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  1. All this confusion is because they don't want to craft all these rules tailored to specific country(ies) without naming/shaming the country they are targeting. We all know who it's for.
  2. So...I'll throw my hat in the ring... and see if @DrJack54 has any thoughts on it... I've been out of Thailand nearly 4 months (stayed out here in Philippines). But I was in Thailand during the whole pandemic and extended with the covid-extension program all the way until Sep-2022. Haven't been on the forum in a while to see any recent reports of airport hassle. Anyone care to speculate whether I will have a hard time if I try to come back in now? Prefer to go through Bangkok, but I may also go through Phuket if it makes things easier.
  3. Was it easy on arrival back to Phuket? Or was the immigration hassling you?
  4. 4D chess game in play. Get ready. If you think inflation is bad right now...it can get much worse.
  5. "They must of wasted their life ." The error in judgement you are making is that you assume because they are in their 60s living in government housing, you somehow can divine all of their lives and sum it up as having been wasted. There are many, many people who never make it to their golden age and spent most of their life busting their tails to pay for mortgages, cars, fancy things, etc., only to die before being able to enjoy the time they sacrificed. Some of the people you saw living simpler lives on the surface observation might have some pretty amazing adventures they have been on. You would never know because you are assuming way too much based on your pre-conceived notions about people who are now living quite basic in their golden years. Some people use time while they can, and while they are healthy. Some people save it til they end...not knowing exactly when "the end" is.
  6. Robusta is not commonly served black. It is a very bitter and harsh bean, so you will find it most often served very sweet by mixing with condensed milk. If you've ever had Vietnamese Iced coffee, that is pure robusta....which is why they sweeten it so much to compensate for the extreme bitterness.
  7. It's mostly a problem if re-entering via BKK or DMK. Other entry points(CNX, HKT, KBV) have not been reported as being so strict and heavy-handed in interrogating the returning tourists.
  8. Please, no flames. I know there are many here who disagree with those of us who leveraged the generous covid program the past two years. I have to leave to handle some important things back home now. I need real advice, not debates about whether what I did was right or wrong. What's done is done, so please save the flaming posts. Just want to get everyone's thoughts (especially if you have experienced this) on my potential ONE-day overstay. I'm stamped through 21-Sept. I have a flight I can book for the morning of 22-Sept. departing just before noon. 1. Will they be harsher on me since I was here on covid extensions so long? 1. Is it 500 baht overstay fee still? 2. Will I get a overstay stamp in my passport, or just pay the fee and that's it? 3. How would this impact prospects for future visits (I am retirement age...would this be at sticking point for a ret visa later on?) Thanks in advance for the HELPFUL replies. ????
  9. Rains must have brought it down to catch some of the rats that scurried out of the sewers.
  10. We all die. Do what you require(or do not require) while you have the time allocated to you. For when it's over...it is done. ????
  11. And you submitted Covid Extension application, yes? In addition to TM7.....covid affidavit, acknowledge penalty overstay, STM2, etc.?
  12. So, either Songkhla already knows in advance that the program is quietly extended, or...they forgot it's ending ? ? I'm confused, but at the same time happy for you mate !!! ????
  13. WOW. Please elaborate. I believe what you are saying, but did any of them verbally confirm to you that it's extended and until when? Was there any signage or anything?
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