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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. The houses prices at the new classifieds.thaivisa.com section don't have any , commas dividing them up. I find this makes the prices very difficult to read (have to count each zero). Can you see the difference between 2100000 and 21000000 at first glance?

    The difference between 2,100,000 and 21,000,000 is a lot easier to see.

    Just a suggestion

  2. Before I got married i thought having a problem with the Sin Sod was just a Farang thing (everyone made it seem like all Thais pay this $$ without question).

    My Wifes cousin is getting married next month, and i can't recall the number of times that the wedding seemed to be under fire due to Sin Sod disagreements.

    So it is not only Farang that have a problem with the Sin Son, it seems Thai people do also (if they on the wrong end of it). Don't feel bad about feeling hard done by.

    I ended up paying 100,000 and made my wife put up 100,000 of her savings. We had bought a condo before getting married so we brought the deed to put into the pot too. When it came to the day my wife never took the 100,000 out of her savings because my mother in-law ended up sticking 100,000 in instead. There was a lot of gold and stuff but i didn't pay for that and i don't know where it came from (most just family stick a bunch of their own gold in and take it back after the ceremony).

    Anyways total cost me 100,000. After the wedding we got back an envelope with 150,000 in it. Because at the wedding party all the guests have to give money. This money is then divided amongst the Bride/Groom and the Brides Parents.

    At the end of the day everyone who had put money into the event turned a nice profit :o

  3. A similar thing happened to one of my friends (female). A motorbike drove past and the guy on the back grabbed her bag. But she happened to have it firmly around her shoulder and the guy came flying off the back.

    He quickly got up and ran away as fast as he could.

    I got quite a kick out of that story :o just wish i could have seen it.

  4. But then again we have the hang-em-all brigade and the jealous types jumping forward

    I fail to see how jealousy could cause someone to have a "hang-em all" mindset about criminals? The "jealous types" are somehow jealous that they were unable to aspire to being a drunkard setting fires in restaurants?

    However, if you want another point of view, as a successful restuaranteur, you should view this as an opportunity. Opportunities never shout. They whisper.

    You are a restuaranteur. They are good with lighting stuff. Listen to the power of the flame.

    The options are:

    - hire them as chefs in a flame broiling burger operation; perhaps a Burger King if you can persuade Bill H to let you have a franchise

    - Korean BBQ 99b

    - some sort of other fire related enterprise such as high temperature garbage incineration


  5. Don't see how this is in any way related to Thailand, seem to just a trolling post looking to start a flame war.

    You need to brush up on your reading skills. The OP asked whether or not there were any 'graffit walls' in Bangkok as he had an interest in that and was doing research (FYI, Bangkok is in Thailand).

    The debate that has followed the OP is over whether or not 'graffiti' is something to be desired in Bangkok (which again, is in Thailand).

    I was not referring to the entire thread, but merely to your last post, which dragged this topic back up.

    Your post does not illustrate whether graffiti is to be desired in Thailand, but only shows that it is not desired by the courts in Manchester.

    I guess i could search through a forum about Guatemala for "graffiti" and also put your post there as it would go to the topic of "Whether or not graffiti is to be desired in [insert country name here]". By your logic it would be impossible for anything to be non-Thailand related.

  6. I don't understand how they are sitting in jail without any passports and not giving their names?

    Surely this would cause them to be transported to the IDC indefinitely until they come out with their names and nationalities?

  7. Just follow the process along, i'm sure you will be asked repeated to "Just pay and get it over with", but i'm sure once the case gets closer and closer to actually going to court the paper work will all mysteriously "disappear".

    The fact that she was fingerprinted and had to be bailed out is absolutely ludicrous.

  8. I don't understand how this can happen at the airport? You go downstairs and get a piece of paper at the desk, the desk guy gives the paper to the next taxi driver in line. And I thought he has to take you? I have never seen a taxi driver in the line refuse to take anyone (Thai or otherwise).

    Do you mean she was trying to cheap out on the 50baht taxi stand fee and grab one of the taxis that are dropping people off?

  9. What bank it going to give you this 7million baht loan for a bar in Thailand?

    You could own the bar, but i don't believe you'd be able to actually work in it. There are a list of restricted jobs which foreigners cannot do (I am pretty sure that working in a bar is on the list).

    You could hang around the bar and watch over the employees, but doing any "work" would surely require some payments to the BiB.

    And assuming that you cannot obtain a work permit (because of the bar worker restriction) then you would have no grounds for a visa.

    Of course you could just throw caution to the wind, pay off the local police open the bar anyways. Work without a work permit and stay without a valid visa.

    P.S. Please correct me if i'm wrong about the work permit restriction.

  10. A lot of graffiti qualifies as art. In the city where I live, some store owners pay graffiti artists to paint huge murals on the side of their buildings. One Jewish restaurant has a graffiti mural of jewish immigrants arriving to the country.

    I don't remember seeing a ton in Bangkok. I remember there was seeing cool ones close to Nana BTS, in a building where the construction seemed halted. Dunno if it's still there.

    If it´s requested and paid for then I also have no objections to it being called art............ but unwanted graffiti spraying is ugly and criminal in my eyes............ I too would chop off their hands (or even something else?????) if I caught them............ :o

    Agreed. If you want to do some graffiti either do it on your own property or find someone who will let you do it on their property.

    To those thinking it's cool where ever it is; i wonder how you would feel if you woke up and stepped outside your house to find a 3 meter block of spray paint sprawled across your home.

    If you still think it would be great why don't you just post your addresses on here and invite anyone to come and amaze you?

    The low amount of graffiti is one of the things which i like about Bangkok. The subway and BTS are still so clean, i never see any unsightly paint or permanent marker.

    Try taking a trip on the subway in NYC...disgusting...

  11. I was in Index the other day and saw this safe that used a fingerprint scanner to open it. I pointed it out to my wife and said what a cool idea it was. She said "Cool until someone cuts your finger off to open it".

    I think the best idea would be to have a small safe box (to safe guard against fire) and then keep it somewhere that would be impossible to find. I highly doubt there are many thieves who would go to the trouble of ripping down all your ceilings, pulling up all the floors and smashing every single piece of furniture for the off chance that there might be a hidden safe.

  12. Forgive my reference to the op. sex toys are illegal in Thailand??? How could this be a law? Can someone 'seriously' explain please?

    I mean, how can sex toys be illegal anywhere?

    I was also be interested to hear the exact details of the law.

    At what point does an object become a sex aid? If someone decided to have some fun with a frozen hotdog, would that make the hotdog illegal; and would it make all frozen hotdogs illegal?

    Or does it have to be an object which was created for the sole purpose of being a sex aid? And if so couldn't they just market the dildos as "Door stops" or something...

  13. Maybe things for male masturbation are OK, but traditional female oriented toys are not? Anyway, interesting.

    Assuming the d-words are still illegal, anyone want to bet which becomes legal first in Thailand?

    A. sex toys

    B. casino gambling

    C. farangs can buy land

    I gotta go with B. Would make a good poll.

  14. Ever noticed how so many Thai guys can play Guitar in Isaan ?

    I've had some great parties up there, we've had Pongsit Khamphi live down on the farm, well, it wasn't actually Pongsit Khamphi himself, but it was a perfect imitation, and when the guy who was performing stopped for a break, one of the other locals would pick up the guitar and play, many of these guys are good.

    Does my head in as I have never truely mastered a bar chord!!! :o

    It is weird how there are so many awesome guitar players in Thailand, but so many bad singers.

    It seems like all the time i go to bars and get blown away by the quantity of a guitarist. Strange that they can so easily master extremely difficult western guitar solos, but not many can manage the most basic of western singing.

    Some people say that Thai music is on a different scale so it is difficult to sing outside of that, but then wouldn't it also make it difficult to play guitar outside of the scale also?

  15. Sounds like they probably found some security bugs in the system and just took the whole thing down immediately. Probably decided to play it off as a standard upgrade so that people don't start freaking out about hacks running wild with their bank accounts.

    As previously stated there is no way a standard upgrade should take over a month! If it was a standard upgrade they would have already developed it on a test server and then just transfered it onto the live server overnight.

    They probably just set the date as October because they have no idea how long it will take to fix the mess.

  16. One more season with no college football, it just sucks! At least we get a few NBA and NFL games. Oh, how I hate soccer and it is on 24/7 and they even cry when there favorite team from obscure league is not shown live.

    Guess what, to the rest of the world College American Football is an extremely obscure league (most people would probably ponder why anyone would want to watch a student league?). Please name the "obscure league" that people are crying about and we'll compare it in popularity to college football.

    I'm sure if you shell out enough $$ you can get some games here on some obscure channel.

    The fact that you would expect College Football to be shown on standard sports channels in Thailand is shocking.

  17. It's Saturday night and my missus is watching another one of these live Thai talent shows and it seems as though most of the contestants are singing as flat as a tack. This is the same for most of the Thai concert footage I have seen and heard.

    Is this because the acoustics are terrible and they can't hear themselves sing or are most of the contestants/singers kids of rich Thais that want to see their kids on TV? Where are my earplugs?

    My wife is watching the same terrible show right now.... (every week it seems to trump football).

    They sound so ###### bad, it is on par with a drunken karaoke session. I'm pretty sure you could get a better sound kicking a cat. And the worst part is that they are not supposed to suck. It would be a different story if they all sucked and everyone knew it and just watched it for a laugh...but people seem to take it dead serious.

    Oh well i think there are only like 2 weeks left and then football can dominate the TV on Saturdays again.

  18. I had a friend get his wallet stolen at JJ. When he thought back he remembered there was this little thai guy next to him checking out T-Shirts in the X-Large section (and he was wondering why this guy would need an XL T-shirt :o ).

    Anyways he got his wallet back at the lost/found minus the cash. Everything else intact.

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