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About rainham

  • Birthday 06/29/1963

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  1. It was purely and simply bad luck from what I've read, 24 years ago Holly was simply trying to send some heroin back to her family in Australia and she got caught she had a few blankets to sleep on unlike the other inmates but it was hellish she didn't even have a pony or a gypsies for a month I'm not sure how anyone can go a month anyway 24 years later she is writing about it she should come to the UK she would definitely get some sympathy and a 2 bedroom house and a few grand over here just have to start crying and make out you've got a syndrome or you got a beating of someone and it's affected your mind the whole country is full of lazy lying <deleted>. before it was I'm a single mum now it's I'm a single mum with 2 kids with severe learning difficulties. Hope this helps.
  2. There's not a chance of defeat for Israel just different levels of destruction for the people of Palestine who cannot be blamed for the terrorism they live with i don't get it because of religion people hate each other and kill each other are we not all the same ?
  3. Agreed, i think an improved driver training scheme would help
  4. Love it, I've got a couple indoors in UK, I might fill one out and sit indoors save myself a tidy sum.
  5. I'm happy with that, Along with scrapping the Thai Pass and Compulsory Covid insurance, allowing nightlife to stay open later, that's what Thailand is all about, 50thb to the pound would be the icing on the cake????????
  6. I'm no financial expert, but 100bht to the pound makes financial sense to me
  7. They only hate us some of the time my Mrs hates me a lot more now thanks to the womb shutting down in fact she hates everyone particularly her Brother he cops some abuse bless him.
  8. It absolutely does, Many thanks.
  9. Perfect sense Sir. Very informative, many thanks and kind regards.
  10. I work in the UK have a thai mrs of 14 years and investments in Thailand I'm not a Tourist and i know that Thailand is always more expensive for us its because the vast majority of Thai people are not wealthy and they seem to think we are all millionaires I've lost millions of Baht over the years on a variety of scams which is why I'm still coming here to work
  11. I haven't seen to much evidence of that tbh whats the average joe earning in Thailand £20 a day if they are lucky I'm on a minimum of £300 a day here £2.50 is nothing to me to visit an attraction in Thailand i would be paying £25 plus to visit a National Trust place in the UK and that's before the usual rip offs £3 for a bottle of water etc the Thai government has got it right imo
  12. I think its a great idea, most Thai people have a lower income than many Tourists and it's their country, it should be free for Thais the same as it should be free for every National of their respective country. Its not ok in my opinion for citizens of a country to pay to see whats their birth right take the UK as an example everyone has to pay the same money to visit outstanding areas of natural beauty so a thai comes over for a holiday and he has to pay several days wages to visit a National Trust place for example then get mugged off for parking and food and a guide book they can't afford it we have to fork out a couple of quid in Thailand which is nothing to most tourists and we cop the hump cos the thais pay little or nothing we should be copping the hump cos we are getting ripped off to see things in our own countries.Rant concluded
  13. Sadly if us blokes get ripped off by women it's because we are suckers not because the women are evil
  14. I'm gonna be there in june i haven't seen my wife for over years which isn't the best situation, anyhow I'm not trying to offend anyone we've all had a bumpy ride I'm just saying that mask wearing on a country by country basis has achieved very little even if you had the top grade mask you've got to take it off at some point the virus is airborne so getting it is pretty much inevitable i e tested positive for it twice and had no symptoms other people i work with have had common cold symptoms and some have had mild flu type symptoms I've not heard of any one that has been fully vaccinated requiring hospitalization not disputing the fact that there are people that have needed medical assistance it's over for now in my opinion Regards Danny.

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