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Everything posted by Ironmike

  1. Considering the Chinese don't spend money here except in businesses that are owned by Chinese and the money returns to China who really cares about these people also 99% of this stuff is don't by them here hence the visa so called changes but never worry people great news Taksin will soon be the new political adviser to the current idiot that stole this election from that Pita guy that rightfully won the election so all should be fixed once Taksin is released from prison oh sorry Hospital,, he only did 12 hours of an 8 year sentence in prison never mind.
  2. I would say that he Had funds past tense after the police and immigration he will be broke back to the farm boy
  3. With all of his experience in prison maybe they will make him minister of prisons oh wait a second he would need to be in prison first to do that,,,, forget about it maybe Thai treasurer and this country will be fu%ked
  4. Maybe the coppers should take a look at Tinder, Thai friendly and Thai cupid whilst there at it there all hooker selling their bums.
  5. The Chinese are already breaking the laws here what make these idiot think it's going to change if anything it will get worse, much worse
  6. This is excellent news now he can return to prison and finish his sentence like everybody else would have to do and let's start his sentence when he finally gets to prison
  7. Considering this guy was not the legally voted PM of the people who really cares what he thinks
  8. Yes of course they do but only for him no one else gets this treatment unless there very rich,,, what a complete waste of time this government is
  9. Where do I sign this petition I'd like to see him locked up where he belongs,, the Thai people voted for the person they wanted to run their country and that was stolen from them now this criminal returns to be given VVIP treatment because he is rich,, when is red bull boy returning let get the parade ready for him too,, this is BS,,lock him up for 8 years he ran from the law he is guilty.
  10. Lock them up then ship them back to Putin he can use them for target practice for the Ukrainian soldiers
  11. Unfortunately this makes the police here look exactly like they all are incompatant thieving morons
  12. Already to many of these rubbish people breaking the laws, send them back home to fight Putins war they voted for him
  13. Don't you actually have to spend time I prison before you can be released??????? I think all those political prisoners that have been locked long before this ahole arrived back for his joke of a sentence need to be released before he does
  14. He needs to be locked up as anyone else would be for the crimes he has committed,, no special treatment at all
  15. Considering this boss ahole is at all events that have something to do with redbull the government needs to freeze all their assets I bet that would bring that little murderer back here to stand trial really quickly
  16. Why not just Yamaha and put a coupler 150 outbourds on it,,, if its made in China it's already a piece of sh+t
  17. It's high time that the immigration police start to round up these people that are working here illegally and ship them all back behind the iron curtain so Putin who they voted into power can use them for shooting practice
  18. This government is such a joke why not have a tikker tap parade for Taksin instead of wasting news print on this BS he will never be locked up only the poor get locked up here
  19. This is not news he clearly deservered what he got is there another worth reporting on in Thailand other then some drunken ahole,,, if he did the same thing in England he would be in prison for drunk and disorderly and facing a Judge so who cares about him,,,,,, No one
  20. He's already served 4 hours of his 8 year sentence his deals are well into motion this country is so currupt it's a laugh next with be redbull boy oh what about the 2 innocent boys that got set up for the Koh Toa murders of that British woman let's give them a pardon as well after all everyone knows who really murdered her don't we
  21. Ever prison in Thailand needs to file for a pardon and demand the same 24 hour treatment that this POS has been given this ahole has served 4 hours of an 8 year sentence after robbing this Kingdom for billions of dollars absolutely wrong on every front
  22. Thailand is the laughing stock of the entire planet right now not one person believes there's anything wrong with this old POS except the doctors being paid off under the tablet to tell stories,, I'll believe he's sick when we all see the body otherwise it's all BS
  23. Ahh come on people Taksin stole billions and has the right to return and be given royal treatment after all he has the money why should he spend anymore then 1 day in prison and not told to remain in one of his many million dollar properties he has in bangkok
  24. Maybe these scout girl can help out with poor old Taksin after 15 years in exile he returns only to end up in a suite at some flash hospital maybe they can go give his baton a rub for good luck and fast recovery
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