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  1. The picture above looks nice. Perhaps they should hire the guy as there gardner.
  2. It seems whatever country it's been legalized in the world it's been successful in lowering crime and increasing tax bases. All without increased mental health problems. There's definitely some important people not happy with there cut off the profits.
  3. Abysmal polling numbers and a truly horrible statesman. Sounds like a perfect candidate for the Thai Prime minister roll. Never mind what the populice wants
  4. Trumper's, always playing the victim. Time for that old man to retire before he <deleted>s his pants again on FAUX News. He's obviously confused and much to old to hold any office!
  5. Fraud with credit cards can happen everywhere. Bring at least two credit cards. If one is compromised,report it have a new one sent out FedEx. In my experience it only took 48 hours for a new one to arrive from the US. Any fraudulent charges were refunded.
  6. "Did Donald J Trump fool the world?" No, anyone with half a brain can see that this old, incontinent, fraudster,felon, rapist is a total scammer. On top of that he's much to old to be president!
  7. Hard on a motorcycle. But I'll give it a try. Despite the hundreds of Soi dogs in our village, I've never come across an agressiveone. Yesterday,the headman handed out Rabi vaccine kits to people known to have dogs.
  8. Despite having a retirement visa I alway thought the limit of two land crossings was ridiculous. It provided plenty of work for drivers and agents alike. I think the retarded idea started when that hyperbole character "Big Joke" started one of his early stints in immigration.
  9. Or just get some cheap bolt cutters for 199 baht at Global House/Homepro. Whoever did it wont be able to afford keep buying locks.
  10. You don't have to a specialist to know 90% of stainless steel in Thailand isn't actually stainless nor treated. Perhaps you've had better luck buying Thai or Chinese made "Stainless Steel" tools or products.
  11. "Stainless Steel" Probably be rusty in 12 months.
  12. Yes, other pictures of the breach show little or no maintenance since the dam was built. It wouldn't be unusual for the local officials in charge of maintaing it pocketed the money allocated for it's upkeep.
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