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Posts posted by brianP

  1. Medicines for treatment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease were found in his room.

    They always have to accentuate the ammount of medication found in a deceased's room. How many posters on this forum take Lipitor and blood pressure tablets? I do for one! A sad way to go alone in a strange roomwai.gif

    Yeah, when i go they better not disclose the Viagra and my wife wears ex.large lingerie don't confuse them for my belongings either!
  2. This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

    The stuffiness and pecking order in the "elite hi-societies everywhere are clickish and like a clan. The fact that Thai middle class distinction and numbers are lacking only promotes a dog eat dog cliche in business circles. But this goes on in most modern countries as well.

    As for feeling left behind or lacking progressive attributes, are these our upbringing of wanting to procure more material items and gain our own social equity? Thailand is changing to the western ways of being selfish and looking out for #1. The respect for family elders and strong moral beliefs of the past are eroding in the big cities and incorporated Thai urbanity. For us foreigners, we better be like the tree that bends with the wind, or we will get blown over too.

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  3. Cambodia, Scambodia, Shoot first ask questions later. Take a Google map-satellite of North Cambodia and Thailand and see the green rainforests still in Thailand, Cambodia is brown and grey from all the deforesting and exploitation. And i thought USA had the worst southern border neighbor ,Mexico. The Cambodian govt. best not start a war with Thailand. Could be their end!!

  4. With Parents from the midwest,USA. I know how govt. subsidies and cooperatives work. They squeeze out the little mom and pops and pay wealthy landowners to not grow crops and the resulting industrialization of commercial farming, of biological genetics and chemical compounds to increase the sterile production. Watch the cancer rates grow with industrial farming. And the poor bear the burden as usual.

  5. As a deterrent against drugs and crime, Singapore indeed has a successful record. But in a Human context, many dislike the death penalty for murder as well as drug offences. In the 1st World Countries that have no severe penalties the drug problems kill many more than just the offenders, as their crimes against the innocent and elderly to feed their habits and power their lifestyle is rampant! Maybe Singapore is actually saving more lives by the Death penalty. I must say that i do feel safe when i travel there, even if i am scared to even chew gum.

  6. Gosh you would think they would look at some Western countries and see this universal health care system does not work. Great idea on paper, bad idea in the real world.

    Gosh you would think they would look at some Western countries and see this universal health care system does not work. Great idea on paper, bad idea in the real world.

    Been working for 60 years in the UK and improved the lives of millions of citizens who would have been left to rot if the pre-WW2 situation had been allowed to persist after 1945.

    can you please tell me what free health care is available to

    thai national ? ....if any,,,

    In USA, all you need to do is sneak in and speak spanish and food stamps are thrown in too!
  7. Agricultural and rural areas are synonymous with each other. Thailand is mainly an agricultural country, so if the nations food crop producers are in poor and weakened health conditions, any outbreak or new epidemic will surely decimate these rural regions first and severest! Then all the cities modern new health care facilities will have to convert to making the nations FOOD.! The investment in modernizing the rural and heartland of Thailand's health and care makes sense, and not just from the human aspect but for the whole engine of Thailand.

    With the population shifting older and older and more young Thai's "not wanting to be a farmer in a deadbeat job with no benefits", Who and where is all the nations future food supply coming from?? Too many Countries are not thinking for the future nowadays,huh.

  8. There's certainly a lot of hot air emitted by the likes of Plodprasop which could well be dangerous if allowed to linger long in the atmosphere.

    Nasa, I'm sorry you couldn't come to Thailand, but perhaps it would be better if you looked in your own backyard first- millions of Americans are without power as we speak due to the storms in the east.

    Temperatures are in the 30s so it must be a very unpleasant time for those affected.

    What does NASA have to do with local utilities in the storm affected USA? Power utilities are the responsibility of the the local municpalities, counties, and states. NASA is a federal agency and as such has nothing to do with state managed facilities.

    Yes, so temperatures are in the 30's. Big deal. What did Americans used to do in 1912? It's in the 30's on most parts of the world too. You don't see Africans, or SE Asians or Polynesians moaning and groaning about the heat do you?

    Further studies by Nasa could hopefully ensure a better warning system or forecast so the good citizens of USA have time to prepare for the coming storm

    Do African Americans complain about the heat or is it only white ones?

    Yo, did i miss sumthin here yaall..
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