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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Exactly! As a serious buyer, you have to ask who is this person I am dealing with, do they actually own this property(could he be a scammer???), is there ownership documents, liens on the property, and taxes paid? How is it wrong to ask for this before moving forward on this?

    I think this is more of a real estate issue than a computer issue, so moving the topic.

    I still don't see where the scam comes into it. Isn't it normal enough to ask for copy of passport and house papers to ensure you actually own the house you're trying to sell?

    In my experience no Thai property seller would send (via email/fax?) their ID card (or passport) and Chanote without you first coming to look at the property or at least meet them in person.

  2. I switched from a 5mb to 16mb line. I used my internet at that stage mostly for gamin and general browsing and especially in gaming the framerates and connection was much better. Also got much better DL rates from the Torrent sites as well. I now live right next door to my office where we have just downgraded from a 12mb to the 8mb 3bb line and again I have noticed absolutely no difference in speed.

    How would your internet connection affect your framerate?

  3. Sounds interesting, i'm also looking at the Samsung Galaxy, where did you buy it ?

    Got it at a shop in the MBK cellphone area.

    I didn't know about it not being able to work with True 3G though (right now i only have Dtac Edge/GPRS but was planning on getting 3G at some point). Do all 3G providers in Thailand use 850Mhz? The phone says it will work on 900/1900/2100; some people have recommended using AIS 3G, do they also use 850Mhz?

  4. I just bought a Samsung Galaxy S 4GB for 12,500. They also have the 16GB version for around 17,000. But i figured i get the cheaper one and then buy an additional memory card if needed.

    I also looked at the HTC Desire HD, which i liked very much, but was more expensive at around 18,000 and seemed quite lot heavier than the Galaxy.

    And was interested in HTC HD7; but was not very impressed with Windows 7 Mobile. Seems like everything was just way to big for the screen (you'd end up spending half your life swiping between screens)

    I was expecting to spend 20K on a new phone, but was very happy to only spend 12K and get a very nice phone.

  5. I'm traveling to the UK and I wonder if anyone can advise how things work there with regards to sim cards/mobile phones (i haven't been back to UK in a long time).

    1) Can I use a Thai sim card, such as True, or Dtac, in the UK (for calls/internet)?

    2) Would a Thai smartphone (such as HTC, or Samsung) which has been working in Thailand work in the UK if switched to a UK simcard (without any unlocking etc..etc..)

    3) Do they have pre-paid internet/calling sim cards in the UK. ie can i go into a corner shop, buy a sim card and a top-up card and be online in a few minutes? Or is it more of a complex setup there?

    It's strange; i was born in the UK but i feel like a foreigner going there, as i have little knowledge of the way things work there.

    (Title should be "Going to the UK")

  6. As long as you have proper drainage so that you don't get pools of water on the roof then flat concrete roofs work fine.

    Even if you get cracks/leaks in the roof you can just fill them with concrete then paint roof with "roof seal" (readily available at any hardware store).

    But if you let your drainage pipes get blocked up water is going to seep though eventually, rusting the rebar, causing major cracks and falling chunks of concrete...etc

  7. I bought a Samsung flat screen TV 32" from Tesco for around 15000 about 2 years or so ago. And had it on the wall at my shop.

    We moved to a new location and it must have got banged in the move and when i turned it on again (about 4 months after the move) it's got a big crack down it (only visible when turned on) and only half the screen works.

    I was pretty much ready to bin it but my wife decided she would call Samsung to see if it could be repaired. They said it would cost about 8000 to put a new screen in it, and would take 2 months to get the parts...so we though may as well do that seeing as a new one would cost at least 12000 or so.

    Samsung then called a few weeks later saying that they no longer can get the replacement part to fix that TV, and instead they are bring a brand new replacement TV...for free...

    Seems to good to be true? Anyone have a similar experience?

  8. That´s also what my lawyer says, so the emails should be enough proof that Mr. X broke the contract and hence we dismissed it.

    Now I will just follow these advise and ignore Mr. X, and if he somehow sue me, then we will take action ans sue him too for breaking the contract, defaming us and probably cost us quite a few clients with his slander!

    The defamation alone posting my photo on his website is a criminal act and will give him a fine up to 60,000 THB or 3 years in jail OR both!

    So if he is clecer he just close the case here and now. Else it will cost him dearly, since Thailand don´t want criminals here, so he will be deported and blacklisted!

    I wouldn't think he'll have much luck trying to sue you when he tells his lawyer he's only willing to pay him half the agreed retainer.

  9. Contract is over, so you can now just ignore the guy and move on.

    If i were you I'd just have no further contact with him (ignore any email that you suspect are from him etc..) and just forget about the whole thing.

    After while he will be pissed off at someone else and devote his free time and website to defaming them instead.

    Trying to sue him etc... will only motivate him further...ignore him is the best route.

  10. ok back . Hubby sez that if legally rented then the car should have been fully insured ................. however in the instance of a lost car ( which he sez happens a lot , he sez both senarios are very possible, owners stealing the vehicle as well as a genuine theft ) , insurance will only reimburse 80 % of the cost of the car and renter pays for the rest .

    I'm not sure we can trust anything he "sez"

  11. You don't need a lawyer.

    Tell them 6 words: Not insured? Then not my problem.

    Keep a very tight hand on the signed rental agreement. It shows the car wasn't stolen by you.

    Turn around, walk away. Lesson learned.

    Sound advice, however if the OP has already done something stupid with the Chanote of his wife's parents house then it may be too late for this.

    It always seems that people post on Thaivisa after already getting stuck neck deep into a situation.

  12. now they tell me it was only insured for them

    Also this is quite strange. Normally in Thailand (at least with my car) the insurance is tied to the car itself...so it doesn't matter who's driving it. Maybe other can give more info on this, but it sounds like they are having you on (probably don't have any insurance, or just 3rd party)

  13. Why did you hand over 50K? And do you mean "put my mrs mum and dads house up as a gaurentee"? You actually went to the land department and has these people put onto a Chanote as lenders?

    Seems strange to give money over so hurriedly, what if the police found the car, were they going to give you 50K back...?

  14. It's not a matter for the police. He could file some kind of civil suit against you to make you pay for the couch, but at that point you could choose to either fight it or pay up the 20K.

    Either way there is no action required on your part until you are served with the court notice documents etc... (which would probably be never).

  15. I'd be wary of using wallpaper in Thailand, the combination of high humidity and poor installation quality can lead to a lot of peeling.

    Just about every house village project that i've been to, that used wallpaper, it's starting to peel at the edges; even in their brand new show houses.

    My cousin in-law purchased a project house with wallpaper, same issue...really looks terrible with the corners and around switches all pealing out.

  16. Never use Fedex...they suck and will try to take you for all your worth.

    Whats the matter Dave? Did you fail to read the waybill and the applicable rules, regulations and procedures clearly declared on the FEDEX website? Is it tFEDEX's problem if you did not? I use FEDEX for my shipments. Yes, they are expensive, but I have never had a lost shipment with FEDEX. Governments download many of their surveillance, tracking and duty collection activities to the shippers. It's not their fault when there is duty to collect.

    In respect to ids, FEDEX and other international shippers are plagued by claims that the goods were delivered to the wrong adderss or person.It is therefore good business sense to ask for identification on valuable shipments or when there is a question of doubt. If I'm shipping something valuable, I hope the shipping company knows who took delivery.

    I shipped a box of 100 plain green T-shirts to a customer using Fedex; shipping cost around 20,000. Fedex somehow managed to get them stuck at custom and claimed they were "Counterfeit" (these were literally plain green t-shirts, so apparently someone has copyrighted green). Fedex then shipped them back to Thailand (we had not even been informed there was a problem yet), and then asked for 13,000 for the return shipping, and something like 20,000 for "Thai Import Tax"...

    After about 4months of calling every Fedex phone number we could find they finally agreed to refund the shipping costs.

    Will never use them again. We had to refund our customer, lost a lot of money, and customer has never used us again because they were on the hook for shirts that never showed up.

  17. I have mild Dyslexia and when i was a child used to write certain letters backwards all the time, also had problem reading at the expected levels. I went to a specialist (this was in the UK) and after a year or so and was able to fix this.

    I'd recommend looking for a Dyslexia specialist and they will know the exact types of exercised to do in order to train her brain around this (a lot of proof-reading exercises etc...)

    It's difficult to explain to someone who doesn't have it, but you can literally write something like "htis is bitticulf" and you read it back and it actually looks like "this is difficult" on the paper (you cannot even notice anything is wrong)

    Or you miss words out and when you read it back your mind automatically adds all the missing words back in, so that you are not able to see any missing words.

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