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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I've never been to bridge on the river kwai......should I take a look?

    If you go there make sure you rent a car or something.

    I went on one of those minivan trips that leave from khao san. Spent like 9 hours total driving around in an extremely sweaty van; it is hard to enjoy the sightseeing after 4 hours of swampass.

  2. Go to MBK BTS ("National Stadium" stop) then walk past the national stadium and take the first left.

    There are many screen shops.

    Price should be around: 180 baht per screen block

    And around 10 baht per shirt

    Note that obviously the cost can vary a lot depending on the size of screen, quantity, number of colors..etc..

  3. I have stayed at lots of places on Koh Chang.

    My 2 Top:

    White Sand Beach Resort (Bungalows):

    It's on a semi-disconnected part of white sand beach (tide comes in and separates it from the main beach). Which means it is somewhat more secluded and private.

    The newer bungalows are quite nice and are right on the beach, walk out your door and all you can see is beach.

    Price is good too at about 1,200-1,800 (depending on season).

    It is kind of difficult to get to though, you have to get the Song Tell to White Sand beach then call the resort and have them give you a ride the rest of the way in a pickup truck.

    Amari Resort:

    Stayed there on my last visit. It is quite the opposite to the above bungalows. Its a 5 star resort on a private beach. Real luxury job. Price will hurt a bit though at 5,000-8,000 per night.

    I only went there last time because a friend has a membership and got us 50% off.

    I always find myself disappointed when staying at the high priced places and thinking "I paid XXXX for this!".

    But this time I really did think it was worth it. The service, food, beach were top class, I did feel like a king for a couple of days.

  4. I really am quite puzzled by how many responses chalk WW2 and the Holocaust up as "No big deal" and "Why would anyone outside of the West care".

    Holocaust and all other Western fetishes

    You consider taking the holocaust seriously as a "Western fetish"?

    There was a story the other day about a guy who had a swastika shaved into the fur of his german shepherd. I found that hilarious

    Yes that is funny, i bet the 6 million dead Jews would find that great too.

    haven't seen any (yet) but in case i'll see some i'd never be bored enough to open a thread on this subject to pass my time dry.gif

    I see you start far more meaningful topics such as "A Snake In My Garden" and "I Hate My Neighbour's Lawn!"

  5. There seems to be an overwhelming response of "they are just religious symbols 1000s of years old".

    So just to clarify, this (below) is the symbol that i saw displayed on the bike today and have seen displayed on T-Shirts etc...


  6. No stupider than people back home who use a buddha statue as a doorstop or incense burner, etc. As for those with the swastikas, WWII was thousands of miles and many years ago for those kids. I see more in the US than I do here anyway.

    I guess you missed all the part of the death railroad...hardly thousands of miles away.

  7. Has anyone noticed Thai people walking about wearing a big swastika on their T-Shirt or a swastika patch on their jacket?

    Today i was out and saw a motorbike parked with a flag pole on the back flying a swastika flag. Bike also had a German style army helmet for the crash helmet?

    What is up with that? Did they just skip a few chapters in the history books. You'd think even someone with the most basic knowledge of WW2 (such as "there was a war, lots of people died") would avoiding having this symbol on their person?

  8. After the Crouch goal England were playing fantastic, looked like they could get a couple more. Then all of a sudden after the goal celebrations were over I couldn't believe it, McClown comes running to the sideline telling Defoe to drop back into midfield. It handed the possession/game right back to Croatia.

    Thanks a lot McClown, don't forget to fall under a bus on your way out.

  9. Called up UPS office to get a price on a package; 6,616 baht.

    Went down to the Paragon Mailbox etc (listed on UPS website as authorized agent).

    Wanted to have 9,600 baht to ship!

    3,000 baht more expensive!! Needless to say i took the BTS over to the UPS office and shipped it for 6,616...

    So just a word of advice, if you are doing any UPS shipping, don't go to MBE.

  10. I also like how they managed to scrape the 15-year-olds into the apparently naturally constituted "15-24 year old" age group, so that they could make it about "children." That's nearly a 10-year age range, with 7 of those years in what most countries would regard as adult. They say that 1/6 of the poll respondents had had sex after a chat online- what if 99% of those were in the 18-24 year old age range? Oh my god, terrible, adults having sex!

    They've really got to try a bit harder on these anti-sex media binges. If nothing else, the 15-17 year olds now know where to go, as a result of their efforts. Silly Abac people.


    Sorry, but in regards to the huge age range, there's more of the same... but with the associated implications now...

    Youths drawn to sex and violence

    Culture Ministry plans to grade Internet cafes

    Online games that involve violence, fantasy, cop-shooting, stripping and abducting young women are popular among Thai youths, while some use the Internet as a means to hook up with others for sex, a poll revealed yesterday.

    Meanwhile the National Committee on Safe and Creative Media is gathering information on Internet cafes and computer game shops to implement a red (dangerous) or green (safe) sticker to identify these venues next year.

    Ladda Tangsupachai, 58, head of the Culture Ministry's Cultural Surveillance Department, said the committee, on which she served as Secretary, had assigned the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) and the Abac Poll to survey Internet use and impact among 1,114 Thais aged 15 to 24 in Bangkok and surrounding areas from October 15 to 17.

    Most youths used the Internet to search for information, play online games and download music or movies, the poll found. The respondents also went online while at schools and educational institutions (75 per cent) followed by shopping malls (58 per cent) and homes (48 per cent). Slightly less than a third said their parents knew in detail which websites they had visited while some 74 per cent said they did not.

    The online-game-playing respondents also ranked their favourite themes as fighting, fantasy worlds, cop-shooting, stripping and abducting young women. The respondents said playing online games was useful (47 per cent) because it relaxed them and developed their creativity while another 20 per cent said it was a waste of time and led to obsessions.

    Over half (53 per cent) of the youths said they had seen obscene or pornographic materials on the Internet, including downloading porn pictures or clips (64 per cent), playing games on pornographic sites (16 per cent), chatting about sex with others (13 per cent), uploading sexual pictures or message onto websites (11 per cent), and using webcam services such as camfrog (6 per cent).

    Youths with access to obscene material said they found out about such sites by accident (52 per cent) followed by peer recommendations (45 per cent), web boards (30 per cent) and search engines (29 per cent), the poll found.

    Moreover, 27 per cent of male respondents and 8 per cent of female admitted they had sex with people they had met online. Of this group, 28 per cent of males and 59.4 per cent of females said the sex was not consensual.

    Acknowledging that pornographic material contributed to sex crimes and lowered morality in general, the respondents expressed low confidence in law enforcement to efficiently crack down on these websites.

    They suggested the government should educate Thai youths to build immunity to such vices, crack down on such websites and strictly enforce the law.

    Ladda said the Safe Media Committee also assigned the Culture Ministry to conclude the issue about Internet caf้es and computer-game shops, as they planned to launch a campaign persuading business-owners to adjust Internet caf้e and computer-game services to be of the same standard.

    Next year the committee and officials will visit Internet cafe้s and computer-game shops and allocate the safe and creative green sticker, which should get more parents and children to use the services there.

    Meanwhile, Microsoft and Asiasoft said they would lower the programme prices for these venues.

    Those given a red sticker, indicating inappropriate services, will face legal action by the police.

    - The Nation

    LOL, I can't see a whole lot of people lining up for some green sticker "wholesome" fun.

  11. Anyone got any idea why the Hallmark channel has had one of those pink "Transmission will return soon" screens up for the last 40 minutes?

    I've missing the entire episode of SVU ;(

    P.S. Anyone else think there should be a television forum on here?

  12. It really is a rip as i bet there is absolutely no change in workers salaries after a hotel/restaurant starts adding this 10% services charge.

    Actually i bet employees get less money. At least without the service charge they have some chance of getting a tip.

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