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Posts posted by BuddhistVirus

  1. On the way home tonight, I did my usual look around my condo and spoke to the girl who sits in the office in my condo, and spoke to her about the illegal parking of more than one vehicle belonging to the same person, which I as an attendee at the EGM voted on, suddenly the guy came along and started shouting and slapped my hand twice as I was pointing out his cars, I stood there and did not hit him or anything, just let him shout, he kept speaking Thai, which luckily enough I do not understand, then he shouted you at me, at this time the office girl asked him to move away, he then went outside, I stood by an open window, he closed it just missing my hand. Then the next thing I know he is going to his car and he gets a baseball bat out and starts threatening me with it, his friends suddenly calm him down and he drives out of the condo and onto the main road, then away.

    Just moved the car I use to a location where cameras are on it, but not my car, it is my MIL's.

    Second run in with this guy, the first time was a small matter, for which I approached him and apologised in English which he did not understand so I said it in Thai, he then asked my missus why I said something bad to him she told him that I had said sorry and the meaning in Thai.

    Was there a space for your car? Unless he occupied your park space, why bother? Let someone deprived of parking space deal with it unless you are a monitor or a watchman appointed.

  2. geez. on kibbutz we just take the 'yes shlomo' approach: shlomo (somchai, joe, whoever) complains about our dogs, the neighbhors dogs the garbage, the bycycles, the amount of water being used, whatever, we just say, ok, yes shlomo, no problem, btw, how are u feeling today, how's the wife/son/arthritis.... end of complaint til next run in on the sidewalks of the kibbutz...

    for a few annoying people u are leaving the country?!!


    I am leaving the irritating country. It's not the odd one or two. They are all halfwits. Going back to a decent land again where the word integrity means something.

    Safe journey and best wishes.

  3. Build anything here, watch for the fakes...

    Care to explain..? or posting nonsense

    If you buy anything here it will have a fake/copy set up built in, EG window's 7 all of the three comp's: that I have got here had it, you then have to buy genuine window's 7 or what ever that cost's another 4thou + bt depending on what one you want., That's in Big C, Tesco's, Makro's, or comp: shop's. Is that fake enough.

    The OP is shopping for computer parts, not OS or softwares.

  4. i would guess that they are fake 8 gb cards.believe me i bought 32gb cards that shown 32gb when you check on your computer but when you load over 4gb the files get corrupt.they will play up to 4gb.very cleverly done and not easy for the buyer to notice.google 4gb 32gb upgrade fakes and you will see

    Even a genuine cards won't take files more than 4gb if formatted in FAT32 as discussed above.

  5. as the topic is locked on thai news can we carry on in this forum?

    the sh-t is hitting the pan,i have just seen the allegations,but if anybody has not seen the judges score sheet look at this judges score,

    morroco. 8-4, 4-1, 8-4.all for the chinese fighter.

    as for the allegations about aiba you can bet there will be more to come.

    this is not sour grapes its about fair play.

    Yea, maybe someone made the Moroccan judge an offer he can't refuse.

    By the way, closed topic continues here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/576795-Boxer Kaew Wins Thai Hearts As The Country Is Outraged After He Is Denied Olympic Gold

  6. He got a silver a massive achievement. Lets focus on the positive please.

    In sport human error often c hanges the result

    Runners tripping up on the heels of other competitors and falling out of the race.

    Footballs which cross the line, but the goal isn't given (despite howls of protest from the crowd)

    To name but two other examples - It happens

    He won a silver medal at an Olympics - To focus on the judges and there actions detracts from his amazing effort.

    During the Olympics this year I remember watching a young British rower breakdown and cry and apologies that he only won Bronze. To which the reporter replied " You have nothing to be sorry for".

    Focus on the positive

    Nice one. Positive thoughts to start the day. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  7. Not sure if this is the correct forum but no doubt it will be moved if it is incorrect.

    Both my husband and I cannot hear the dialougue when we are watching films we have downloaded because the background music is so loud ergo we miss the plot. If we buy a home theatre system will we be able to turn the music down? Would very much appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

    What is your current set up?

  8. Kagemusha from 1980 by Akira Kurusawa .

    + 1

    And also Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Red Beard, Stray Dog, Madadayo...

    Films by Yasujiro Ozu

    Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky

    Phorpa (the Cup) and Travellers and Magicians - Khyentse Norbu


    Last life in the Universe, invisible Waves, uncle Boonnee - Pen-Ek Ratanaruang

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