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Posts posted by zyphodb

  1. Hi people, I'm just getting all the bits together for my yearly Non o marriage extension,

    I've been taking the photos of my Wife & I around the house, bedroom etc. & our kids have joined in the photos. Didn't think anything of it at the time, but thinking about it afterwards are Immigration going to be ok with the kids being in the photos as well as us?

    I really don't want to have them rejecting the photos because they have the kids in...

    Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks in advance....

  2. And what the hell and they going to have to either pay for food with or eat?

    They simply have to pay people not to grow. Ooooooh, evil populism makes a comeback.

    Exactly, Every farmer will ignore this & do as they want, regardless of whether the Cities run out of water...

    What are they going to do?

    send the troops in?

    who are mostly the sons of these very same farmers?

    This will go down well... not...

  3. I'm not trying to criticise post editing, I'm just saying that it would be nice to know when it was being used, & not knowing that much about the intricacies of digital photography I use JPEG rather than RAW purely so that I can view & share the pic without having to fiddle about with it, which as I have said before, is an art form in itself...

    So what your saying is we should all shoot JPEG rather than "fiddle about with it" seriously dude?

    .Do you have some problem reading? All I said was that it would be nice to know when it had been... "Dude"

  4. I'm not trying to criticise post editing, I'm just saying that it would be nice to know when it was being used, & not knowing that much about the intricacies of digital photography I use JPEG rather than RAW purely so that I can view & share the pic without having to fiddle about with it, which as I have said before, is an art form in itself...

  5. Until Thailand stops being two countries, Bangkok & everywhere else, it will remain deeply divided, the vast majority of opportunities, investment etc. go to Bangkok & the south, while most of the people live in the North & North east.

    On a slight tangent, the same is true in the UK only not quite so extreme, You have London & the SE & everywhere else, with all the advantages going to London & the SE....

  6. I think that dealing with any Thai company via email is problematic, & the conclusion that I've come to is that most staffs English is so bad that they either refuse to reply to an English email or if they try they nearly always make stupid mistakes. I'm sure that this is because of the awful education system & the fact that most get their jobs based on who they know & what they pay for it rather than actually being competent in the job that they're doing... TIT

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