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Posts posted by thaigirllondon

  1. Sawatdee ka.

    I saw another thread about visa waiting times and I then thought that a thread regarding citizenship waiting times.

    So, whichever one applies to you/your spouse:

    1. How long did you/your spouse wait from submitting documentation to recieving citizenship?


    2. How long have you been waiting, to date?

    Thank you.


  2. I know this might sound over-simplistic, but if you meet the criteria for citizenship, then you'll get it.

    We used the checking service at the local register office. I filled out the forms, they checked them. We gave them all the info and supporting documents that they needed. On all my applications i've always gone for overkill rather than giving them just what they specify. Make your case as strong as possible.

    They sent the stuff off, and we got my wife's approval back about six weeks later. You get a letter with it detailing where you need to go for the citizenship ceremony. You ring them, make an appointment, go to the ceremony, pledge your oath and you're a citizen.

    Next stop is the post office to pick up a passport application form. Fill it in and send it off. Then you'll be asked to attend and interview. My wife was in there less than 20 minutes. Approved, passport in the post a few days later.

    Job done.....thumbsup.gif

    Very kind to take the time to help me with that, thank you Sir. I did think it would taken more than 6 weeks so your news update is welcomed. Can I bother you for another question, please? I too am very prepared and over present a case so to not leave questions in the readers' minds. We are similar.

    If at all possible, please could you tell me what documents you presented in supporting evidence of the case? Thank you (even if you cnnot take more time)

  3. So once you qualify for citizenship and do the ceremony how long do you have to wait for a UK passport?

    Why would it be so slow as in essence it should be treated the same as any other application?


    My research indicates that all people have to wait longer for a first passport than a returner getting the renewal passport.

    Anyway, all these post and I would like to say thank you. Any more commentary about your loved ones' experience would be very very welcome.

    Thank you


  4. You are cbiggrin.pngorrect you can apply 30th of July 2012 and you shouldn't have any problem is my guess as long as you have met the qualiflying periods, it's a lot harder for us Brits to stay in Thailand.

    Thanks for that. But, you are joking, right? Its easy for Farang to stay in Thailand. England is too easy too, especially if you are teleban.

    I was told the other day by my Thai teacher friend that a Thai calling someone ' sir ' is not nice. laugh.pngbiggrin.png

    I think she was pulling on your chain. We arent not the same as farang so sometimes sanuk sanuk is said without the smile, you know? Its like this, sometime, Thais eat on the floor and sleep on the table. Up side down to the way English brains work,

  5. Regarding the waiting times, this page says you should allow 6 months. Unless there's a problem, I wouldn't expect it to take any more than that, it might be a month or two less.

    Thank you for the commentary. The council here said the same but then I tried again a week later to get another person to offer commentary and they said 1 to 2 months. Its strange and Thaillandlike when they cant agree.

  6. It is 3 years, but once you have it you can apply immediately for a British Passport. I went through this whole process with my wife last year.

    Please, would you mind greatly to describe the process a little from submission of the documents by the checking service to getting the passport in the hand? Could you please take the time for some commentary?

    Thank you


  7. Tell me Jazz, you seem a confidient Lassie ... rolleyes.gif

    Aren't we all?

    I am hopefully soon to relocate my Thai GF from her birthplace into a Western Culture

    She's not a thing, you can't relocate her. She is your equal, yes?


    .. from your perspective, what are the most positive changes that you have made that makes you different from when you first sat in that Airline seat bound for the UK?

    Well, I was 18 when I first came to the UK with my school friends for a trip. But in adulthood, I would say we are all different so I cant answer to give advice on what could work well for your GF. I guess it dependents upon her background. If you tell a little, maybe I can advise a little,

  8. ]Surely this is a question for the agency who is handling your application, they will be able to tell you better + any other questions you have

    You do know if you are coming back to Thailand for 9 months, you are better coming in on a Thai PP, not your British one..otherwise you will need a visa etc


    Yes ofcourse it is a question for the people in government but I did write to them on two times and neither received a reply both times. I think that most of questions here on this discussion site are better answered by government but my assumptions are that many posters come here because fiscal reductions means no staff to answer questions.

    Yes, I will come back into Thailand with my Thai passport but I want to clear all of this issues expediently first.

    Thank you


  9. Hello,

    I hope you can give me your advice and assumptions.

    I am a Thai national and live in the UK and am married to a UK national.

    I entered UK on a 10 year multiple entries visit visa on 29th July, 2009. I stayed five months and then returned to Thailand for a month and then came back to UK and stayed another 6 months and returned to Thailand around end of July 2010. On the 2nd visit I did the life in the UK test.

    On 20th August 2010, I returned to the UK with Indefinite leave to enter visa and have been here since that date and had a few holidays only to Thailand and Europe during that time.

    I think I can apply to be a citizen on 29th July 2009 because I will have lived here for 3 years , is that correct?

    Also, I live in a small town and they say they can do the citizenship ceremony quickly after naturalisation dept informs them (the Registrary).

    I think that I have to submit forms to checking service at the council on 29th July for them to check before the submission. Is that right?

    Also, I wonder how long until I can apply for my British passport? I want to try and do everything as quicklu as I can as I want to return to Thailand for 9 months as soon as I am British (with passport) for family matters and I need to be back asap.

    Thank you for helping with your insight on how to do all this.



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