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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. Paypal has just posted that they are going to start automatically sending all the merchant transaction data to the IRS for any merchants who sell over $20,000 or 200 transactions per year!

    So you automatically get a 1099 saying "You have made $XXXXX" from Paypal this year, and if you don't enter this into your tax return...you are automatically screwed.

    Needless to say i have opened us a new Thai paypal account immediately. Fees are a little higher but...that's life.

  2. I rigged up a mechanical lift for a friend of mine one time for a 3 story house. It was a wire cage type with a counter weight system for him and his wheel chair, which went from the attic to the first floor. We cut the required opening in the floor of the 2 floors he wanted to alight on. You just get the counter weight such that they can pull upward and their weight returns the lift downward. The pulley system in the attic needs to be reinforced to handle the combined weight of the individual and the counterbalance. A little hand break (dog device) through which the rope threads thru gives slowing, stopping and stationary option. Its basically a over sized dumb waiter with the hand break added.

    I get a feeling there could be an article titled "Disabled man falls to death in homemade lift" in the paper in the near future.

    As to the OP I'd be willing to take a punt that no one would be willing to install a legitimate elevator in an existing building for less than 500K. And i find it pretty unlikely that a landlord would allow this kind of construction on a rental property... I've had a hard enough time trying to get permission just to paint the walls!

    What if he leaves after a couple of years? The landlords got to try to find a new tenant who wants to rent an 8 room converted "old" guesthouse with a custom elevator..?

  3. (Note that some DSL Wireless routers/modems can work as a regular wireless router, but we'd need to know what model you have to see if this is possible)

    I think that any/all ADSL Modem/multi-port ethernet router/WiFi Access Point all-in-one unit can be used as an adjunct to a DSL modem/Cable modem to provide additional ethernet ports and/or WiFi access. At least I have never run into one that couldn't.

    I wouldn't necessarily confuse or mislead the OP into thinking they need to buy more gear. I do agree that the unit may have unique configuration requirements, so by knowing the exact model we can find the user manual and help the OP to correctly configure the unit, as RKASA has done (in the case of that Netgear model).

    Having the make/model of the cable modem may help as well.

    I have a D-Link DSL-G604T wireless DSL router, which i have not been able to get working as a standalone "wireless router". It has no uplink/WAN port only a phone cable input and 4 output CAT5 ports. I tried for days to try and get it working with a separate DSL modem, but was unable to, and in the end just figured out the TOT DSL settings an used the D-Link as the modem...(with no separate modem)

    My advice just go and buy a wireless router and don't spend days (like i did) banging your head against a wall trying to convert your DSL wireless modem into a standalone router...

  4. It sounds like you have a "Wireless DSL Router" (you said it has a phone cable input). This is a combination of a DSL modem and router (which is not what you want).

    You need a "Wireless Router" (without any DSL modem)

    Example of wireless router:


    (Linksys WRT54G wireless router)

    You would plug the CAT5 cable from your cable model into the "WAN" port, then plug PCs into the other ports.

    (Note that some DSL Wireless routers/modems can work as a regular wireless router, but we'd need to know what model you have to see if this is possible)

  5. I find it strange that so many people are suggesting putting money "in the envelope" even if you aren't invited to the wedding.

    If you weren't invited how would there be an "envelope" to begin with? Or are there people out there who actually give out empty envelopes to people that they don't want at the wedding, but they do want money from?

    I would think the only case to give money if you weren't invited to a wedding would be if the person previously came to your wedding and did give you money.

  6. Anyone else confused by the OPs post?

    Are you saying that you actually purchased a real pair of "Oakley" sunglasses (and you just suck are spelling)?

    Or you purchased a fake pair which are called "Oackly" and you are actually considering getting your fake pair of sunglasses repaired??

  7. I have found thaisubtitle.com to be a good source of Thai subtitles, don't really see why it's "lame"...?

    As for the syncing you can also check which version of movie rip the subtitles were made for then download that version of the movie...

  8. Maybe I don't understand, but when I click on the Condo tab at the top of the page I get a listing of condos that is 4 pages long that include several condos in both Bangkok and Pattaya. Are you looking for condos in specific locations of Bangkok and Pattaya?

    Yes, I was using the search function to only look at condos in South Pattaya.

    Maybe it's the search function that doesn't work?

    Search is broken then, and even when viewing the "4 pages" or Condos i count a whooping 3 Condos for sale in Bangkok, and of which only 1 has all the required info filled (apparently there are a lot of Condos in Thailand which have 0 bedrooms and 0 bathrooms, and cost only 3 baht.)

    It blows my mind that people claim to have actually paid money to list their property on this site?

  9. I bought a "mini black hole" (same brand as the big one, but only about 8" tall and looks different).

    It does absolutely nothing. I put it in a room size about 3x3meters FULL of mosquitos (at least 20 flying around). I left it on over night (with no people in the room).

    In the morning there were 0 mosquitos in the tray, it had only managed to catch 1 other kind of fly. If it doesn't work in those kind of conditions it's pretty much useless.

    But this is just for the "mini" one (don't buy it)

  10. Both franchises use a similar method of burger storage.

    At McDonald burgers are cooked on a flat metal grill.


    Burgers are hot when they come off the grill and then stored in the grease from the cooked burgers in hot draws/trays, where they still remain hot, but not as hot as the right off the grill ones (and are usable for about 10 minutes)

    During peak hours (or sometimes all the time at busy locations) they pre-make standard burgers to cut down on wait times. The pre-made burgers sit in a warming rack. If you get a pre-made burger off this rack it is likely to be only "warm".

    Burger King follows pretty much the same procedure except they use an automated "broiler" to cook the burgers.


    They also store the burgers in trays, and then pre-made burgers in the warming rack.

    The temperature of your burger depends on which stage the burger reached before it went to you; so the luck of the draw.

    However at both restaurants you can specifically request your burger be made fresh ("right off the broiler" or "right off the grill") and you will have to wait longer (5 - 10minutes) but the burger will be hot and fresh.

  11. I bought a Cool Kids car seat from Central. Cost 5000 (or maybe 4500 after discounts) and it supports kids all the way from infant to 4 years old, it has several different adjustments and inserts that can be changed as the kid grows. I didn't want to buy a new seat each year.

    However when bringing our son out of the hospital (with a doctor and nurse helping us to the door) the doc/nurse and wife were all protesting that it was "dangerous" to put him in the car seat and wife should hold him.

    I stuck to my guns (as i'd done research online previously about the dangers of no car seat) and demanded he placed in the car...to their surprise he fit in there really snugly and looked very secure, and he didn't mind a bit.

    And this was at a fairly upscale private Bangkok hospital, it seems that car seat education has not yet caught on in Thailand.

    The price of some car seat is pretty crazy though. Initially we were looking at Paragon and there were car seats costing 50K!

  12. Well, I disagree with posters who say that immigration will not help in this type of incident, although it is possibly too late in your case.

    When I was living in Phuket at my hotel, on 3 occasions customers 'skipped' paying the money for their room and 'hot-footed' to the airport 600 meters away. On each occasion, I had a leisurely cup of coffee and then telephoned the immigration office at the airport, with details of the passport and the amount due on the bill. On each occasion, the person was stopped from boarding their plane by immigration (emigration!), until I could come to the airport with my hotel invoice and collect the sum owed. On all these occasions, I needed to finish my coffee first and alas - the person not only had to pay the money owed to me, but also missed their plane.

    Som Nam Na I say. Do not cheat someone who has given you a service/product.

    Interestingly, on each occasion, the same nationality was involved :whistling:


    I'm assuming immigration must be familiar with your hotel and you in person before they would do this though?

    They would be pretty embarrassed if they pulled someone (or maybe even a whole family) off an international flight and the hotel owner showed up 3 hours later (after the flight was gone) claiming the guest had stolen a shower cap...

  13. Pack your stuff in boxes (yes seal them up). Make sure each box is less than 20Kg. Bring them to the post office.

    For the express box grab an EMS form and fill it out.

    For the other boxes grab an Airmail forms and fill it out (tick the "SAL" box on the airmail form is you want the slower/cheaper option).

    You do not need any special paperwork, any forms that you need the post office cashier will give you when you are at the post office shipping your stuff.

    The only customs that may look at your packages is going to be the customs in NZ and they may charge you some tax on your packages, but that's life not much you can do about that.

  14. I used to sell digital products in the US, and if i got a charge back within 7 days of the transaction (most of the time on digital products you get the charge back pretty quick after they get the product). I'd then mail an empty envelope (with tracking number) to the customer.

    I'd claim to paypal that the product was a tangible product and have tracking number to prove it.

    In the US i'd be covered under the sellers protection and get the money from the sale anyways. Unfortunately outside of US accounts the sellers have pretty much no sellers protection.

  15. I would not pay a premium for the 13th floor (purely from a resale point of view) I've been in building in Bangkok where there wasn't even a 13th floor. The elevator just went straight from 12th - 14th floor.

    Superstitions plays heavily in the Thai marketplace, when you come to re-sell it i'm sure all the buyers will be pointing out the negative feng shui and asking for more discount.

    If the views are the same go for the 7th floor especially if it's cheaper.

    13th floor even has it's own wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_floor

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