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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. That is what you get when you hire illegal Mexicans to build your house.

    When you put a pipe through a stud, you are supposed to put a metal coverplate on the stud that prevents any nails/screws from the sheet rocking going through the stud and into the pipe. Not sure who should be putting these cover plates on, whether it be the plumber or sheet rocker, but someone should have done it. You put them over wiring also to prevent nails from going through the wires. Maybe that is why the outlets did not work. Could cause a fire in the future.

    Quite strange that you assume the house was built by illegal Mexicans? Or do you just mean if the house had been built by illegal Mexicans there would have been similar problems?

    They live in Ohio; so not too many illegal Mexicans around there to my knowledge; especially not building their house.

    I am sure you are correct about the studs etc... my point is that you can get poor quality labor such as this even hiring regular American builders.

  2. If you build or remodel, be prepared to be overcharged every step of the way and expect nothing but inferior workmanship.

    The integrity of the workmen I have been involved with is appaling.

    Same in most countrys, not just Thailand, there are cowboys in the UK overcharging,

    I have built 2 houses in Esarn, Workmanship superb and not overcharged, rule no1 is make sure you get a reputable builder and ask to see some of his projects, (Ferang houses), even ask the owner if they are happy with the finished product and time scale, this will put your mind at rest, good luck.

    Now come on, dont even think about comparing the rest of the world to Thailand in regards to workmanship.. sheesh!

    I agree with you that if you CAN FIND a reputable builder, your half way there.

    You would be shocked at some of the workmanship in the US.

    My parents just finished building a house in the US (which they said they would never do again).

    They paid a tiler $1,500 deposit for doing the tile work in bathrooms/some other areas. They could see right away on the first room that the tiles were all over the place, and the next day had all come off (all had to be thrown out).

    They asked for the deposit back (minus the couple of days of work) and he said he already spent it.

    He offer to help out with other odd jobs to pay off the money but never really showed up and was as useless with other stuff as he was with tiling.

    The next tiler they hired was better but had a co-worker who f*cked up quite a few of the rooms, not to mention the amount of wasted tiles.

    The electricians were pretty bad too. Some rooms had 4 out of 5 plugs not working. Most of the light switches were not even put of straight.

    The sheet rock guys put nails through some pipes so the plumbers had to rip holes in the sheet rock to fix the pipes.

    List goes on.

    You can find good and bad builders all over the world.

  3. They have definitely broken the contract, if not the law (not sure what the mail laws are like here?).

    You should go in there and at least demand they contact the guy who did pick up your package and get it back. If they can not get it back they should have to pay for the package.

    Plus they owe you a months worth of box rent back.

    Let us know what happens when you go and talk to the manager.

  4. If the goal is to revive the Elite Card program then their plan is terrible.

    But if the goal is in fact to slowly and quietly kill the program without anyone really noticing then this plan is ingenious.

    This new price hike and reduced benefits will surely result in no new sign ups (phase 1 complete).

    Then slowly reduce the benefits so that current members slowly get used to the fact that their card is now worthless.

    5 years on and the card has no benefits and costs 10mil. And they have 1 employee sitting around in an office "saving face" and the program will still be "alive".

  5. Absolutely terrible.

    We were so lucky to be going in at 1-0 ahead at half time.

    McClaren needed to make some adjustments at half time to stop us getting killed... but what did he do? Nothing, his half time team talk was probably "We got the lead now boys, just keep up the good work"

  6. Asked my wife the question, and she also answered 480 ("Because there are 4 weeks in a month").

    We also have a Japanese friend staying and asked her the question and got 600 ("Because there are 5 weeks in a month").

    Was that a humorous attempt?

    No... why?

  7. The last 2 Xbox 360 games i have bought at MBK (Madden 08 and FIFA 08) both haven't worked properly, the games alway crash with a disk unreadable error.

    I also bought some DVD movies from another store, and almost all of them were barely working in my new DVD player.

    I have about 10 Xbox 360 games all bought from the same store at MBK and the old ones all work well, but these new ones totally suck.

    Anyone noticed this, are they using a poorer quality DVD or something?

    P.S. I did return the DVD movies and they replaced them for me, and the new ones work fine (seem like they must be handing out the crap ones until you request otherwise?)

    I plan on returning the 360 games also.

  8. The key to passing through immigration quickly is to leave all your self respect at the door.

    Put your brain into 2nd gear and just let them bully and insult you all they want.

    Don't give any smart answers even if the question is ridiculous. Don't smile and don't get angry.

    Just act like you are an idiot and take everything that they say as fact.

    They will soon become bored and want to move on to their next victim.

    So what if some thug in a uniform belittles you for a few minutes? Better than giving them some attitude (which i'm sure is what they are hoping for) and turning it into a 3 hour ordeal.

  9. It depends on your definition of comfortable and 'living quite well' as you put it. Personaly i would not rate living in a B5,000pm room and hunting down the all you can eat buffets for my sustinance as living quite well.

    I suppose it's all down to personal standards and expectations of ones self at the end of the day.

    I agree with the apartment comment; i am assuming his 5,000 baht a month apartment is a 30sqm room (with maybe an aircon?). Hardly what one would call living well. I would call that "Getting by"

    I disagree with your "all you can eat buffet" comment. Local food is so cheap i'm sure most people could walk down their street and find 3 or 4 restaurants serving 20-50 baht meals. Hardly "searching around".

  10. "Seems like most owners would rather see their investment deteriorate into a slum than shell out an extra 100baht per month on maintenance."

    What evidence do you have to support this statement? Perhaps YOU don't want to pay a higher maintenance fee, but that doesn't mean everyone wants to live in a slum.

    I think you have misunderstood me. My wife is on the condo committee and am one of the few people for a raise in the fees to make much needed improvements. But the chance of getting the vote through is very slim as most owners in the building do not want to pay more. This is based on the facts that:

    A ) The turn out required at the vote to pass the higher fees is atleast 50% (for our building).

    And over 50% of those of who vote must vote for.

    This years meeting/voting there was something like a 22% turn out. Getting 50% of the owners to come and vote seems to be impossible.

    B ) Even those 22% who actually decide to show up and vote usually seem to vote against anything that will cost any $$ (ie painting the building, fixing structural problems etc...).

    So once again (in case you don't read this post either). I DO WANT TO PAY MORE AND HAVE IMPROVEMENTS MADE BUT OTHER OWNERS DON'T.

  11. If when a farang firsts buy's a condo, and the yearly

    Maintenance fee's are shown, what's to stop the condo

    Management from increasing the maintenance fees

    On the next year to a vastly higher rate than shown

    When the condo was purchased the year before..?

    you should be concerned about the opposite - that it's too hard to raise maintenance fees to the level necessary to avoid deterioration of common areas...

    Totally agreed, we are having this problem in our building. The condo just gets enough money to cover the basics such as taking out the trash and mopping the floors. The fee has never been raised (and building is 15 years old).

    Seems like most owners would rather see their investment deteriorate into a slum than shell out an extra 100baht per month on maintenance.

    P.S. Seem like whenever there is talk of an increase all the cheapskates come up with story of a corrupt management; Thais seem terrified of being accused of "doing corruption".

  12. We installed a dimmer switch in the bedroom. It was wired up no differently than the rest of the lights.

    The bulbs do blow on a regular basis . There are 4 bulbs on the dimmer switch i have had 3 go in the last year, whereas i have yet to have an energy saving bulb go in the rest of the condo.

    Oh well bulbs are pretty cheap, and i am still glad i installed the dimmer.

  13. What do you expect if the job carries no requirement at all besides being able to dress yourself?

    And besides...how many people would volontary pay the higher fee to a security firm it would entail to have properly educated and trained security guards of high standard?

    The old saying 'you get what you pay for' is true for both security guards and chinese toys.

    Exactly but i think this goes beyond "you get what you pay for".

    I would expect the guy to:

    - Do nothing

    - Show up late

    - Get Drunk

    - Not show up at all

    - Allow the building to be burglarized

    Vandalizing the property he is being paid to project didn't make my expected list of bad outcomes :o

  14. Note that there is no real point or moral to this story other than it being an interesting story.

    It is a commonly accepted fact at our condo building that the overnight security guards get wasted while on the job. The security company has been changed numerous times but this seems to be a continuing motif.

    Well last night was much the same as any other night. It was 4am and the security guard was downstairs drinking beer with some men who live in the building. The other men asked the security guard to go into the mini mart (located downstairs in the building) to get 4 more beers. Security guards goes in and says the "The guys outside want 5 more beers, they will pay you later". Security guard walks out with 5 beers and continues drinking.

    The time came to pay the bill for these remaining beers and the women who owns the mini mart requested payment for 5 beers. The guys said they had only asked for 4, and would only pay for 4. At which point a "discussion" ensued as to who was to pay for the final beer.

    The women in the store apparently wasn't happy with the outcome for this "discussion" and threatened to report the security guard. The security then decided that instead of paying for his beer he would try to punch the woman out, but in his drunken stupor missed and she ran into the building and got away.

    The security guard then turned his attention to the mini mart, which was locked, and started smashing all the plate glass doors/windows in. This took him awhile as he wasn't able to find a satisfactory tool for the job; finally he found a big metal chair and put it through the door.

    The whole thing was caught on video cameras that we have downstairs, and apparently the police he still looking for the security guard. The security company has offer to come up with the kingly sum of 3,000 baht to pay for damagers :o

    It is an interested situation when the people 'Protecting' you are more dangerous than the criminal.

    Anyways; comments or similar stories welcome.

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