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Everything posted by zyphodb

  1. The Lawyer's probably had the rest out of her...
  2. Mines? River barrages???
  3. The problem being, you're one opoid for another, equally addictive drug. It could work if you juggled between them, but you'd have to be very self aware or you'd end up hooked on both'''
  4. Nah, it's been like this for decades...
  5. The phantom sandel sniffer of old Nonthaburi Town...
  6. And she's right. While there are good Thai builders, they're few and far between and also are usually booked up for at least six months ahead. Far more Cowboys...
  7. Have you seen the list? Thailand is actually quite good compared to some of the countries on it...
  8. While I agree with you, it's like comparing apples and oranges as far as effects go. Completely different from each other...
  9. Agreed, but have you seen the list of other countries on the UN Human Rights Council? Thailand looks quite good compared to some of those...
  10. They're speaking Catalan, The local French/Spanish mix that they speak in Catalonia...
  11. Maybe he's trying to make a comeback?
  12. Nice Jack Russel pic, don't want too many of those little sods breeding with the soi dogs...
  13. He was exposed as that, back in the Corbyn days...
  14. Very hard to get sacked as a civil servent/Police/Teacher here, one of the reason they're popular jobs in spite of low pay...
  15. I rarely agree with Steven, but in this, he's right. I've been at or near places where this has happened more than once and have also heard many fairly reliable tales of this sort of thing. In my experience it generally kicks off around midnight and onwards. I always leave before then to avoid it, if I go out drinking anywhere here...
  16. The Mekong's not flooding??? Go to Nong Khai and say that...
  17. Insecurity, a lot of it about here...
  18. Not in the Thai language. It's been available in English, which they don't care about as Thais, mostly won't read an english book...
  19. Back in the UK I used to invite the JW's in when they knocked on the door and spend an entertaining half an hour or so trying to convert them to Satanism. They soon stopped coming...
  20. Ands do you think he can afford bail if he's lucky enough to get it? being on remand here could easily kill you at that age...
  21. You'd want some serious danger money to do it here...
  22. Or the newsletter...
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 69 seconds  
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 55/100 My Time 90 seconds  
  25. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 62 seconds  
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