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Everything posted by Ironmike

  1. Immigration should be the ones under investigation we just returned back from a week in the Philippines,, my passport was looked at very well but I got in my Laotian girlfriend who's been here on an Ed visa and studying every week unlike the Russians that have no intention of doing that,, well she was on her last day and they refused to give her any time not even a tourist visa, instead they threatened her with being sent back to Singapore until she paid them 5000 baht which after I entered I pulled out my wallet in front of there cctv cameras and counted out the money the officer Mr Buathong a 3 stripper with immigration pointed out the cameras but still took the cash and then in minutes we were at the counter having a new tourist stamp put into her passport and off we went,,, I really wish there was a way to report this prick to someone that might do something
  2. I was stopped at Chalong circle the other day and there were police everywhere and unbelievable but only pulling over us whiteys farangs wearing helmuts etc but as I was sitting there I noticed at least 6 motorbikes with thais with no helmets and were just waved through,,, how dare the Farangs come here and obey the laws,, just to pay off the coppers,, if you Thais don't want us to come here or live here just put an ad in the local paper and we can all just pack up and leave,, no problem
  3. You must be like me,, sick and tired of all these keyboard hero's posting stupid crap about anything
  4. I amazed it took those scum this long to do it waters it been 3 days
  5. So these gready people want a 1000 to leave 300 to arrive, the police are constantly on the look out for foreigners ridding bikes and cars, the hospitals are charging like wounded bulls, your money is not safe the bar girls are 3 times more expensive than ever before, every Thai is constantly Tring to rip off the Farangs,,,well <deleted> if these people don't want us here then please just let us all know and we can go spend our money in another country
  6. I think they should let him back into Thailand and let him see his grand kids right after he has finished his 20 years to life sentence whilst there at it go round up red bull baby and lock him up too
  7. Not for nothing but I'm sure that 2 German tourists where completely sober and didn't walk out in front of this driver, are we to believe that
  8. I purchased my home about 8 years ago it was built some 13 years ago with all the approvals from the Mayor's office etc, back in December they started to construct the new Soi after years of erosion buy the rains we get, the road way has dropped at least 12 inches since I purchased the property but the Mayor's office is refusing to help me with this problem and it is such a simple problem to repair. I myself am a retired General Contractor so I know what I'm talking about, the road has dropped some 3 feet and it's easy to increase the depth of the side concrete drain walls at light to no cost but the Mayor's office is refusing to help. Telling me instead to destroy my driveway and remove the electric gate instead of raising the roadway up to meet the current property height. I have been to there office twice only to be lied to and receive No help I'm hoping that people here can offer some advice or help in this matter please look at the photos and ask yourself what would you do in my situation, I'm turning 58 soon and can not climb up 3 feet of wall to enter my home.
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