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Posts posted by zyphodb

  1. Suthep is a thai Rasputin for the middle classes

    All 25 of them earning 100k per year as employees. This middle class nonsense.

    Are you saying there are only 25 people who qualify as "middle class" in Thailand ?

    By a western measure, yes, very few. The notiion of the middle class in Thaialnd has been created to give them someone to look down on and for the govt to pat itself on the back and fool the populous. 30,000 baht a month doesn't make someone middle class. Thailand has at least 30 years to go before the middle class takes on a size and wealth that makes it significant. There are the uber rich, a tiny amount of wealthy, those barely above daily wage and the rest in Thailand. 1%, 5%, 40% and 64%. I would say middle class should start at a household income of 100k per month.

    In reality, they have been fooled into looking down their noses at the very poorest to make themselves feel better.

    Just got to say that I think Thai at Hearts last post hit the nail right on the head about class here...

  2. I have been told... that they were all paid by Thaksin and sent by the USA to subvert the junta clap2.gif

    Yes I heard the same thing that they were paid by Thaksin and this was just the first step to a bloody civil ware that all red support and where red shirt farangs will be sacrificed in false flag operationscheesy.gif

    (any more gossip ? mine is about as accurate as yours)

    It never fails to amuse me at the lack of understanding of sarcasm on this, & many other forums... giggle.gif

  3. So far I have heard one guy from CM that has received an official notice about this ban. Not sure it is true or not.

    I would think if it is having any effect or in fact real, there would be some serious chatter from bar owners and customers here on TVF,other social media and even the mainstream media.

    Does anybody go out anymore? Seen any significant changes?

    the only falang bar in Chaiyaphum has had a visit telling him to run his stock down & he is very much on the 300m borderline from a tech college which has the main Tesco's lotus for the provincial capital right next to it, this is a crazy law that it looks worryingly like they are going to try & enforce... this will kill a lot of businesses if it goes through with no effect whatsoever on the problem... Only in Thailand would such a stupid, self destructive law be forced through against all common sense...

  4. "The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya, has revealed the eradication progress of the Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing by the Thai authorities, stating that positive progress has resulted from the many measures utilized, such as the establishment of new laws and the national plan to eradicate IUU fishing. The government will be discussing with representatives of the European Union further on any extra measures required to lift the countrys status."

    I've got one measure that is required....enforce the laws.

    And therein lies the problem.......

  5. Thailand backpacker murders: DNA evidence 'lost' - police

    (BBC) Crucial DNA evidence in the case of the murder of two British backpackers cannot be retested because it no longer exists, Thai police have told the BBC.

    The evidence is central to the prosecution case against two Burmese migrants on trial for killing David Miller, 24, from Jersey, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, from Norfolk.

    The defence had wanted it re-examined.

    It comes as Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, who both deny murder, rape and robbery, appear in court for a second day.

    Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33457038


    -- BBC 2015-07-09

    Only in Thailand...

    LOST??? clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  6. You basically have two options if your rural village is the same as mine in Isaan... I've tried many options & the most successful has been TOT Wi-net. I get reasonable speeds & the only time it goes down is when the electricity goes down too... I haven't tried it but some of my friends says it works, is a DATC dongle on which they do a unlimited 3G service which apparently is quick. to get ToT wi net or just about anything else from them its necessary to bribe the tecs to come & do it... TIT

  7. Just a thought... where do you think all the shit from the septic tanks in Thailand goes to ??? Straight from all those little tankers that pump it up into all the rice paddies beside roads all over the country, normally at night oddly enough... makes you think, doesn't it....

    In a former incarnation, I did septic systems in California. Now residing in Thailand, I took a close look at the pre-fab septic tanks which are sold throughout Thailand - which sit in front of half the hardware stores. They just don't look plausible to me. The intakes are small, with a wire mesh which looks like it would clog after one or (at most) a few months. Do Thais go out and clean out the intake mesh? No.

    I have a home-grown method for building septic systems here in Thailand. I've constructed about 14. I could venture to explain the method, but it would take a few pages of text and some diagrams. It doesn't entail buying much, and it works better and (am quite sure) it lasts longer than Thai-style septic systems - for a small fraction of the cost.

    Would any Thais be interested? No.

    Most Thais use 1 Metre wide concrete rings about 1/2 metre deep the bottom one having a sealed concrete floor to it. Dig a hole up to 5metres deep, stack them up, cut a hole for the waste pipe at the top of the second one from the top & put a lid on the top one. This is a fraction of the cost of the prefab ones you see at builders merchants, probably seeps a bit but they don't care about that....

  8. Take the Nanny out of Nanny State and the bawling starts.


    And what do we call all those crooked bankers worldwide who in 2008 got us into this mess from which we are still suffering. Oh yeah leaches.Guess where they got their bailout money from hmm the taxpayer maybe. Guess what said banks have not learned a thing except to keep up and increase their greedy ways and are setting us for yet another big fall and their government buddies are looking the other way. They seem able to live off of the taxpayers teet just fine. None went to jail. They only got richer.The Iron lady only helped the rich as did her dancing partner Romping Ronnie. I understand the Iron Lady towards the end looked in the mirror and saw only a shadow of her former self. Maybe this was Gods punishment for helping to destroy honest hard working men and women. You will never run out of other peoples money as the rich just keep on getting richer by stealing from the rest of us so lets do a Robin Hood. You have just about worn out the Nanny State phrase. You sound like a lonely rich man who cares diddly squat about his fellow man. Get a new speech writer. Put the other one out to pasture.

    " And what do we call all those crooked bankers worldwide who in 2008 got us into this mess from which we are still suffering? Oh yeah" TORIES...

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