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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. A ) You would need a work permit (especially if you are actually meeting with clients etc..) If you don't actually meet anyone (just work online or via phone/email etc.. then you still "need" one, but probably would never really "need" one.

    B ) You can register a company to a Condo address.

  2. I can then register once we are married which will allow me to open and run a business in Thailand, own property and own a vehicle in my own name.

    She said that I can then apply for either a B VISA or an O VISA after we are married.

    If I havent got it all wrong, doesn't that mean that after I marry my partner we can look to open a business and I can help run it?


    You seem to have been given misleading information.

    "own property": You can own a condo if less than 50% of the building is owned by Foreigners. You cannot own land (house/townhouse etc..) in your own name whether you are married or not.

    You can apply for a "O Visa" after marriage which will allow you to stay in the country for up to a year on each renewal.

    A "B Visa" is a visa based on having a job...so you need to find employment (with a company meeting the 5 Thai employee, capital etc.. requirements) Then you'd apply for a B Visa and work permit. (Note that if had an O Visa there would be no point in applying a for a B Visa as you'd already have a visa, you'd just apply for a work permit)

    A work permit doesn't come "with" any visa. A visa allows you to stay in a country, a work permit allows you to work. They are 2 separate documents.

    I would suggest moving this topic to the visa forum as they will be able to give better advice in there.

  3. I do every now and again get a serious case and i've learned to just lay in bed (not to far from the toilet) for 24 hours with 10 or so 1.5 liter bottles of water and just purge it out. Seriously just constantly drinking water.

    I can normally get over it with 1 day of hel_l and one day of mild recovery.

  4. I don't think it's bad idea to sell Rooney, but i do think it's bad timing to sell him right now!

    We should have sold him at the end of last season when people were throwing around silly numbers (80-90Million etc..) transfer fees. Right now we'd be lucky to get more than 35Mil with the terrible form (on and off the pitch) that he's been in.

    To think that we bought him for £25.6 when he was totally unproven, turned him into a football icon and then may barely even turn a profit on his transfer; makes me sick.

    At the end of the day i doubt he'll be playing top level football past the age of 27 or so (2 or 3 more years). He doesn't have a Giggs body type, he's more of a Gazza plus he's got the Gazza life-style...and we all know where Gazza ended up.

  5. Thanks for all your replies. If we marry next year, can I get a spouse visa which will allow me to run and work in the business?

    Married visa does not come with a work permit.

    In order to get a work permit you need to: (other members please correct me if my facts are a bit off):

    - Work for a company with 5 Thai employees (per 1 Foreign employee)

    - Company has to be VAT registered

    - Company has to have 2million THB paid-in capital

    - You must receive a salary of at least 50K per month (or atleast declare and pay tax on this amount)

    - Your position must be specialized (ie local Thai person cannot reasonably do the job)

    Which pretty much all of those conditions are unrealistic for a coffee shop.

  6. Is this a secondary income or is this your plan for a primary income?

    If you already have a job or form of income and this coffee shop is just a side business for the wife to run and see where it leads, then why not. Go for it!

    But if this is the plan for primary form of income for both of you, it sounds like a very bad idea. Keep in mind that you won't even be able to work at the coffee shop. Will that sit well with your wife if you're at home thinking of "big ideas" for this coffee shop, and she's there every day for 10 hours grinding coffee beans?

  7. At work I have a Billion brand wireless router/modem that TOT gave me. It works wells and has all the features i need (Dyndns/port forwarding etc..) 390THB sounds like a reasonable price.

    At home I have a D-Link ADSL modem/router that i bought on my own (and replaced the original TOT modem which had no routing abilities).

    This D-Link modem is a real piece of crap, i'd like to throw it out the window i have to restart it a couple of times a day because it just stops working.


    Personally i would stay with what you know, get the Billion; 390 is a small price to pay you'd probably spend at least 1000 if you went to the mall to buy a router/modem.

  8. If the following possibilities are "acceptable" to the business then go ahead:

    1) Advertisements suddenly start showing (popups etc..) on your site

    2) Account is suddenly removed completely and your website is gone.

    3) Website starts to become extremely slow and unusably.

    If you are fine with keeping a constant up-to-date backup of the website and if any of these worst case scenarios happen you'd be OK to find new hosting and move your site (taking it offline for a few days), then go ahead with free hosting.

    But keep in mind that you will have no grounds to complain or any expectation of improvement should trouble arise.

    Webhosts generally offer free hosting for one of these reasons:

    A ) They run advertisements on your site and collect revenue that way.

    B ) They expect you to "outgrow" your free plan (ie you need more space/features/bandwidth etc...) so you have to upgrade to a paid plan (and you don't want the hassle of transferring to a new hosting so you just upgrade.

  9. There are a lot of projects down "Maiyalap" and "Lat Plakhao" roads which connect KasetNawamin road to Ramintra.

    Mostly single houses, but some of the projects have townhouses.

    P.S. If you are a planning to spend 5M on a non-commercial property why buy a townhouse instead of single house?

    I can understand spending 5M if you wanted the townhouse on the main road for commercial reasons...but for living in?

  10. Why would "Toyota" be coming after you for payments? Surely the financing was handled through a bank (ie "SCB" or "Krung Thai" etc.. would be coming after you for the money?)

    Or does Toyota actually offer their own financing with no bank involved?

    When we bought our car the dealership handled all the loan application etc... for us, but when our bill comes each month it comes from Thanachart Bank.

  11. When buying land recently we had a problem because offers were basically going through about 4 people (ie Friend -> Cousin -> Brother -> Owner) and each person trying to get a piece of the pie.

    In the end we went to the land office and got the owners phone number (which they had on file). We call them directly and saved quite a bit. We did have to make up some elaborate "stories" to help the owner save face when cutting all the hangers-on out of the picture.

  12. Incoming mail is only reliable if you make sure the package is registered/signed-for mail.

    If you just send with standard (non-registered) mail it probably has about a 40% chance of arrival (in my experience)

    Even with registered mail it has a good chance of being late, but will usually arrive eventually.

  13. Our shop is opens 6 days a week and employees work 6 days a week, 8 hours per day (except only 6 hours on Saturday).

    And guess what they do with their "time off" on Saturday afternoon and Sunday...go to work at another job such as working at a stall at the weekend market etc...

    Got one employee who also drives his motorbike as a taxi in the evenings after work, and works at a market all weekend...not sure how he doesn't get burned out.

  14. My Thai motorcycle license just says "Type: Private Motorcycle" (i think they have licenses classified by motorbike CC)

    If you just plan on driving the moped in small sois then you will probably never need any kind of license.

    If you drive on the main roads i'm guessing a norwegian scooter license ends up with you paying 200Baht.

    You can get a motorbike license pretty easily you just got to your local Department of Land Transportation and take a written test (on a computer in English) and then a driving test on a little track setup they have (you can rent a bike from them for the test)

  15. My understanding is that being married would help me get a better deal on any property that we would buy should we ever sell.

    How would being married get you a "better deal"...? People are going to lower their asking price after they find out your are married?

    Unless you are ready to commit permanently to this women it sounds like a very very bad idea to invest your nest egg into a property with her.

    The company ownership route essentially illegal and could blow up in your face at any time.

    And even if you have a 30 year lease you have no "ownership" of the property and you cannot sell the property, you have no right to any proceeds of the sale of the property. (And if the relationship turned sour how long do you think do you think you could hang around once the "heavies" start coming around trying to turf you out and sell it)

    Basically ask yourself "Do i trust this women enough to put the property completely in her name"... because this is essentially what you will be doing, no matter what bit of paper you've got. If her wants you gone and the property sold, it will happen. So if the answer to the above questions is "No", then don't invest, if answer "Yes" go for it.

  16. Pretty weird that the person who actually owns 40% of the entire building is working as a office nong down in the building office making photocopies...??

    In our building we have a voted in committee and a manager of the committee; and then person who is paid by the building to run the office and handle billing etc.. In your case she is all of these positions?

    If you believe that she is corrupt i would suggest getting a copy of the buildings account reports (that they are required to keep and are available to owners). If she in corrupt these accounts will probably be easily identifiable as fake (ie having the water pump fixed 10K every month etc...) Or the amounts of money in the bank accounts simply won't match the amount that should be there.

    You'd do well to remove this person as quickly as possible if she is actually corrupt because it will severely harm the building in the long run...if maintenance money is going into her pocket instead of servicing the building.

  17. I've noticed a lot more foreigners working "normal" jobs lately. The other day i saw some bloke working the BBQ at a german sausage stand. Or some guy with a booth selling baby wipes at a baby expo. Surely you can't get a work permit for this kind of thing?

  18. An average pump is around 4,000-5,000THB, and install it yourself, or pay a few hundred to one of the technicians at the hardware store to install it.

    When move out sell it back to the hardware store (maybe 1000-2000?). Probably end up costing about the same as paying "part of the cost", but at least the landlord doesn't get to keep a new water pump of the next 10 years.

    Alternatively see if you can find a mechanic that than eek the last drops of life out of the pump until the end of the lease. We had a problem with a landlord wanting us to pay for a failing aircon in a commercial property, we had a mechanic "repair" it with old scrap parts etc..and it just about lasted the remaining 2 months on the lease.

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