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Posts posted by zyphodb

  1. When I go to Vientiane via Nong Khai I park my bike in the car park right next to Thai customs at friendship bridge, should work for cars/pickups too, free & so far anyway no problems, hopefully no one will nick it as with a Thai plate on they'd probably assume it belonged to one of the customs officers, of course fingers crossed that one of the customs dont nick it lol....

  2. the verdict was decided when Prayuth publicly declared that he had looked at the evidence and they were guilty. sad.png

    The leader of a country publicly declaring such a thing may be seen as a complete and utter farce in most countries, could even be submitted as reason to declare a mistrial, but hey, there ya go.

    I'm afraid I have got to agree with Condo, there is no way that the judges are going to risk the head honcho losing face, I'm sure that they'd think that it might be very unhealthy for them....

  3. mind you, not only the fishing industry.

    Upcountry & City karaoke brothels serving 99,9% to Thai customers, are full of girls and women from Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Has anyone ever dared to ask them if they are in these establishments on their own will ?

    The "BIG FOUR G's" is where the money is being made in Thailand, and that's where the brown envelopes learn to fly, not the pigs.

    Girls, Ganja, Gambling, Guns

    You are there to see it?

    It hasn't been Ganja for a looong time..... Try Y for YABBA, otherwise known as Crystal Meth in some form or other.....

  4. Ive seen this & often wondered at it, I read what might be the answer on another thread the other day. Apparently the road contractors get paid by the km repaired so they can repair a good road much quicker, & make more money, than repairing a bad bit, & this being Thailand probably no one checks up on what the contractor has done as the boss & the gov officials involved are probably buddy buddies down at the local golf course anyway... TIT

  5. What gas station? Did he get the cop's information? Why didn't he go to the media and police after? Would be nice to take the police to the Yaba he discarded, go to the police station to the get the surveillance and arrest the attendant who is pumping the gas, then arrest the police officer? Would be nice to see someone do something for a change.

    Sounds like a good way to virtually guarantee something even worse happening to him, your not in Kansas here.....

  6. I transferred a similar amount from a Kasikorn sub branch right out in the sticks to my bank acc in the UK a couple of month ago & there was no real problem,

    it was slow as the sub manager had to phone his main branch to get a walkthrough on how to do it, but it wasn't a problem,

    I think that you get the best rate letting the Thai bank convert it into Pounds Sterling first before sending as the UK banks will rip you off more on the exchange rate.

  7. Cheap & good contractor is a contradiction in terms in Thailand mate..

    Any contractor who is "good" are working for decent money in Bangkok or other cities in the South,

    the rest are anything from cheap to expensive & like any cowboy builders anywhere will tell you that they can do whatever you want them to Mai Pen Rai, & then proceed to F*%k it up, rip you off etc...

    If you pay peanuts, you get Monkeys, unless your luck & Karma is extremely good.....

  8. We do not want smart people giving opinions. We do not want alternative ideas flooding the brains of our people, especially not young smart people who just might start thinking independently.

    Great way to move the country forward into the 21st century. Lets just keep the population dumb enough to be led like sheep.

    Never met a smart red-shirt. All the smart Thais I know are anti-red shirt.

    Why would a smart person support Thaksin + Pheu-Thai ?. They only stand for corruption.

    The smart people stand for reforms ASAP and a government from free and fair elections.

    No need to ask which camp you fit into.

    I do wish you'd change your name, You're an embarrassment. Why not go for something more suited to your twisted logic, I think "JohnOfBedlam" has a nice ring to it

    Being English I utterly agree with you Grumbleweed, this guys views are just an embarrassment to the name English, I've a funny feeling that he isn't though, I think maybe "agent provocteur" might sum him up better...

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