my friend (who is smaller than I am) but I stood in the way and blocked it. Then the taxi driver returned to the taxi, took out a metal wringe (for changing tyres) and started to attack us. I was able to block the attack and yelled at him to do away. Security guards from the building opposite were watching but when I called them to call the police they refused as they were scared of the driver. I managed to calm the driver down, but when he went back to the taxi he turned around again and tried again to hit my friend with the wringe on the head. Luckily he missed. Then he ran back into the taxi and drove off. I remembered the taxi (which was a purple color taxi) licence plate number which is 6112. The driver was about 30 years old, wore glasses, 1.65 meter tall and he was obviously under the influence of drugs. We went over to the security guards and asked them to call the police which they refused. As my friend and I were in shock we drove home. The incident happened today, April 25th at 23.30 at Ruamrudee Road. At home I called 1155 and the police man told me to file a report tomorrow at the police station, which we will. I asked him to phone the taxi complaint line 1584 but he said he cant do that. I phoned them myself and explained them the incident. I was given another number 1644 which I called, but nobody spoke english and even I explained in thai the incident I was asked to phone tourist police. NO action will be taken and one is completely helpless in this situation.

    My friend and I are still in shock. Even we will try to report that incident tomorrow at the police station, as usual no action will be taken by Thai police. It was a very serious physical assault which could have ended deadly. I post this as a warning to everyone[

    Be thankful you wasn't in a taxi in downtown Manila, even their scared of getting scammed or robbed, only country I lock the car door
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  15. A few facts that may save a guy a fortune and a lot of emotional trauma from the Beetlejuice vault of truth and wisdom.

    Cute girl sends out signals to a guy that she likes him.

    After spending a passionate evening with her and a night of lovey-doveyness

    with and perhaps the best sex the guy has had for years, he becomes smitten and can hardly believe his luck.

    He holds her hand and listens intently to her pitiful hard luck stories and then wants to be her knight in shining armour, to the rescue, at any price, dreaming that at last he has discovered a true soul mate and love of his life. So believing in a dream the guy decides to invest in her for a good future.

    This is how it begins and of course in most cases the result will turn out completely different to the guy’s expectations.

    Three major clues that will determine if the girl is not sincere and giving a guy a load of BS:

    • Most of her problems can only be solved with money.
    • The girl is not willing to give up any of her usual social schedules to be with the guy.
    • Appears to have many relatives, friends, acquaintances or colleges that she prefers to keep to herself and separate from her so-called relationship with the guy.

    It`s very simple. If a girl really likes or loves a guy, she will unconditionally follow him anywhere with no strings or provisos attached.

    Her main ambition in life will become solely to be with her man without any financial stipulations and social limitations. She should in fact be proud and keen to show off her new boyfriend and let everyone know that he and she is now an item.

    If this is not the case, then dream on baby, because it`s going to cost you dear and you are wasting your time.

    Now, would I lie to you?

  16. This link may help regarding the river taxis http://www.chaophray...ndex.aspx#fares

    I can't find anything online about the price of the all-day ticket, but a couple of years ago we paid (I think) 105 Baht each.

    Another good day out is riding the Skytrain on an all-day ticket, getting off and on as often as you like - just don't carry any balloons.

    Edit - just to clarify - I think the all-day ticket is only available for the blue flag boats.

  17. Getting colder here in Brisbane, so I decided to make a nice steak & kidney pie for dinner.

    I Used gravy beef (shin)tossed in seasoned flour, lamb kidneys, carrot onion celery finely diced, garlic, tomato paste, beef stock, beer and red wine.

    sweated the veges, browned the beef, added, the kidneys and the rest.

    stewed for 1 1/2 hours, then put it all in a large dish, with store bought shortcrust pastry, pre blind baked.

    made some lovely champ (mash & spring onions) and ate it with lots of worcestershire sce, and a bottle of Maclaren vale shiraz.

    It was absolutely delicious.

    I had an eye fillet steak $35 Aud at a pub on Friday, and I'd have this over it any day.

    Steak & kidney, you either love it or hate it I reckon, and those who hate it, ARE MISSING OUT.

    I wonder what the my TGF would make of kidneys.

    Hopefully better than lamb.

  18. The 3.5 tons of marijuana destined for the UK was being sent to:





    TEL 01322389464

    I'm sure their office is pleased to see their address plastered all over the news.


    Thai Rath newspaper


    CKR SERVICE website:


    Edit to add the sender:


    92/23 MOO 6



    TEL 6622890511,FAX.6626890953.


    nice :)
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